"""Communist""" China

>China does something good
"They're obviously capitalists, if you think China is still communist you're an idiot"

>China does something bad

Let's settle this once and for all. What ideology best describes modern day China? And is it preferable to western liberal democracy?

Other urls found in this thread:


>the capitalist aspects are what is feeding China, obviously not a success of communism but prove of its failure
>the communist aspects of the government are whats holding it still back, obviously not a failure of capitalism but communism

Yeah we have never heard this retarded commie argument before and really need to settle it for the millionth time and communism is still a viable choice and not a dead beatn horse.


and no, it is too specific for the western world, the thing you can learn from them is to stand on your own two feet as the EU and stop relying on america

Calm down, I hate commies too. The thing is that China is just larping as commies, which makes them better than actual commies.
It gets complicated when you try to classify China, which is why I made this thread.

they take communism's technocratic focus and authoritarianism, but not the whole idea of redistribution by force.

The most I can see china go near communism is a welfare system (which has already been planned), but I will say their primary focus now is developments in technology, esp in STEM, with abit in the entertainment industry

>developments in technology, esp in STEM, with abit in the entertainment industry

Muh developments, muh gdp, muh iq.......... Anything made by chinese is a western/japanese knockoff. Name at least one chinese brand or product that became recognized and popular in the west!

China isn't even really "Communist" these days. China is pretty much Capitalism on steroids.

Neo-Confucian aristocracy/serfdom.

this fella

Authoritarian Capitalism with Communist rhetoric/imagery.


A society can be capitalist while striving for communism. Please read Marx, sweetheart.

DJI drones, certain electric buses by BYD

I do admit china enjoys greater success in the developing world, but they have just begun their transition anyway, no rush

also, this videogame:

I don't think it has an ideology. It's just "whatever seems best, we do".

They're keeping CCP in power because they're too proud of themselves to let past be past, but they're capitalistic

>What ideology best describes modern day China?

>And is it preferable to western liberal democracy?

If you dislike individual freedom.

>>What ideology best describes modern day China?

National socialism

An oligarchy on top of hyper capitalism. The lower classes are kept in check with Confucian adages/ distractions. The lower classes know they have been robbed of their history and will accept confucian scraps from the hyper capitalist upper class. They are trying to be Jews but are no good at ruling outside the country/imperialism

>the only correct answer ITT
didn't expect an american poster to have that much intelligence though

there is not one shred of communist imagery left in the cccp.

it is pure and simple capitalism facilitated by authoritarian rule and hinging on traditionalism. it's no coincidence hu jintao's motto was 'harmonious society for instance.

communism died in china after the tian an men protests

I wouldn't consider them communist, but certainly they have a strongly centralized government, with some elements of nationalism. Their politics usually a little moblike, but right now Xi Jinping is being a pretty badass leader standing against corruption.

Western democracy can use more actual nationalism and less Jewish-Nationalism. Trump was supposed to be our Xi Jinping, but sold out on quite a few fronts.

Using capitalism as a means of developing economic growth and infrastructure necessary for socialism and then Communism.

Name one (1) multicultural democracy with a sizable muslim population (>10m) that isn't a hellhole

benevolent dictatorship


It makes more sense than you know. China is operating under two systems. It's basically capitalism for the elites and communism for the plebs.

>standing up against corruption
>not an excuse to purge political enemies
Do you even totalitarianism bud?

>reposts ignorant commie copy pasta false dilemma
>sage this shit

No, but I can name you, Daniel

it's capitalism that leads to division of classes

>cult of Mao
>statues of Mao and other commies everywhere
>Communist flag
Ofc it's not real Communism, people who wanted that got crushed by tanks at Tienanmen square for good.

isnt that what Sup Forums jerks off to everyday

Invented in 1920 by Etienne Omnichen......

Porcelain? "Your granma's porcelain" phrase is there for a reason......

Clearly explains why in muh 5000 y of history you have only 9 noble prize winners.

Wtf I love the Chinese government now. You really opened my eyes.

>noble prize

>Being this uneducated.
You dumb ass leaf, how do you expect a population to reach western levels of technological advancement in just two generations?
Considering the strides they made in the last few decades, and the fact that they started as a impoverished war-torn state, they are doing excellent.

>plates with chinese decorations only appeared in 1920

you know the silk road used to provide those to europe thousands of years ago right?

I do give way though, in a 100 years you have given us incomprehensible numbers of autists

Current China is basically what Chiang Kai shek and Sun yat sen wanted all along, a strong authoritarian capitalist state.

Then again, South Korea and Japan have done so.
Nevertheless, I think it's just a matter of time before the Chinese catch up and start producing high-quality products of their own, it current trends continue.


It's a dirigist, pseudo-fascistic ideology drapped in old school maoism

>that much ignorance and arrogance
>noble prize
nobel prize is a western award for those who achieved their progress decades ago, do I need to remind you what does China look like decades ago?

They are already making high-quality products for cheaper than Japan or Korea. The sterotype about cheap Chinese knockoffs is not entirely true, while they still make many of those, some of their brands are expanding pretty rapidly on the world market. Lenovo, Huawei, Xiaomi, just to name a few examples.

How is a 99% muslim country multicultural in any way?

Do you even know what that word means?


>I think

U think but it WONT happen. I travelled to China and lived for a decade in Japan. It will take chinks at least a century to catch up with Japan, and they're not even moving in that direction. So STFU, srpski hujlo.......

Porcelain you sold to the french court a thousand years ago as an example of a recognized successful chinese brand? You a living proof that chinky high IQ is a MYTH!

China is the only place that actively resists Muslim invasion. Western civilization is extremely splintered and half of them are pozzed, but China will not fall for that bullshit. I have more respect for China than I do for white leftists.

I say this as a white boy, btw

it's a successful product

China also does not want the route of japan, anime is fun and all but they really have a worse work-life balance there
not really, people in china just put country alongside of above religion

Japan is light years ahead of everyone even America and Canada.

China hasn't made it yet, but looking at how far they've come over the past 30 years is pretty impressive. Literally went from being completely rekt to an almost 1st world place. And doing this for a billion people - that's the population of all of Europe plus America.

But y'all can keep hating if you got nothing better to do.

Successful brand/product: GM, Panasonic, Samsung, Aramco......

You: (((Porcelain)))

>China is the only place that actively resists Muslim invasion.
In addition to this, it's also easy to see western people have been brainwashed to shit on China.

Western media always have motives, they get bullflustered when they can't control something, and when they can't control something like China, they will do anything they can to attack and destroy.
That's why you see far more criticism against China than what's fair.

it's not the only one

but I can see convincing you will not work, so yes you are right, china is not rising at all, no worries, just keep on chugging down those beers ;^)

VR, invented by white people
drones, invented by white people

Chink combines them thinks he invented it lol.

>china is rising

I never claimed China invented VR or drones dumb ass

mmmm yes, when europeans were moving to the americas they hated being european! china is falling, dont worry ;6)

There's only one party that runs the government in China, Germanon. Can you tell me what the name of that party is?

the cult of mao nowadays has less to do with his his communist rhetoric but rather as the man who united China and who put a stop to the century of humiliation. When he's portrayed in propaganda nowadays, it's always as a leader of the cccp. Interestingly enough the propaganda posters of yore still exist nowadays, but where once mao took up the position of shining beacon to guide china to wealth and prosperity, he's been subsumed by the cccp, where mao is now but one of the symbols. He is being used in the same way as confucianist rhetoric now. I mean christ, when there's government issued propaganda that urge you to be a 君子, you just know that there is such thing as communism anymore. the only way the party can rationalise this rampant capitalism is by using amrxist dialectism and say it's juts an intermediary step towards socialism but that is clearly a facade
shiites, sufis,jews, armenians, christians, zoroastrians, pakistanis etc. all living in relative peace in the bigger cities. Not multiculturalist enough?
Our generation will definitely see a democratic peoples republic at some point. Taiwan has had a 30 year head start so to speak and look where they are now

By that logic, Sup Forums being the guardians of democracy should all have voted Clinton then.her party's name makes it pretty obvious

>yes, when europeans were moving to the americas they hated being european!

state capitalism

capitalism but the means of production are in the hands of state-owned or shared "private" companies like tencent and ali baba

This thread is just sad. It's borderline slide thread tier but the OP looks like he put in so much effort into it that it may not actually be a slide thread.

>Taiwan has had a 30 year head start so to speak and look where they are now

This only shows how little you know about us, we are fucked up big now, full of degenerates in this island, it''s almost certain we'll be annexed by PRC. Partially thanks to the infestation of Western faggot-loving 白左 degerenates

German autism.

It's funny how anticommies, while ranting at communists, use their same exact imagery; like take the "capitalist pig" stereotype from communist propaganda, but just change the cylinder hat with a kippah, give it a long nose and call it "jew" in order to avoid admitting that capitalists are literally the source of any problem in the world.

>he says while conveniently ignoring the fact that the majority of communism's significant figures have been jews
Go on, say the words! "Karl Marx wasn't culturally jewish!"

>100% missing the point

>b-b-but muh capitalists are evil
Ever heard of this little thing called controlled opposition?
Capitalism? Jews win. Communism? Jews win x10. Which is the lesser of two evils?