How bad was Weimar Germany?

All I know was that it was a time of great degeneracy. But all the sources I find about it like Wikipedia are liberalized and make Weimar Germany out to be a time of great artistic expression, scientific advancement, progressive social values etc. Then I go on Sup Forums and occasionally an user says something about how they had shows where women had sex with dogs. What the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

I was taught in High School that the Wiemar era was far from a time of great artistic expression, scientific advancement or progressive social values. It was a time of hacking horses to death in the street so families could eat, where cats and dogs were food not pets, where hyperinflation was so rampant you spent all your money that day because it was worthless the next.

(((Wikipedia))) is full of shit.

I couldn't imagine Nazis having much support if Weimar was great

This is the Wikipedia article I was referencing

It talks a lot about how progressive Weimar was, about how nice it was until the evil nazis took over and banned books and films because they hated personal expression. Only slightly glosses over the fact people were poor as fuck and drug addicted.

I think it was written by a college Marxist

If Weimar and the civil war pushed by Rosa Luxemburg and others in order to establish Communism in Germany didn't happen, there wouldn't have been a second world war.
The UK would have pushed for some kind of conflict no matter what since they were bound to loose economic and therefore military influence over continental Europe anyways.
But it wouldn't have been a racial "lets exterminate everything" kind of war.

Weimar Germany was about as bad as modern day North America, with Miley Cyrus riding inflated dildos and shaking a naked ass in front of a frothing crowd.

Burlesque is one of these 'art forms' that Jews used at the time to entrance the German populace.

Essentially it was the legalized exploitation of Germans, and surely there must have been a nationwide revolt if a Nazi regime could grasp power.

Expect the same thing in the U.S. any time now.

Dont read wikipedias account of it, and goodluck trying to find anything unbiased using google. the first results your gonna be hit with are all whitewashed "the joos are innocent" hit pieces. The sexual degeneracy was one of the worst aspects of its fall. Mother and daughter pairs would offer their services up simultaneously. You could order up 5 year olds like takeout and have them dropped off at your house and picked up the following hour. All sorts of sexual fetishists and deviants roamed the streets at night offering up their wares, and it was precipitated by the same JEWISH institute thats degenerating American culture today. The "institute" of sex. Which is ground zero for a lot of the transexual, pederast, and feminst filth being pumped out in its society and mass media apparatus's. Jews are unimaginable degenerates when it comes to sex, and get off on watching other races degrade themselves through it.

Most women and even minors were working as prostitutes in Berlin, as it was one of the few ways for inhabitants of the city to acquire foreign currency from sex tourists. (German Mark was worthless at the time)
It's actually similar to what you could see in the 90ties in Russia, although it wasn't even close to be as bad as Weimar there.
And what kind of people profited from that in Russia (same is true for Weimar) and became the Oligarch class? Here's a reason for the resentment.

From what I understand, Weimar was incredibly polarised. People either strongly supported the progressiveness or they strongly opposed it. That's why Germany had a communist revolution and why there were so many street brawls between fascist and communist sympathisers.

>great artistic expression

>Weimar Germany was about as bad as modern day North America
Sorry, but you're not even close to it, not even the chaos in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union was close to it.
Imagine a situation where it would be absolutely normal for most New Yorkers to have private brothels in their home where they rent out their wives and children to sex tourists in order to survive. Oh, and local currency is completely worthless.
If you are in that kind of situation then you have something resembling Weimar.

It's funny that you mention transexuals, because this was the first time I learned about in history that transexuals were accepted and mainstream. I thought the tranny phenomena was very recent, like 2010 onwards. I never knew the Jews pushed for that shit in Weimar Germany. Very eerie how similar it was to our current situation.

Pretty bad, they nearly didn't have the Money to start another War.

Weimar germany was scourged with problems from its outset.
The army pushed the blame off losing the war onto the civilian politicians.
The Treaty of Versailles crippled post war economics.
Gustav stresemann managed to reconcile things during his short chancellorship however the Weimar period was charactersized by political, social and economic uncertainy.
Every Weimar government was a coalition government.
Even during the so called 'golden years' from between 1923-29 the agricultural sector, the farmers and such were left out in the cold.
The only reason the economic recovery happened in the late 20's was because of american short term loans which immediately dried up when the great depression struck.

It was better then Nazi dictatorship, however it is easy to see why Germans would flee into the arms of the radical right, and why they would continue to support them.
The Nazis brought real positive economic and social stability during their rule. However their radical fragmented ideology meant that the end result of the Nazi state would be a war that they could never win.

Was Austria 1919-1938 anywhere near as bad as Weimar?

I used to have a thing for old German jazz, absolutely adored it. Until I started digging into the surrounding zeitgeist.

It was a place with little to no boundaries, straight degeneracy :/ And I don't mean in a larpy term. I mean a lot of what they would do is illegal and immoral by even today's liberal standards.

No, for some reason we didn't experience that kind of collapse.
But we had a phase where the socialists and the right wing were shooting each other in the streets of the capital and the right wingers won, establishing a kind of soft fascism more similar to that of Mussolini and not overtly racial in character.
The only people they suppressed were Commies. Socialists were simply excluded from political power.

Bump, death to the jews!


You learned wrong. The hyperinflation was taken care of by the mid-20's.

Honestly? You can't fight it, they control too much, they are in too many places of power, they have infiltrated the world and destabalized it in the same way they infilitrated countries and destablized them, in the same way they have been kicked out of every country on Earth we have to create the situation where they are kicked off of our FUCKING PLANET once and for all.

This is the only way the human race will ever be more than land monkeys, there is no other way, the Jew must die, it is a parasite on the human race that has stolen from us our future.

>30 cent blowjobs


IS the Weimar Republic the ultimate end goal of Jewish elite societal engineering ?

>ordering child prostitutes like medicine
>ordering child prostitutes like pizza and hot dogs

what is old is new again it seems

Have a look at the sources for what the Wikipedia article quotes. $50 says its all Marxist propaganda.

It was artsy, scientific etc.

That's why it was degenerate.

>But it wouldn't have been a racial "lets exterminate everything" kind of war.
How can one Austrian be so bluepilled?
The second world war had nothing to do with Jews or racial cleansings. It was fought for power and power alone. Churchill didn't give a shit about Jews. It was about control of territory, monetary independence and the geopolitics of a crumbling British Empire and a rising American one.
Nobody outside Germany had probably even heard abour Rosa (((Luxemburg))) at that time.
All this guilt trapping was invented afterwards to justify all they would want to do afterwards. To this day the Anglos jerk themselves off over WW2 even when a look out of their windows would have to suffice to convince them they fought for the wrong side.

>It was better then Nazi dictatorship

No it wasn't

Imagine modern america and german degeneracy with scat and bestiality and all but with an economic worse than greece and commie rebellions

Modern (((America))) degeneracy in the 1930s, but with legal prostitution.

So, pretty far out for that time frame.

Weimar existed from 1918-1933. The period up untill the mid 20's is about half of Weimar's history m8.

I do know all of this and I even wrote myself that some kind of conflict would have been created by the UK anyways.
But the fact remains that the Nazis had strongly racially motivated policies in place (not a cause for the war, but certainly no help when trying to find allies), that for example pre 1938 Austria did not have and that they were territorially much more ambitious and aggressive than Austria after WWI.
The difference is that we had neither Weimar nor the attempted Communist takeover.
That's the only point I'm making.

Right, but people just assume that Weimar was a broke shithole until Hitler came to power

Imagine if you think that the Weimar Republic is the beacon of the free world. All that\s good and virtuous finds its home there.

Would you not long for it and agitate for it? It's nothing more than that. Or do you think that the Jews aren't dying out too? The high IQ Jews have 0-1 children, and any other children are made by the Jewish Dindus. The retardification of the Jewish race into bona fide dreidelniggers is amusing and sort of scary. I don't hate them, so I think it's sad.

>jews dying out
not in isreal they don't

this is the obvious point


sounds nice :')

Nah we're not their yet, the only thing keeping us from going full Weimar is our Economy

>Jewish sex institute
I've heard tell that most of the pics of Nazi book burnings were from a raid they did on Wilhem Reich and co.'s offices

They're being outbred by ayrabs even in israel.

In Israel the only ones that aren't dying out are the ultra-Orthodox eaters. You know, the ones that live on child benefits and refuse to serve in the armed forces? Those guys.


Anyone know any good documentaries about Weimar Germany? All the ones I found on YouTube talk about the artistic expression and the scientific advancements

Can we extrapolate for a moment and try to envision what Weimar Germany would have become had the Nazis NOT come to power and WWII never happened?

What ultimate evolution of society would have the west ended up in, had the Jews not been ousted from German rule?

Correct, but that's any conflict and all of life as a whole; a few men decide the fate of millions in their quest to satiate their own, unending desire for power. That said, The justifications for doing what is necessary to obtain and retain power change.

The world would be fine and Germany, not America would become greater Israel

And we would be able to go fuck little boys in Berlin and not Cambodia. Heaven, little blond Adonises.

well, for most of Germany it was just economic hardship.

For Berlin, it was unrestricted, rampant degeneracy on a scale not known before in Europe.

Why do you need to fuck little boys? Can't handle an adult woman?

Greater Israel is still in the making, but it's not going to be in the U.S.

Every society is as good as it's children. If everyone is fucking and sucking the kids, by the time those kids grow up (unable to work, be healthy, have families themselves) 1 or two generations and you've got a drug addicted, sex abused, rootless mass of wounded humans, which is exactly what you know who wants

I was actually being facetious. I think it is for the best that Germany is not a haven for sex tourism right now.

It was the same as most other roaring twenties nations and the degeneracy thing was a scare tactic used by Nazis to gain power. Women having sex with animals never happened legally there.

that ol bulgarian humor...

Herr user, ich bin NDASP
>America isn't already greater Israel
Lol, we have the most Jews in our country second only to Israel, Holly wood and New York are run by kikes, our own government is run by president Kushner

you can fuck pre-teen bulgrain boipuccy in germany any day of the week. that's your second major import after arms trade with isis

> why does that sound so familiar

Culturally it was liberal and allowed free expression but it took a hit economically like every other nation during the Great Depression except worse because they had been defeated and owed the allies money digging them further down.

World famous.

True. But let's not kid ourselves - it ain't Weimar-level of degeneracy.

I heard there's a Weimar snuff film where they cut a blonde girl's legs off with a chainsaw.

>you could order 5 yr. olds like takeout
No, you couldn't. That kind of bs is on par with "the Jews poisoned our wells and sacrificed our children in a blood ritual!!"

Trannies were not mainstream. There was literally one in the entire world at the time.

>the Jews poisoned our wells and sacrificed our children in a blood ritual

Ironically those things actually happen(ed).

Amazing, isn't it?

you almost baited me with this, then I saw well done

That's not entirely wrong though. Censorship was completely abolished in 1918, and consequently there was legal quasi-pornography in photography and in film (as in naked chicks flopping their breasts around that kind of stuff). Eventually censorship was reinstated but it was much less restrictive than either under Wilhelm II or nazi germany.

If you look at the cinema of Weimar Germany there's lots of interesting films, from the famed expressionist movement (which, contrary to what people think, wasn't very popular, but since they could sell it for peanuts in foreign markets it was still economical to produce), and expressionist cinema eventually would give way to film noir, which is a GOAT film genre.

Fritz Lang produced some epic adventure and crime films, like The Spiders and Dr. Mabuse, say what you want, but those are great films that aren't at all degenerate (The Spiders has a traditional hero-saves-girl theme, and Dr. Mabuse precisely points the finger at the rampant degeneracy of the times).

I know it doesn't fit in your HURR NAZIS DID NOTHING WRONG narrative that there were actually some things which were better in weimar germany so you have to reduce it all to "durr woman having sex with a dog". Truth is, that all the while outputting lots of degenerate art like minimalist, grotesque or abstract art, it also generated many great advances such as in films.

Weimar 1919-1923 was horrible. Hyperinflation, political chaos, enemy occupation, doing anything to survive.
Weimar 1924-1929 was better. Somewhat stable, economic recovery, art and science thrive. The big cities became moral cesspits to a degree, but the rest of the country regained some strength.
Weimar 1930-1932 was the fall. Economic crisis, political chaos, the rise of Naziism as a semi-legitimate political force. By its end most of what was good and bad of Weimar Germany was dead or dying. By the mid-Thirties Weimar may as well have never existed.

Epic, sir. Epic Jew BTFO for the win, narwahl.
It's not bait, you moron. There was literally one tranny in the entire FUCKING world (the one they made that Danish Girl movie about).

Haha. You rascal.

>one tranny in the world

Ever been to India, lad?

I'm not a nazi sympathizer, but this is true.

i would call it "swing" music, not Jazz, Jazz implies black culture. "Jazz" music, is not "black music", nor do Europeans "owe" blacks for "bestowing" upon them "Jazz", Jazz music is merely, normal music but with swing, there is clean nice "European" Jazz (swing), that is how Europeans play swing music. Blacks play swing music in a different way than euros. Hitler initially tried to ban all "swing" music, and there would be posters up equating blacks to monkeys, and "jazz" to tribal lowly subhuman jungle music

but the Germans liked Jazz music(swing), and so did the solidiers, so after a while, Hitler created rules for proper "nazi" Jazz. ie. there could be no "sad" depressing" keys, minor keys, and it had to be uplifting swing music, there could also not be any overly chromatic scales, and no trumpet mutes, that make the sound go "WEEEOOOHHHHAAA" etc. because that was degenerate. So there were two parallel scenes happening, in USA, you had basically a mix of Black/white jazz(swing) music, and in Germany, it was "european" swing music. now, the (((popular))) opinion will state how much the Germans really wanted the basic tribal jungle jazz music, but I dont buy that. Jazz does not have to be like that. You can make the music as abstract as you want, but after a certain point, it becomes verging on pure abstraction "art" and not really musical.

You're not nearly as clever as you think you are. ;^)

the US is too heterogeneous for a nationalist OR socialist revolt.

Can we have neither? I'm sick of one side being pro jew and the other side being pro Islam. Is there some future possibility for coming to a consensus that involves cutting global welfare to Israel and the rest of the middle East? Would the mosquitos die if their proboscis are severed?

VideoDownloadHelper doesnt' fint the first one. Any good tips for a PC dummy to download this stuff from YT before it gets disappeared.

The truth of the situation if far too much for any single normie born and bred on a steady diet of propaganda.

>I know it doesn't fit in your HURR NAZIS DID NOTHING WRONG narrative that there were actually some things which were better in weimar germany so you have to reduce it all to "durr woman having sex with a dog". Truth is, that all the while outputting lots of degenerate art like minimalist, grotesque or abstract art, it also generated many great advances such as in films.
you can say the same thing about nazi germany you damn fool. not an argument


The truth all at once is, but you need to leave breadcrumbs and let them figure things out for themselves. Human being are pattern recognizing machines, if you ask the right questions people will find out the truth.

Go be Jewish somewhere else.


America is currently in the 1920s weimar republic.

From an economic perspective you are still before the hyperinflation but after "world war 1" which was the Financial Crisis of 2008.

Let me explain.

During/ after ww1 the Germans printed fuckloads of money to pay for all the shit they needed to do. The American equivalent were the "too big to fail" bailouts.

Hyperinflation did not immediately follow because people refused to spend their money during or after ww1 so the federal reserve equivalent tried desperatly to get people to spend money and when they eventually started circulating all that money prices rose astronomically to match the monetary base.

America sent all it's printed money overseas and once those countries feel the need to sell their treasury bonds then the prices of products in america will skyrocket over the course of 6 months or so.

If an apple costs $5 one day it will cost $50 in a month.

Combine that with the degeneracy and boom. Wiemerica.

No, but on Red Ice Radio Ryan Landry has a discussion about it thats good. I think the obvious blatant propaganda about Weimar is enough to activate almonds. The mainstream view is that it was literally a lost paradise.

Don't forget the endless rounds of quantitative easing.

Can you listen to jazz and angrily 69 one another in a different thread?

QE4 when?

Yeah that too user. I look forward to the future knowing what lies on the other side of this crisis if we are determined enough to grasp it.

This I would also think people are also pointing out why certain things happened the way they did. It's likely one of the reasons Jews became targets. The fact that jews are at the root of virtually all marxist based happenings is part and parcel like bombings with muslim populations. Cause and effect.

>There was literally one tranny in the entire FUCKING world (the one they made that Danish Girl movie about).
Nigger that's the first tranny that tried to get a "pussy" with surgery. But it was full of transvestites.

I read a book by Sheckel T. Goldsteinberg and he said Wiemar had the best art and was awesome.


Public nudity was legal
Public sex was legal
Prostitution was legal
Children were prostituted

weimar republic = today venesuela, in center of europe

You don't understand how art it works.
You can get painting similar to Hitler at every corner. It's nothing special. I guess they had many applicants on his level and it's not unique at all.

>You don't understand how art it works
I know this video gets thrown around alot, but it still applies.

That kind of art is mearly a buble of the scene itself.

>National Socialism evolved in the most degenerate countrty in human history.

Totalitarianism in itself is degenerate.

Not as bad as post-War Germany, desu. But still pretty bad. Practically every kindergarten teacher was a Jewish paedo.

Don't you understand it? His crap wasn't popular back then and if there would have been thousand of painters at his level or even better. It's no surprise that he got rejected. He didn't stand out.

but of course, it was because of
>le ebil jews and their degenerated art

you don't understand how the jewish academia worked.
Hitler only didn't get graduated because the jewish professors didn't like how it wasn't progressive enough otherwise his art was good on a technical level.