That's right, you read it correctly. We are sending our muslim refugees to the USA. We'll be monitoring the quotas carefully you fucking seppo cunts. Don't even THINK about dodging on the deal. You risk angering the Alphstralians, which is NOT what you want. Oh believe me we are just ITCHING for an excuse to invade the USA. The Australian SAS are the #1 military unit in the world and would have no trouble wiping out the US military in less than a month. Now sit down, shut up, and open those borders because we got a fuck load of muzzies coming your way,
emu aussie relations have never been stronger, don't fuck with us cunts. you'll take our shitskins and you'll like it
Jose Ward
British expat here
Pls no....
Luis Stewart
FE I was a bit worried only Americans would enjoy the trumpening.
Nathaniel Thompson
hahha eat shit cunts
Jonathan Bennett
Based Straya does it again. Emu genocide when?
Landon Ross
You will be absorbed by China the very minute we no longer care about you, bow down !
James Murphy
Trump would never disrespect an already signed agreement
Kayden Richardson
It's even funnier because 95% of them are Sri Lankan, Nepalese, Iranian men (I.e. Not genuine refugees) and the only reason they haven't been granted asylum in Australia is because their applications are dodgy as hell.
Plus many of them are legitimate child rapists in those detention centres
Enjoy USA ;)
Angel Reyes
>zog will honour all previous agreements >until a new deal comes along just who do you think you are kidding mr shitzler?
Leo Hughes
Feels good man
Gabriel Wood
>emu aussie relations have never been stronger
you're right
Jacob Gray
Who are we getting in return?
South Americans are fucking worst than Arabs.
Andrew Hernandez
burgers are sleeping now, post it later
David Long
We would wipe you off the face off the earth, aussicucks
Charles Cook
>number of people that illegally enter the US each year: 300,000 >number of people that illegally enter Australia each year: 0 feels good
Bentley Jones
Theres no way you wont be giving him something in return somewhere down the line. Art of the deal pleb.
Kayden Butler
>mfw boats are stopped
so good
Jack Murphy
Nathan Bailey
you couldn't beat rice farmers but you think you could beat real men?
Elijah Powell
In the long run, chicanery will bite you in the ass, its karma. Fling yor shit, chimp ass convict potato niggers !
Dylan Bennett
Don't kid yourselves cunts, the only reason we have so few illegals is because the government is letting in thousands legally. Still much more progress needed!
Jeremiah Watson
Brody Morris
No chicanery here americuck
Just american stupidity
Jonathan Green
You couldn't beat birds
Chase Hill
those rice farmers are now your new landlords faggot
Blake Sullivan
Just like you wiped the poor vietnamese rice farmers off the face of the earth? Just like you wiped the poor afghani goat herders off the face of the earth?
Jeremiah Bailey
Anthony Rivera
What's you record in world wars?
Oh that's right! Never been a major player in one? AND YOU THINK YOU CAN HANG WITH THE CHAMPS?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Matthew Collins
jokes on you i became an australian citizen through descent hope you faggots enjoy the big burger cock
Easton Brown
>as part of a deal agreed upon by Trump No, you dense faggot... That was king nigger's doing
Samuel Evans
Maybe you will do better under chinese hegemony. Burgers can be self sufficient, we want to help you, but we dont have to. So keep talkin shit.
Dylan Williams
Learning vietnamese in school was so difficult
Tyler Fisher
Remind me again of any military conquest aussie criminal shithole has ever had?
All I hear are crickets
Xavier Phillips
Fucking dumb cunt Australia was in both WWI and WWII read up on the battle of coral sea, the Kokoda campaign and the Gallipoli campaign will ya. Also Australian troops assisted British troops for the entirety of WWI
Adrian Watson
Brody Scott
See Australian troops did more in WWI than Americans
Connor Martin
american education at work, Vietnamese arent Chinese
Benjamin Ward
open up ur stink hole americans because we got some shitskins that need a fresh coat of shit on their dick for ya
Robert Howard
The militaristic countries will enslave the weak. So get ready pacififist ! Your moral high ground, is yor doom faggot ass !
Nicholas Turner
ohh cool you showed up at the last minute and reaped all the glory arent you amazing
Jackson Torres
Nobody cares that you hardly assisted the true superpowers that fought the war. The bench warmers don't win the MVP, the winners who end the war do. Like US!
Nice try, keep circle jerking with your aussie fags about your shithole's meaningless contribution. Come start some shit anytime, and we will show you why your country isn't even close to a world power like the USA, bitch
Asher Ortiz
Fucking gay ass aussies think that they can pass judgement on real players in world history. Backwater wannabe
Hudson Murphy
Jaxon Long
You have got to be joking. Aussie troops didn't do shit compared to the American Military as a whole, I don't care what they taught you in prison
Logan Russell
Its not gay if you are in prison
Camden Richardson
Read a book 56%
Joshua Jenkins
Seriously, they're pathetic The USA fought, support, and ended the world wars on every front.
Hopefully when the next WW breaks put, we can laugh at these aussies begging for our help (or mercy, if they're stupid enough to fight against us)
Jack Harris
the only really memorable thing we did was get massacred at gallipoli
Landon Long
Levi Cox
Dont act like China wouldn't rape you guys
Julian Sanchez
Hahaha! Wooooooooooooooooooooooo
Adam Collins
China never won a war in its entire history
Cooper Hernandez
For real, what a bunch of trans sexuals they are. Xe know dis
Henry Mitchell
>Be USA >Have Biggest Military to match biggest waistline >Still accept out muzzies >Still get cucked from within
How about aiming those guns inwards before talking shit
Eli Cruz
Fun fact: If current projections bear out, the US will take in more refugees this year than in the lowest three of Obama's eight years, ~64,000 IIRC per Tillerson. And a few days ago Trump signed an extension to allow thousands of Haitian refugees from the 2010 earthquake to stay in the country. And between GOP Congress's agenda getting bogged down by bickering and everyone having their heads up their asses immigration likely will not be curtailed or addressed this year, and therefore probably not at all (complex issues like immigration reform have to be dealt with in the first year of a two-year legislative session, after that everyone focuses on re-election and nothing really gets done), and if D's take House then reductions are likely DOA. This on top of H1-Bs remaining unchanged other than no accelerated processing and Trump again extending EB-5 visa program so Jared could hawk them to rich Chinese.The floodgates will remain open.
When shit hits the fan, side with the chinks. Please.
Caleb Phillips
why are you so upset, burgerboy?
Brayden Rodriguez
Annnnnd that's why Obama was the worst president in our history.
Brandon Perry
ITT Americans butthurt that they failed their fathers
Jonathan Roberts
>implying niggers have fathers
Eli Jones
Take your finger out of that cat's arse!
Liam Parker
Michael Young
obviously they have fathers, they don't spawn out of the ground like a chinaman/ they just never get to meet them
Gabriel Perry
they're our largest trading partner and there are a fuckload of them here, easier that than side with you guys and have to gas them all
William Robinson
Colton Sullivan
I would prefer 10 Chinese to a single seppo cunt
Joseph Martinez
good times. thanks obama
Ian Harris
Aussies are two steps away from south africa or rhodesia, they are just not aware enough to recognise. Whether or not they admit, they are our bitch.
Lincoln Ramirez
>USA actually thinks that because they showed up last minute they're gandalf or something too many fantasy novels
Luis Wright
We own you, THOT
Gavin Hill
All you own is muzzies
Carson Thomas
>Don't even THINK about dodging on the deal. You just want to drop a bunch of unvetted jihadis in our laps. I am already lobbying my Senator to go against the deal.
Jose Price
What Obama does can be undone faggot.
Michael Long
We will probably be getting South American cartel types who are equally dangerous though. No deal made by Obama is going to be good for Australia or America. The best case scenario would have been to simply send them back.
Aaron Gray
nice dübs but you don't get what a father is m8. You need to actually raise the child to call yourself his/her father
Luis Brooks
>we own you >literally taking our shitskins for no reason whats trump gonna do? send em back here? we're full buddy
John Nelson
If we want you to have them, you are going to have them. I disagree with this idea, bit reality
Dominic Perry
Im glad you still speak english, future china man
Jose Cruz
full sorry, you'll have to send them new zealands way
Mason Jones
He might them back, bit after wearing a yalmke in israel i dont know. If im in charge you are getting your muds back.
Tyler Fisher
Australia is the alcoholic friend everyone is ashamed of but let's hang around cause they're good for a laugh every once in awhile
Ryder Davis
Don't worry 'murica. This is a positive thing since muslims really enrich other countries cultures. Trust me, I know. Love/Sweden
Carter Carter
fucking quality post
Jeremiah Jackson
fuck off don't send them here.
Oliver Price
violence only happens when you dont love bbc enough
Eli Reyes
>send em back here? We don't have 'em yet.
Matthew Roberts
Fuck'n lefty fag trying to start shit....Go fuck yourself ! Real Aussies support Trump....
Brody Ramirez
calm down fag
Mason Peterson
I do support Trump taking muzzies
Wyatt Carter
>real aussies support kikes m8...
Gavin Turner
>the Australian blacked-poster is back again
Hudson Williams
Let's see how this turns out, shall we?
>JANUARY 30th, 2017
Camden Johnson
Shouldn't you cunts be in meetings with the Abos about reparations so they can sit back on their subhuman asses and drink cheap malt liquor you paid for?
Carter Evans
Noah King
We love oz, we are brothers, i am am the older and the stronger brother. I will protect you.