Fun fact

A single Armored division using blitzkrieg tactics could remove ISIS within a year.

So why the fuck isn't it happening?

Probably because ISIS isn't the problem. Islamophobic people are the problem.

Because isis uses gorilla combat, how do you even identify them until they fire on you or blow up? That's why we need 3 battalions sweeping and burning everything in the whole region.

Because it'd be messy for us and them but especially people want minimal casualties to us at all costs, even if it means we're faffing about instead of gettin er dun

Fuck our casualties! If you harm one "innocent" Muslim hair! REEEEEEEE

they are held up in raqqa where there's many innocent civilians. it would mean we either kill thousands of innocent civilians or potentially risk the deaths of thousands of our soldiers trying to take back a city where isis is dug in deep. then there's assad who wouldn't be pleased about western forces taking control over one of his cities. it's not like that dumb faggot sandnigger could do anything about it though


Fun fact, Assad's army had armored divisions and tried to use this tactics against rebels. We all know the results.

Your armored division will get into an urban area and tanks will be raped by combination of ATGMs, RPGs, antitank mines, molotov cocktails, improvised explosives etc.

>b-but muh support units
not enough in one armored division to control the entire territory of ISIS. Also you'd have to constantly peel off some infantry units to garrison occupied territory.

>unironically saying "gorilla"

It's guerilla you RETARDED CUNT

Smells like bullshit. Who came up with this "fact"?

Let's be honest, ISIS is the product of something much deeper and more fucked up; we should probably work on identifying and fixing that issue first.

Is ISIS the product of the West in the ME? If the West stop interfering in the ME, would ISIS cease to exist? (I guess if Saddam and Gaddafi were still around, some of today's issue wouldn't exist).

Isis = israel + saudi

Because ISIS is actually fighting Assad and U.S.A, Jews, and Saudis need them for that.

In his defense he could've been using the meme spelling from the eternal Navy SEALs pasta

>Believing that modern countries cant defeat a group of niggers, running around without shoes, armed with 80 year old AK's.

The entire middle east can we swiped under the rug in a few days.
But nobody does that, because Tel-Aviv tells us not to.

Because it's not a conventional war, idiot

If fucking 700 billion a year for our military is so ineffective against modern threats, why the fuck can't we scale it way back and tailor it to be actually useful? What the fuck are we paying for?

Swiping the entire region with tens of thousands of troops and cleansing it is absolutely possible.

Fuck, 80 years ago it was done on literally two entire continents, and you're telling us it cannot be done now.

80 years later.


Stupid goy

>The entire middle east can we swiped under the rug in a few days.

That was not the point. The point was that one isolated armored division, won't be enough for this.

Why would Israel's allies attack mossad?

>But nobody does that, because Tel-Aviv tells us not to

You are too smart for your own good, goy. Katyn Forest is where smart goyim end up.

Because western intervention will result in massive support for ISIS.

Their founding dogma is that the West is evil and trying to oppress muslims. If we eradicate them, they're gonna come back stronger. Also, I wouldn't risk the life of one soldier for the shithole that is ISIStan. Let the muzzies figure it out on their own, this is their theological war. 17th ct Europeans also had to solve their theological war out by themselves.

Ok the one division was an exageration. My point was that using the tactics against retards with shit supply and weapons would be easy as fuck.

You were dealing with a sane enemy with reasonable iqs. These are sand fanatics and dumb as fuck. No helping that.

Cuz there's civiliaaaaaaaanz and muh humans rights

When mongols invaded middle east and raped their way to bagdad I don't think they cared about collateral damage and that's why gorilla didn't work on them


> What is stalingrad
> what is surprise attack
> why is the emu man autistic?

only if you kill everyone in the middle east will ISIS be removed

>Your armored division will get into an urban area and tanks will be raped by combination of ATGMs, RPGs, antitank mines, molotov cocktails, improvised explosives etc.
legit question, HOW did this happen when Assad was using Russian military advisors? They made the exact same mistake the Russians did in Grozny

>These are sand fanatics and dumb as fuck.

wouldnt that make the job even easier?

Europeans know how to wage war, niggers dont.

No that's impossible.
No that's retarded.


good luck storming city without armor

thus said armor is not a silver bullet ofc

>So why the fuck isn't it happening?

ISIS are the "good guys", they are fighting for (((us))) against "Assad the butcher".

10/10 Shitposting

Why don't we develop sentry guns ? I think it would improve anti guerilla tactics a lot

If you can find a single innocent muslim hair I promise we won't touch it.
>too bad their core philosophy is convert or die

We have to use MOABs because 2018 is coming fast and will be unusable

>My point was that using the tactics against retards with shit supply and weapons would be easy as fuck.

Conquest will probably be easy, yes. But if you are a leader you have to see beyond that, more than just one step ahead. What after the conquest? What are the long term goals? For how long do you plan to maintain the occupation of the land? How will you deal with the civil unrest at home (due to eventual casualties in guerilla war and general war weariness)?
Unless you want to be mocked like Bush with his "Mission accomplished" meme.
Apparently he and his advisors thought exactly like you - "Phase One: bomb the shit out of them, Phase Two: things will sort out eventually".
They did that then Obama pulled out (because people wanted to end the war) and now you have ISIS as the result of this "brilliant" strategy.

Why would we attack the CIA?

This is absolutely retarded. The US literally tried to bomb the Taliban out of existence while they hid in the mountains, it does not work. This is pre-9/11; the only thing that worked is siding with the Northern Alliance (Afghanistan) to flush them out.

It's a Right-approved welfare system.

Summer is here

Nuclear tactics could remove ISIS within a day

ISIS one step ahead of the game. AGAIN.

yes but there's an order, correct? bombardment followed by infantry followed by armor support

Will it really help? It's not working against the Taliban, and there are literally 10s of thousands of troops in Afghanistan. Guerrilla warfare is a bitch.

Syrian army is busy with a civil war, Iraq does not have the power, and everybody else either doesn't want to alter the balance of power, or simply don't care that much

This is how it looks right now:

>Phase one: bomb the shit out of them
>Phase two: import millions of refugees that hate us for it
>Phase three: wait for terrorism


>Phase one: bomb the shit out of them
>Phase two: things will sort out eventually
>Phase three: dont let a single fucking immigrants that hates us into our country.

Its been done before, and it should be done again.

But we cant, because


Dent the boats, shoot the boats, turn the boats back.
Pick one.

Harder to control. German people knew they were beat and ready to bend the knee. Dune coons don't know when they are beat and will fight us forever

Bombing from planes, without boots on ground, is a waste of time and fuel.

>and there are literally 10s of thousands of troops in Afghanistan

troops that sit in base eating pizza, because they cant do shit, because

>muh innocent casualties
>let the taliban come to us

This is how it'll really look:

>Phase three: Dictator eventually establishes power
>Phase four: West eventually feels threatened, and overthrows the dictator
> Phase five: go back to step 0 (chaos again)

Why is pink considered white?

>relevant in the 21st century
>against guerilla fighters
>ameridumb knowledge

You wanna know how to effectively deal with guerrillas?

Ask the germans.
Warsaw Uprising.

89% of the city was utterly leveled, not a stone left standing. Hundreds of thousands murdered.

Did it end the insurection?

It sure did.

And i dont see anybody crying ofer Polish corpses, i dont expect anybody to cry about niggers 80 years from now.

As long as our own countries are safe, why should we care?

Because ISIS is useful to both Saudis and Israel. You think they just randomly find western anti tank missiles in the dearest?

Just keep hitting restart until the RNG gods smile upon us? It's a simple solution, little grindy but i like it a lot.

>thinks im talking about using the exact same tactics as 80 years ago
What the fuck is adaptation?

Western weapons in general. Makes me think when I see them with M4s and M16s

Phase 4 (overthrow dictator) will cause retribution attacks on the West, as we're currently seeing.

I don't claim to know the answer, I just think bombing the ME out of existence isn't it. If I had to put my money on something (at this point, hindsight is 20/20), I'd say secular dictators (e.g. Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad) are probably the best bet for stability.

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

"Just because a that dog bites people is no reason to be afraid of it. Quit being caninephobic!"

Why waste boots on the ground - turn the entire mideast, and sweden, into a nuclear whipping boy.

because your fighting partisans so to speak, not uniformed soldiers, read about the germans doing it in WW2 and even they found it difficult and most of the time just executed civies cause they were suspect, aiding or couldnt find the real ones. it would be a clusterfuck. sure we can roll right in, but all theyd have to do is hide out and setup IEDS, like they have been doing the last decade against us

>Phase 4 (overthrow dictator) will cause retribution attacks on the West, as we're currently seeing.

no retribution attacks if there are no muslims in your country, senpai.

>I'd say secular dictators (e.g. Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad) are probably the best bet for stability.

as soon as such a dictator shows up, Tel-Aviv orders USA to kill him.

My personal idea how to fix this:

>bomb the living shit out of ISIS
>dont let a single immigrant in
>kick muslims out of your country
>live happily ever after

It may sound impossible for you, but for me (Polska), its not only possible, it already happened.

>no muslims living here
>no more muslims will come here
>win win

>For all intensive purposes

A single armoured competent division would wipe the floor with ISIS.

That's the problem. The SAA have had some successes with their elite field units, but they cannot overspend them, because there's this southern belligerent country they must guard against.

Iraq is an entire country gone full retard. Turkey kinda likes ISIS.

That's why.

Partly because they both had older Russian tanks that lack the muzzle elevation to return fire to upper floors. They've been using their ZSU-23-4 for that, they're good at shredding buildings but since they're AA units they only have light armour, meaning you have to commit tanks to support them anyway. Also most of Assad's forces just aren't very good, gains often come courtesy of the relatively elite Iranian troops and Tiger Forces.

btfo everyone

No it couldn't

ISIS have tons of US equipment, they can take out tanks from a long way off.

No idea what they're called but I've seen plenty of ISIS/rebel videos where they take out tanks from a long way off, sometimes with those missiles that goes straight up in the air at first then comes down.

Because if you do that, you need to occupy the region for years, otherwise the power vacuum left by ISIS will be filled by a similar group, just like how ISIS was created in the first place after the US forces withdrew from Iraq.

>sometimes with those missiles that goes straight up in the air at first then comes down

arent these the swedish carl gustav?

....or was it the javelin?

i keep mixing them up.

They exist, the Korean DMZ has machine gun ones, as do the kikes on their Gaza border. Technically systems like the Phalanx CIWS count too.

but we want the dumb cunts to keep fighting each other, that's our middle east strategy for the last 40 years

Also they are fucking terrifying, they can track multiple targets several hundred meters away, very accurate and can fire full auto. All they need is an operator pressing a button allowing them to fire.

That's a popular myth, explosives last a long time when stored properly. Last I heard, most of the "smart" bombs dropped by the USAF were still leftovers from Vietnam retrofitted with GPS guided tail packages.

Um the current generation of europoors have never even been to war, sandniggers live and breathe war. Don't be fucking delusional, Europe will not last until the end of the century.

Why is a trillion spent on the drug war so ineffective?
Why are billions spent on ending human trafficking and slavery ineffective?

Because (((they))) are making money off of it. They make money selling it, and they make money pretending to stop it. Please wake up to this. Your life will be better.

This is the correct answer. The US Military is a lot of weapons, a lot of technology, and a lot of retards all mixed together. For the low, low cost of trillions of dollars.

Double baited
Glorious Austrian shitposting folded 2000 times

Sorry, but that's where you are wrong. At least the Germanic countries have imported a lot of Yugoslavians and a few Russians, they can die for (((us))).

dunno what they're called, might be javelin i think but yeah might be the carl gustav

>Don't be fucking delusional, UK, Germany and France will not last until the end of the century.

fixed it for you, senpai.

Carl Gustav is a recoilless anti-anxiety rifle, so more like a grenade launcher.

It's pretty much replaced by AT4 nowadays, which is a one time use weapon. Both weapons are unguided.

Javelin is on another level and is super expensive.

"Maneuver warfare" is a modern military doctrine based on the lessons of blitzkrieg, IIRC both US and NATO troops study it.

All it takes is a few words from a cuty of hipster faggots and niggers and the west bows down? Pfft

>anti-anxiety rifle
sounds like exactly what I need

Every rifle is an anti anxiety rifle if you shoot yourself with it.

You could also argue that the drug war has been "effective" at putting huge numbers of criminal blacks and spics in jail, sometimes before they have a chance to commit more violent crimes.

What swedes need is to be killed


Absolutely. Nixon was on record as saying that that was one of the features. It was convenient to spread it across the globe so the (((CIA))) had an excuse to be everywhere and need millions.

Because blitzkrieg is a german war tactic, and they don't want to use """nazi.tactics"""

stop picking on sven you greasy amerifats

Go back to the barn sheepfucker.


>doubles advocate
>intensive purposes
>diamond dozen

... I had to stop. 10/10 troll.

Applefags btfo'd