Why did Kim Dot Com lie to us about Seth Rich?

Why did Kim Dot Com lie to us about Seth Rich?

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because he's a fat attention whore

He blew his wad at the wrong time.

what was up with wikileaks "implying" all those "implications?"

wikileaks was trying their best to say he's bullshiting without snitching their sources to the best of their ability.

Kim Dot Fag is owned buy the feds. That idiot fucked with the whole music industry and his ass got raped and his house raided by the fbi. The only reason the feds didn't roasted him is he cooperates. It wouldn't suprise me if he's a snitch. The should have captured and lock him up. He's a criminal since school. Now he's larping as the next Assange and saviour of a free internet. He's just afraid hollywood fucks his ass in court. Fucking psycho narcist. There's a docu about him. If you have time to waste watch it. It gives a good summary about his cucked mind and how he tricks people out.

Psyop to damage Hannity's reputation and career.

Name of the doc? Also is he just trying to get get into the US under immunity to hire a US lawyer to deal with his US charges?

You know he lives in New Zealand, right?

The only 'explosive' things in his vicinity are his clogged arteries

yes, but fbi landed with helicopters on his manson.

It was a german docu but it must be on youtube with subtitles. i'll search it.

Kim will be in a wheelchair when his knees start wearing out prematurely.


I don't really know how youtube works. There must be a subtitles option?

So i'm going to guess that the Vice documentary i'm currently watching is a fluff piece?

Because Hannity's a fucking moron who'll believe anything regardless of whether it is true or not as long as it affirms his narrative or point of view

How quick Sup Forums forgets his bullshit.

He didn't. Fuck off faggot. Sage shill threads, always.

name one thing he claimed to have and delivered. And i'm talking genuine deliver. None of that promise of shits when he farts. He's clearly butt hurt about getting reamed by the over reaching arm of the law and will say anything to get the goat of the government that reamed him.

He was raided by NZ police but it was led by the FBI

No, his degenerate album came out years ago.

But maybe its still just advertising for him.

That time he called you out for sucking on un clean penises.

M8 u sound a bit jelly

meanwhile you sucked Guy off just for the taste.

This never happened

You faggot shill. Megaupload was the shit. Everyone knows that. Thats where your dad got all that cuuckporn from so he could shoot you outta his nutz and into that fat ugly whore of your mother.

Does that answer your question?

So is dat mixtape fire or what yo?


Guess I have my answer: He never delivers. Good to know.

You didn't answer the question. He lied about having evidence. Simple as that. And you t_d retards believed him.

Idk what you idiots are crying about.

Kim is playing this one in the best way he can

Think about it. He's demanding immunity to come to America, testify, then go back to new Zealand.

He's not asking for immunity from his "crimes". He's not asking to get exonerated

Think about all the "anonymous sources" or "someone close to the president's staff" that have leaked their completely fake news this year.

The Washington post has a new "insider" every fucking day. And surprise surprise, they always stay anonymous/disappear when the chips fall and it's time for liberals to nut up or shut up

So rightfully so, Americans are pretty tired of these "anonymous leaks". They are now meaningless because of puff pieces from the liberal dog shit media.

So how do we end this? How can we force a reaction from the liberals? Have someone go to testify in a court of fucking law.

This is no longer the Internet. This is not an obese, otherkin "reporter" from the Huffington post or buzzfeed gathering "totally legit sources that President trump enjoys taking a shit on Russian spies".

This is a federal court of law with the highest scrutiny; everything you testify to has grave importance. This is grown man shit.

Kim has put his money where his mouth is. The rest is on the United States government. If the Supreme Court really really wanted to know what Kim knows, he is fucking ready to testify in court. Not a Skype call, not a blog post, but to actually testify against the DNC. all they need to do is ensure FBI doesn't arrest him the second he gets off the plane. All he wants is insurance that he can return to New Zealand unmolested.

Why did Comey fly out to NZ before pompeo for the intelligence meeting?

Because he's a piece of shit liar


The statement was there, just stupidly buried at the bottom of the page

He hasnt produced anything he's ever claimed to have.

Why do you fags follow this larping shitbird?

Holy reddit spacing!

>Think about it. He's demanding immunity to come to America, testify, then go back to new Zealand.
Even if he did. The US government will never submit because tinsel town and the music industry still has a bone to pick with him. He has and always will have nothing.

T_d is retarded, what do you expect?

Yea man, totally. Herpen derpen and they bad we good. I posted, someone pls gimme 2c

Inspiring desu. Now apply it to the rest of msm.

They do try their best though

he didn't

>muh 3D chess

He's a liar.
He's broke and full of shit.
He tried to start a political party here called the internet party and joined forces with our left or the left, fringe nutjob party "mana". Claimed he had evidence to bring down our government and even funded a prime time TV expose called the "moment of truth" The lefty media fizzed it's nuts over it for months and it turned out to be NOTHING.
His party bombed so hard it ruined mana and ended the career of our most scummiest nigger politician Hone Hariwera.

NZ hates him and just wants him gone.

>ended the career of our most scummiest nigger politician Hone Hariwera.

He did that right

Internet-Mana was such an abortion

kill yourself shill rat