How does it feel to have shit tier health care America?

>girlfriend is American
>attempts suicide
>owes hospital and ambulance $10 000
>has been overdue for a year now
>literally no way to get out of paying
>tfw your country is worse than Somalia

That's why people from all over the world travel to America and forgo the "free" healthcare of their own countries

The hospital will sell the dept to a collection agency who will send your fake girlfriend a collection letter. Your fake girlfriend responds with a letter contesting the debt. Debt disappears because collection agency knows an expensive jury trial they could easily lose is bad for business.

If this is true then I'll thank you. If not then you are mistaken

>literally care about her
>sorry for not being a virgin

I like how non-Americans come over to an AMERICAN created site to discuss AMERICAN politics.

Ask any AMERICAN if they know what's going on... or even care of what happens in Australia...


That's what I thought.

Wow, I love how you wrote that without even realizing you're proud of being retarded.

Never change America.

That's becuase you cunts are too disabled to contemplate life outside your slowly imploding country

What language or you typing?!

That's right... ENGLISH... now fuck off.

>be eurotard
>go on american website
>on american invented internet
>on american invented electricity
>on american invented computer screens
>on american communication satellites
> then proceed to shit post about how america isn't the greatest.
Probably right after you
>drive in american invented automobiles
>text with an american invented cell phone
>use american invented light bulbs
>watch american tv series
>listen to american music
>eat american grown food
>live in a free democratic society defended by two world wars and a cold war won solely by America
Why are you such cucks?

Nippon started it.

That's why you're browsing and AMERICAN site?

>be eurotard
>go on american website
>on american invented internet
>on american invented electricity
>on american invented computer screens
>on american communication satellites
> then proceed to shit post about how america isn't the greatest.
Probably right after you
>drive in american invented automobiles
>text with an american invented cell phone
>use american invented light bulbs
>watch american tv series
>listen to american music
>eat american grown food
>live in a free democratic society defended by two world wars and a cold war won solely by America
Why are you such cucks?

but this website is japanese, and it's owner is Hiroyuki Nishimura

also with american-invented DIABETES TOP KEK FAGGOT

>decides to commit suicide
>owes fees for services and materials
>no way out because that's how basic transactions work, you get something you give something of equal value in return
>bonus we were kind enough to do it on loan

Why should I have to pay for your phycho girlfriend shit choices again? Maybe if you weren't such a shitty boyfriend who relies on government gimme dats she wouldn't be in this situation.

>implying ours is good

Public health here is bottom tier.

I'm poor, and I went insurance after public hospital visits. It was shit.

>that fucking watermark

>What language or you typing?

Case and point. Calm down and take your Adderall Hunter. Plus all the thing you listed are Jewish population control tools.

It's pains me to admit it but American women are worthless and nasty ass as a general rule. They're not the cleanest ladies but they are probably the most masculine, obese and STD ridden. Women here all like to play that fake suicide game for attention since 99% of them are in the arrested development state of a 7 year old child forever. But yeah bud, don't stick your dick in crazy for your own sake/sanity/finances, they are a bunch of cunts here.

american healthcare is terrible and they're in denial about it but why did your gf try to commit suicide?

People like you will swing on the day of the rope I swear
Society needs to purge its beta males and their bullshit mindset urgently

Should of me the bitch die. No sympathy for the weak.

Only if you're poor. Other than that, it's decent. The VA system on the other hand...

>mfw socialized healthcare canadian cuckfag is talking about shit tier healthcare
>proceeds to worry about OP "gf's" mental health because he lacks a woman of his own to worry about.
Canadistans aren't human.

sorry i cant hear you beneath all those fat rolls faggot can u speak up

>japanese website
>you cannot invent eletricity, only discover it, but if you mean first eletricity usage with a benefit: first lightbulb: Volta (Italian)
>braun invented the tube
>not sure which communitcation sats you mean but the first sattelite was russian
>both fuel powered combustion motors used in automobiles are german
>see above, italian
>i only watch chinese cartoons, this is Sup Forums after all
>american grown food is banned here because of the overusage of GMOs and corn syrup
>join a european war late, making it a world war, "hurr we won guys"

>Unironically responds to a proxy fag