Why dont we mass redpill the world? Side question: what do you guys think of this statement?

Why dont we mass redpill the world? Side question: what do you guys think of this statement?

Do you think this cunt would sing the same "not all muslims" tune if her children were blown up and she has to identify their bodies in hundreds of pieces

hell no thats what im saying people are blind to whats actually going on...ive told people exactly that and been called a racist

we have some redpilled boys in the streets tho

It's absolutely hypocritical how these are the same people that claim those who don't want refugees have no empathy but at the same time cannot empathize with those whose children are literally and figuratively blown to bits
There's hope. I only wish one day the white man will reach a breaking point and do what needs to be done

im already at my breaking point man...i hate facebook so much its full of people being like "oh we stand with manchester" but they do fuck all and just support the muslims even more

>Be redpilled
>Act like a nigger and attack random people

Sure thing, buddy

>attacking mudslimes

agreed, sikh muslim cabbies are based

Until "moderate" Muslims are marching the street every fucking day demanding that fundamentalists stop killing innocent people, I will feel very little sympathy for this shit. Reform your fucking religion, march in the streets, put yourself on TV and demand that Sharia be forgotten, and stop making yourself the victim when hundreds of Westerners are killed by YOUR fucking people. You are NOT the victim. White people are not taking to the streets and killing hundreds of Muslims. You are killing US. This is such fucking twisted Stockholm syndrome bullshit. There will be no fucking end. White people are fucking pathetic.