'Why we hate you': ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners in jihadi magazine
'Why we hate you': ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners in jihadi magazine
1. Because you are disbelievers
"We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices."
2 . Because you are liberal
"We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because you Christian disbelief and paganism 32 separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power."
3. Because some of you are atheist
"In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator."
4. For your crimes against Islam
"We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion."
5. For your crimes against Muslims
"We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth."
6. For invading our lands
"We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim."
nah, man. It's because we are too bigoted and aren't welcoming enough.
wtf I love ISIS now.
This person is so woke, listen to them!
do they think constantinople is rightfully theirs?
Get over it ya big babies.
5 and 6 are the only legit complaints
still we should wipe them out for fun
we hate you because you fuck goats, simple
mohamed and a pork sausage here
one more for you cunt
This goat knows.
Nice combo
ISIS is surprisingly redpilled. Total fags, but you could see why we'd hate us too if we grew up in caves instead of bedrooms. Makes you wanna nuke 'em harder.
btw here's meme harris going over the same article
Not real Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace.
>2 . Because you are liberal
wtf I love Islam now
Still terrorism exists in India
Look at this Little Girl eyes, no hate whatsoever! Masha'Allah
Guys if we just accept all these tenets there will be no mire terror attacks!
Woo hoo! Love and tolerance wins again
What about her husband?
I hate muslims because they blaspheme the great name of pork. those fucking sand monkeys wouldn't know a good meal from a camels asshole.
>We hate you because your liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited
wtf, I love Islam now?!
also why do liberals want mass immigration of people who hate and want to kill them? makes no sense desu
Kek rewrite this for Christians and you have the official Sup Forums crusader LARPer manifesto
I'm certain they think the white house is rightfully theirs at this point
All sand nigger religions are cancer.
When Christians came along, they hated the Roman Empire for exactly the same reasons and used terrorism and subversion to bring down the West. They utterly destroyed the old society to the point where you had to go to Palmyra, Syria to see well preserved Roman ruins.
Now the next sand nigger religion is doing the same thing. And 800 years from now, some other sand nigger will turn sand into gold or some shit and the whole process will begin again.
It's not a coincidence that all these Abrahamic religions are from the same drought stricken resource scarce nearly inhospitable area of the world. It's all variations on the same theme.
Why is the world so susceptible to the inane rantings of desert rats?
What's with the sudden influx of shills, or retards, who only post the title of the article and nothing else?
the logic is:
>they hate us because we are privileged
>if they immigrate, we can all be privileged
>no more hate
kek this true
1. Because you don't like the same things we do and you are not like us
2. Because you don't like the same things we do and you are not like us
3. Because you don't like the same things we do and you are not like us
4. Because you don't like the same things we do
and you are not like us
5. Because you killed our fellow jihadists, or our human shields.
6. Because you invaded the lands that we invaded first.
This question is valid.
>6.For invading our lands
>our lands
fucking kek'ed. The entire middle east was Christian before their goat fucking "prophet" started their religion and butchered anyone who didn't follow him. They are the ones who a occupying christian lands
>ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners in jihadi magazine
fucking this
what else could you expect would spawn from such a vile, arid and cruel region of the world?
they hate us because of our freedom.
I bet justin trudeau and democrats do too.
Because the US Government and Saudi Arabia pays us to.
>because you are liberal
wtf I love ISIS now
lol and what is their handler's reason then?
its money and power
isis is just cockslave for the jews
rainbow dixie flag needs to catch on
>also why do liberals want mass immigration of people who hate and want to kill them? makes no sense desu
Because they're so prideful that they think their way is 100 percent the best, so others will want it, and that the government can control any problems that crop up.
Remember, these "liberals" are big on state control, so they think the state can protect them from the evil terrorists.
>2 . Because you are liberal
>"We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because you Christian disbelief and paganism 32 separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power."
this one just redpill all libtard around the world
Seriously, do not attempt to travel near Syria. You will get black site'd.
>We hate you for being you and will do our best to destroy you
>This is just and right, so say Allah
>In return you bomb us
We don't care. You are animals.
memri tv is enough to make me want to wipe them out.
>jihadi magazine
How come nobody has done yet a shoop based on something similar to pic related?
Reason number one: you don't shag sheeps.
Reason number two: shaving children is forbidden in your countries.
Reason number three: you're not willing to sacrifice your miserablelife for the sake of allah.
Reason number four: you are to blame for our retardants and backwardness.
Reason number five: terrortists are not a part of Islam but we support them anyway and you try to fight them which is bad of you.
Reason number six: we're ugly menacing cunts and you hate us for being what we are.
We hate you for the crimes against muslims. Now watch this video were we kill innocent muslims.
Top kek
Seems like we should be more religious and less liberal so we would not provoke further attacks
>caring about the opinions of mudshits
lmao the only attention they deserve is through the viewfinder of a drone.
>Please listen to why we hate you buhuuu
We should encourage sympathizers to join. Make it easy for them to go down to ISIS.
Then just kill them all. Utter annihilation. Nukes, so many nukes that the world will be in utter disbelief. DOn't let them escape the near radioactive wasteland, we have built a wall.
The Islamists that gets captured is tortured and shown on TV. Drowned in pigs blood by women. None of those fags will ever think about jihading anymore.
you're next after we dealt with Middle East
"We are upsetyouhave fallenundertheswayof aheathen religion"
Name a religion that does not hate liberals and atheist
Fuck name a conservative that does not hate liberals and atheists. I am atheist and I fucking hate other atheists.
False and you know it, faggot.
We need to round up all ISIS supporters and kill them. Terrorism gone in one step.
Does not sound like the islam I know. They should try to read the Quran
hard to round up almost a billion people m8, and thats not even counting the democrats
Buddhism, Jainism, Paganism.
Christianity too, it's the most liberalized and secular of the Abrahamic religions by far.
The blue bar should be 0
This is one job that should never have been automated T.T
4,5 and 6 kinda all sound like the same thing and could have been just one point. Same could be said of 1 and 3. However I will accept number 2 without criticism nor rebuttal.
Sounds just like it. You should try reading it, Mahmoud. I mean actually reading it and not just point to the "It's as if you killed the whole world" verse over and over.
Hot damn, the Jews have really streamlined this whole child rape thing. Got robo-goys doing all the hard work now.
That's a nice novel you put together there, goat fuckers. For any of my civilized brothers and sisters who want a translated version: They hate us 'cause they ain't us.
quick, more funds for the campaign to counter propaganda....
Even ISIS is doing clickbait headlines
Here's 5 Tricks For Perfect Beheadings Every Time
>'Why we hate you': ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners in jihadi magazine
Number 5 will blow your mind.
Can be summed up as
>Death to the infedels, worldwide caliphate now.
>Why are you bombing us? You're not allowed to resist! We dindu nuffin. That's not fair!
>Buddhism, Jainism, Paganism
Proof? I know for sure that Buddhists are against degeneracy its practically their religion and they kill people who threaten their domain like Muslims in Burma. Pagans would hate limp wrist faggots, most of Pagan religions were warlike and had little room for "lets be liberal"
>Christianity too, it's the most liberalized and secular of the Abrahamic religions by far.
It is most liberalized and secular because its followers are secular and liberalized. If Christianity was this in its origin the criticism from liberal faggots would have not be warranted
Uh, but this doesn't make sense doesn't the Quran accept Christ as a prophet? Afaik, Mohammad is supposed to be "the last prophet" in their view but that doesn't invalidate that Christ was also a prophet sent by the same God. As I write this I realize that the problem is claiming that Christ is not just a prophet but also the son of God which implies that humans can be divine. Really minor difference of interpretation to kill someone over or call him a "disbeliever" when you are both referring to the same God. Isis logic confirmed as non-existent.
I said ISIS supporters. Not other Muslims or other Muslim sympathizers.
Pic related
Neger, and you should realize that I was not serious.
Thread over.
Why should I realize that?
Sarcasm is not visible in text and this is the standard Swedish opinion.
But I'm glad you were.
Buddhists are not against degeneracy, because "degeneracy" the concept is some NatSoc meme that keeps getting spurted over and over here. The Muslims in Burma are the conservative aggressive faction; Buddhists warring with them are simply reactionary, self-defense.
Pagan society was not just about war all the time (what a shame if they were because they lost most of them). It was about many things that can be considered liberal nowadays, remember that Paganism is not one religion, it defines many different beliefs; some pagan sects were matriarchies for example, or allowed homosexual relations.
>It is most liberalized and secular because its followers are secular and liberalized
Christianity was a liberal religion in its origin. It's in the very teachings to love your neighbor, turn the other cheek. Remember that Jesus was a carpenter, and he performed miracles on the poor and sick. He was not a warlord like Mohammed. Jesus never fought any wars himself, in fact I doubt he got into any violent confrontations whatsoever besides flipping some gambling tables over (the sole example Christians use to prove Jesus was redpilled conservative badass). Christianity got its start as a liberal religion when all the other religions at the time were warlike and savage. That's what made it so successful.
This is fucking great, constantly the liberals are like "It's your flat they hate us if we didn't go to war with them, there would be no ISIS" But that's at the bottom of their list Number 2 is fucking liberals just being massive faggots.
>'Why we hate you': ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners in jihadi magazine
>Number 4 blew my mind!
And this whole time I thought we were hated by Muslims because of our freedom.
Man ISIS just buzzfeed themselves
There are many monsters then.
I only buy it for the fully clothed Muslim women on page 3 desu famallah
Christ is a holy figure in the Quran.
Again, this just proves that these subhumans are just bloodthirsty savages who want everything to resemble the state they are in: miserable.
>5. For your crimes against Muslims
>"We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth."
Meanwhile, in the Middle East
Don't forget to set your clocks, Ramadan begins tomorrow, Saturday.
No, I totally don't buy it for those juicy goat asses
Dumbass. The goth invasion destroyed the Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire survived and became Christian, only collapsing when Muslims invaded which led to the Crusades (when the Patriarch called for Western Christian help), something atheist/pagan fags like you now condemn even though you call for such a war now.