How do you all feel about him?

how do you all feel about him?

Other urls found in this thread:


hes still pretty "based" desu, and a useful tool in redpilling normies. He plays up being a faggot way too much sometimes as a part of his "act", which he gets carried away in because he clearly has some ego issues, but at his core he seems like a good person, and better than 90 percent of the right-wing meme e-celebs.

Would turn gay for

normies AKA my friends, all think he's a nazi and laugh at people who like his shit on facebook

he's not redpilling anyone because all he does is pander to his right-ish-wing echochamber


Can't debate for shit when it isnt against a Lib arts degree student


i have normie friends who love him. They're all right-of-center but definitely not part of the Sup Forums meme echochamber

The same way I feel about OP you raging faggot.

degeneret boylover kike, only wants to use the right wing movement to get fame and should not be trusted

Literally a nigger loving homo-kike


>how do you all feel about him?
I feel that he keeps creating threads like this to stay relevant. It's annoying.

A necessary evil.

Faggot Jew edgy cunt

Very good, specially when he touches me there

Controlled opposition

even if he wasn't I still wouldn't support him and would view him as worse than a libtard
>Jew (Most obvious sign)

Into the ovens he goes, I got nothing against Jewish people but this guy goes around promoting his faggotry like a women attention whoring herself on a live stream playing video games


milo goes live in 5 boys - GET IN HERE:

He has a way with words what can I say I dig the guy.

Yea but Milo has already fucked up and out of the game

Despite his degeneracy he did have political opinions I did agree with, however I don't respect him on that pro-pedo shit

Even the progressive left failed to gather a crowed that supported pro-pedo
It's a good thing though because we have found that line that no one would even dare to cross, left wing or right wing, pro-pedo is a no go

Clever, lol

his idea of fighting islam is to go even further down the road of degeneracy

>Gets $12M
>Out of the game

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to


milo should kill himself

Complete and utter reprobate that deserves no attention.

>his "act"
it's not an act

the guy has a corruption fetish

this is why he poses as a white conservative christian male but then turns around and says he sucked black cock and got fucked by black men

They got him. He had some rapidly growing influence on youth before he got subverted

look at that eyes, Sup Forums, there's something evil there

what is share blue's discord?

He's started a scholarship program for white men.

Useful idiot attention whore that only cares about the attention and book deals he receives. Only thing he's good for is entertainment and triggering leftists.

He needs to goto 2000 and buttblast some social justice losers, he is seen as a pussy now and he needs to change that.

opportunistic parasite
but he is entertaining

It's been about a year since he did anything useful. He's getting stale fast. The White Priveledge Scholarship was hilarious. Last I saw he was prancing around in a fur coat fawning for the camera like a faggot and I thought I was just about done with him. He needs to turn the gay down a couple clicks and show us he can focus his thoughts and deliver some decent goods otherwise he's soon to be a pointless gayboy camwhore.

better quality feed right here:

>how do you all feel about him?

What do you think?

Yea but he has no real importance politically anymore despite getting (((12M))) he just randomly secures to start his own (((Media Company)))

8 Years and all you have been fed is left wing propaganda the entire time, Now things have changed, SJW/Liberal/Left wing isn't the AGENDA anymore and we are shifting into a more right wing Agenda and overtime you will realise this but not right now because it's still early days.
Overtime you will hear more people coming out as "redpilled" and been "redpilled" will become mainstream just like how been "liberal and progressive" was mainstream

Milo is controlled opposition but he is feeding you what you want to hear but not telling you what you need to hear.

I like him when he shits in feminists and Islam in context.

I hate it when he's purposely trying to incite outrage, like when he went on a shitposting tirade on his Facebook after the Manchester bombings. Kids are being killed Milo, probably not the best time to push your career.

a nigger loving faggot

I liked him in Highlander

the best

Pedo racemixing kike

I want him to come to Canada so fucking badly

I'm in college in a conservative club and want him here.

redpilled as fuck. good at converting college kids into conservatives.