Trump Playlist
>SS transfer of equipment in Italy 5/25/17
>Pres Trump NATO Summit Speech 5/25/17
>Pres Trump Abroad - Jerusalem and Bethlehem
>Pres Trump meets w/lil macron 5/25/17
>Pres Trump departs meeting with EU cucks 5/25/17
>Pres Trump meets with EU cucks 5/25/17
>Pres Trump arrives at EU HQ 5/25/17
>Trump shoves NATO out of the way
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
Dahnald... the handhold
Amazing how once enemies become friends. This really is an anime
Trying explaining this
Or this
everyone knows to BM your opponent and then when he roach rushes you or bunkers near your main base you gg and show respect
or you be a shitter and BM surrender and say "kys faggot"
Tfw the girl playing a rat on her mouth then swallowing webm / gif is still blocked from being uploaded.
i can't
Reminder that Luxembourg is officially a country of faggots.
Reminder that if you are found responding to a poster from Luxembourg in any other way than merciless ridicule and scorn, you are a traitor.
*breathes in*
Orr this...
It's both sad and mind boggling.
>Traitor legions might very well become a real thing in the near future
Why does this general still exist
How about this
On a scale from Joe to Joe, how Joe will Joe be on this Morning Joe?
the prime minister and his husband are sure shitting up the thread with repeats
Shills got their talking points after being absent for hours
>/sg/ can't stop thinking about us
>we don't even think about them
living rent free in their heads baby, reminds me of plebbit during the election
gonna get on the computer, see if I can't screenshot them. it seems to trigger those muslims
Oy vey,delet that
Can someone explain to me why the Montana election was such a big deal? It's fucking Montana. An irrelevant state. I know Gianforte beat up a member of the media but even before that the House seat race was closely scrutinized. I don't get it.
What did Cruz do?
>call out /sg/ being a kremlin shill operation
>russian shows up
>kneeling like a little princess
>the poorest 5% of Americans don't save more than $200,000
woooooow bugged tax mechanics
where is Trump headed to next?
Maybe the party of Lincoln dies so violently it's resurrected as a vengeful spirit and kills joe
it's nothing new. guess they're back to just being our slaves then
Beating leftists might become mainstream now
Does trump have Dementia?
*sips water*
Well we all have to take into account that Joe is Joe.
it's a general. nobody respects it. it's gonna get shitted, fried.
Your Prime Minister is a faggot. He fucks men. He swallows the cum of men. You support this.
Why are you alive?
Don't bother responding to the shills
>being a Bosnian refugee in a country with a literal faggot PM
To deny the DNC a victory.
Their suffering must be more severe.
Paul Ryan growin some balls
what happened here?
>Shills only raid during low traffic hours
Hmmmm. Maybe they're betting on the mods being asleep.
This, this is why.
>2 burgers and 20 fries
>joe temperament while killing lori / joe
I need my morning joe
CNN again not hiding their anti-white male bias.
Trump received a medal for something or other
whats wrong? Is it that russia couldnt get into that market?
Dissapointing. This time the journalist isn't even a (((berg))) or a (((stein))).
Kek, makes me wonder about all his private conversations.
>Look, having babies - Melania, my mother, she was great, she was tough, a real Scottish hound, she knocked us out one by one, very strong! But if I had been gay she might have been too tough! You know the Germans and Scottish aren't too easy on kids! But anyway I had great genes, really good genes, and by the way my uncle was a doctor so I know all about genes and how they grow, but still you gotta be careful with diet, and exercise and I don't like to rely on medication too much, I told my doctor, who's a wonderful guy by the way, known him all my life, slapped all of us together, he's a real nice doc, I told him Trump shouldn't rely on drugs, so all I've got is an aspirin regimen, which is great, it's really easy, but Ivanka still wants me to exercise more, which - look Melania, you know how sweat is corrosive, my father used to hate the sweat on his shirts and in the car, it got so hot around town, not like, for example, right now the weather is perfect, ok, this is comfortable weather, nice temperature, not too humid, and meanwhile the media's yelling about climate change, and I'm like, carbon taxes? The middle class is struggling and I have to pay taxes on elements? It's ridiculous, you know my uncle at MIT, he was a physicist and he was very good at finding these elements and finding new ones, I never thought I'd have to pay for this stuff, what the hell are they spending our money on in DC? You know I built that ice rink down in Central Park? You like skating? Me neither, but Ivanka loves it and the kids love it and I got it done in 3 months and I've been thinking about how much fun they have and how much I like to have fun stuff family, so Melania, will you marry me?
>not hiding
They proudly display it 24/7, and have done so since 2014.
Joe didn't tweet about Montana results
He's a little BITCH
>mourning joe
is this a shariablue strategy? to keep mentioning joe?
when you silly children have to make this a story, along with the ice cream and holding hands with Melania, you have truly lost
What's it like to be subservient to a faggot? You are an expert in this matter. Please tell us.
i think it's saudi arabia. bit of a disappointment watching him selling the western civilization to literal terrorists
Trump receives an order from Saudi Arabia for selling arms to them in order to bomb Yemen and help establish wahabi dominance. The same guys who helped doing 9/11. Yes.
excellent OC
What did they mean by this?
Million dollar world peace
Where is their next scheduled failure?
wow she is somehow even hotter when pregnant
Court maintains block on Trump's Muslim travel ban
US appeal court's chief judge states revised ban 'drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination'.
After giving equality to every American loving here, this is how we are being repaid and thanked? By being demonized? This is what we sought to eradicate. The very shit they market is what we eradicated.
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, fag man?
Georgia. Ossof is about to get fucked off.
The appeals court was stacked with Democrats. SCOTUS will set things straight.
tfw luxembourg shill is forced to hide behind a proxy from now on because we all know the leader of his country is a fucking homosexual
Holy fug. That can't be real. I-is that legit?
>implying the_donald cucks have ability to think
Why does Melania hate trump?
>giving our constitutional rights to those who aren't even citizens
seriously why does not one person get this whoever i've told in chatrooms that this ban is perfectly legal
Top tier memes, lads
It would be true if the girls were muslims tho, anybody got a second in photoshop to give them some rags on their heads?
Someone from this country actually comes into this thread and tells us how we should vote.
You can't make this stuff up.
Why does your PM guzzle cum?
Damn we should have let the rooskies or CHYNA have that arms deal instead... I love empowering my rivals!
I have the day off tomorrow and I'm thinking about going to planned parenthood for fun. I see they offer mens services, one of which being a Premature Ejaculation Exam. Any other suggestions? I'd like to see how crazy these fuckers are. Video will be included
Fluffy's back
Back again
Yes he's back
Report him
Yes, based putin would help assad, unlike drumpf who is literally the devil, and a jewish kike too!
>can't do middle eastern foreign policy because they'll bring his gay ass to dubai and throw him off the tallest building
The funniest part is that you know the PM of Luxembourg is the catcher because he was proposed to.
Luxembourg literally takes it in the ass.
Just another morning in the best timeline's america
I missed fluffy. Glad that little spazz is back.
Shut it down
*hydrates with H2O*
>Actually missing Fluffy
Our resident luxembourg shill supports this.
he has not once condemned the homosexual sodomy of his prime minister
he has to be gay, right?
*quenches thirst with anti-dehydration liquid*
Wtf i love Saudia Arabia now
That's the kikiest kike I ever saw, holy shit
>This, and some sandnigger, are the saviors of the world, according to /sg/
But user, homosexuality is the last true white identity!
t. Dickt Strawman McTitcow Spencer
He's a good laugh
Shooting fish in a barrel helps relieve the stress
TRS says Trump has given white people nothing since being elected. Nothing is being done while he cucks out for Israel.
No actually you verifiably love cum in your mouth. Your leader represents what you stand for, and he drinks the cum of men and he also likes them to fuck him in the ass. Why do you love being a faggot so much?
>luxembourg just tries to ignore them so they will go away, trying to hold back his tears
your kind is not your rival (assuming you're white). you're enemy is the one you're giving weapons to. you have to be a special kind of stupid to not realize that
In the grand scheme of things? It's not really a big deal.
Otherwise? Lefties are scrambling for any victory they can, after getting their assholes pounded time and time again. In particular, along with their (((polls))), slanted media, and other such nonsense, they're looking for any shred of hope to validate the "We're gonna take back the government in 2018!" meme. So, this election was going to be a litmus test of sorts for that. The Dems spent a shitload of money on a candidate who was fairly conservative by Dem standards, and he lost handily to some guy that body slammed a reporter. The salt coming from the left right now is palpable.