>Germans are evil, very evil
What did she mean by this?
>Germans are evil, very evil
What did she mean by this?
well he's right
>split christianity apart
>gave the world communism
>gave the world world war 1
>gave the world world war 2
>will cause WW3 with the refugee crisis
hopefully he puts an end to the eternal jerry once and for all
>Germans are cucks now, they used to be awesome back when they were still evil!
>Germans are too evil, we need to destroy them!
As a gay lefty Bavarian, all I want for us is to be able to peacefully coexist. Why can't we all just get along?
Marx wasn't really (((German)))
WW1 wasn't Germany's fault
We could have easily stopped WW2, but Churchill was indebted to the kikes.
well he's not wrong
>German Idealism o'clock
Honestly this is the first time something Trump has said internationally kind of pissed me off. I'm still glad as shit he's POTUS as opposed to other options, but there's a hell of a lot better ways to say "Germany's policies have been fucking Europe and their own people, and their slacking military budget is an embarrassment to NATO." Saying "Germans are evil, very evil" is a pretty shit way to get a much more valid point across. Criticize Merkel and the lefty retards that keep putting her in power, don't shit on potential German nationalists. I also think he was probably puffing his chest out a little on behalf of the UK who has been taking relentless heat from Germany over Brexit.
>>split christianity apart
>calling out catholic jews bad
>germans are evil
Well yeah, they keep trying to take over europe.
Probably he envies their power in europe, and that he couldn't get a trade deal going with them.
>says the country that create the problem that harbors radical Islamic groups
>2/4 of these aren't german by nationality.
>Implying kaiser wilhelm or germany had anything to do with WW1 starting at all.
The only one you really have a case for there is Martin Luther. And Germany didn't even exist at that point.
Holy shit. I can't believe it took me this long to realize both Nazism and communism are from Germany. Same shit but different side of the coin. That means Germany is reasonable for countless number of deaths compared to other countries
What the fuck is their problem?
>What the fuck is their problem?
Wide scale autism
>t. Eternal Anglo
It's not their fault. Socialist groups were well funded by Britain and America to fracture the political sphere in germany and cause upheaval in a potential rival. This is what originally led to the success of communism. Lenin and many russian revolutionaries that eventually would form the soviet union had their had fully funded speaking trips through Germany during the first world war to try to cause the people to overthrow the Kaiser.
This backfired by eventually leading to the rise of fascism in response to violent far left groups like the red front.
So in conclusion america was pretty much responsible. as it always is.
He said bad, not evil.
Doesnt Böse just mean angry???
I thought it meant mean
it can mean 'angry', but in this context it means 'evil'
>Shilling for Catholicism
He was the best choice (((given))) to you. Remember that, it's not much in the way of resisting the international jew & co. but it's something.
What did he mean by this?
>all I want for us is to be able to peacefully coexist. Why can't we all just get along?
We can co-exist and get along if Mudslimes stay in their countries. Eurocucks such as yourself think that you must invite them into your home and let them fuck your wife, mother, sister, and daughter to peacefully coexist.
>gave the world world war 2
ww2 was jews
You should have destroyed them for good when you had the chance.
Trumpf is just another self hating German.
To those of you who haven't worked it out yet, the left always criticizes others of things they're guilty of. This time they're accusing Trump of saying something they've said a million times before.
May God have mercy on you.