Did the insane left actually think they had a chance in Montana? Bodyslamming a dirty shitbag reporter would only increase your popularity in that state.
How does and entire demographic detach them selves form reality like that?
Did the insane left actually think they had a chance in Montana? Bodyslamming a dirty shitbag reporter would only increase your popularity in that state.
How does and entire demographic detach them selves form reality like that?
I dont know. Choke out yourself
So if Obama black eyed Hannity then it would of boosted his popularity?
I'd vote for anybody who beat the shit out of a liberal.
Democrats dont like alpha males. It would have been political suicide for Obama to even be caught eating his steak rare.
Obama weighs 145 pounds. Any choking he does is purely sexual.
The guy didn't even do anything wrong. This obvious bait and switch tactic by the media is one of their only cards they can play in a world where their millions are getting flushed away by the internet. Companies are literally sending out 'ethnic', twig-bodied minorities to fake assault charges and cry about it almost immediately afterwards on twitter.
you just bodyslammed me and broke my glasses
The woman on fox said he literally threw the guy to the ground by his neck, then climbed on top of him and beat the shit out of him.
I laughed pretty hard at that audio. They should hire a real actor next time they try that one. Im sure the gay mafia can bully some A class celebrities to make an assault.
I'd vote for him.
I saw on CNN that he pistol whipped the poor man with his assalt ar-47 with ak-15 30 caliber magazine clips!
We CANNOT let this man get the codes to the men's restroom!
Sex did this. And video games.
If only we could enact more laws to fight climate change this sort of thing wouldnt happen.
Avid obama hater here. Yes.
So, a politician acts like a nigger, lashing out irrationally with violence over absolutely nothing, in the process hurting someone else and violating his rights, and Republicans flood to vote him in.
The GOP is a joke. Meme party with meme president with absolutely no standards and no values other than always voting for party over country. And of course, the LARPers on Sup Forums eat it up like the kike niggerfaggots that they are. Oh, you're so different, so unique, so principled. Yeah, those journalists are just the worst, right fellas? FAKE NEWS because I don't agree with it. SOURCES SAY as if that hasn't been the standard of journalism since the printing press was invented, and as if news institutions aren't liable for the things they print, including proving a source and vetting its reliability. No, they just all have it out for ME!
Neck yourselves, amerifats. Do the world a favor.
the reporter was assaulting him first, and was slandering him with false accusations.
Montana is traditionally a deep red state, and this guy only won by 6 percentage points. The dems may take back congress in 2018.
Californians and Coloradans are ruining that state, slowly but surely. Also they're importing African rapefugees.
This is really an assault on girls.
No he wasn't.
GOOD argument as usual from """"""anglos""""""
This was an unprovoked anti Semetic attack. How much longer do the jews have to suffer?
yes he was.
Except he wasn't.
He was attacked by a man with an assault microphone and be defended him self and knocked the little puke so hard he was blinded.
Soon your country will be a member state of the ISIS caliph
Prove it.
Doubtful, unlike the (((US))) we actually have a history of slaughtering muzzies by the handful, so much so that we raise monuments celebrating it, even today.
If it wasn't for CR7 i'd hate your country. Just wanted a moor to know this.
I found it funny how the dems thought putting a cowboy hat on a guy and having him run would change other cowboys, who're mostly conservative, to vote dem.
prove he was bodyslammed.
And then she immediately started back pedaling on her story yesterday
Did he win yet?
Most of Flyover hates the media. Anyone who beats them up? A hero.
>i just fabricated a story, therefore your story is equally fabricated
Wrong you filthy anti-semite, he carved a swastika out of his shoe, then yelled "Yo gon' die Heeb, this is Hitler's America now!"
He then gassed his grandparents into lampshades right in front of me
Is there a press conference video or something of his speech if he has made it yet?
Why don't you go an tell one, then? I'm sure there's a Muhammad or Abdul in a convenience store nearby wherever nigger-infested shithole you live in.
How about you prove that he wasn't first since you're the one making the claim and you seem so sure, even though the audio recording and witnesses all claim that he was assaulting the journalist. By the way, his defense is that the journalist grabbed him and he fell, not that he was ever assaulted by him, you nigger. Go ahead, sweetie.
I have no idea.
>assault lyin media from fakenews.com
>we congress now
>thanks u bastd trumgf
im jelly because montana wont stop winning now and they wont be poor anymore
Montana has some of the lowest population density in the US. It will always be a poor state and noone in Montana cares. You dont move to Montana if you are looking for Uncle Sam to wipe your ass for you.
>its ok because we'll be shit no matter what
>fuck investing our economy into something fruitful
>fuck producing anything valuable and making our state relevant to the national market
fucking hicks
Sounds like my kind of place. Any industry to speak of?
>What can I do to improve this thing thats not broken and no one asked me to fix
This is exactly how you end up with the highest incarceration rate in the world.
I'm making a counter-accusation based on your accusation. Since we both have no evidence either thing occurred, how about you shut the fuck up before you take the side of traitor leftcuck journalists?
I take the word of Giantforte over the word of some kike loving reporter any day of the week. Not that their words matter, which is why your accusation is as empty as your fucking brain, spic.
Ive assumed as much, as a Coloradan I decided not to move to Montana because it seems to be the new "colorado". I'm thinking Wyoming or Idaho now.
>listen and believe, guys!
This is you. I do have evidence - the recording itself and the witnesses. That's how I picked my side - taking all available facts into account to reach my conclusion. You have no evidence - the recording doesn't support your claim, and there are no witnesses that claim that the journalist assaulted him. Instead, you take the word of someone else just because it suits your bias. Shut the fuck up, nigger.
>the recording itself and the witnesses
That's not evidence. Go read up on criminal law before you spout your damn lies here, spic.
We would like him more, maybe not democrats.
So many foreigners in this thread like they have any clue how one state differs from another.
Forgot to account for the 30lbs of semen in his stomach.
I think at this time, body slamming a "reporter" in any state will improve your image. They are shrill little propaganda puppets.
This isn't a criminal deliberation in the court of law, it's about determining what happened based on the available information, and all of it supports a single conclusion which you don't want to face because it hurts your fee-fees :(
Maybe you're both a nigger and a spic as well? You sure do seem to act like one judging by the way you keep on trying to slither away from the fact that you post dumb shit and then get butthurt about it. I know you types have hot blood, must be all that spicy food.
He would break his wrist trying to hit anyone but probably.
Greg "Bruce Banner of Montana" Gianforte
>How does and entire demographic detach them selves form reality
You mean the nutjobs who actually support violence by politicians? Idk user, it's interesting though.
The Rock Dwayne Johnson is guarnteed to be our next president.
Hard to find a picture within in size limits for Sup Forums
Yes, she back peddled. Apparently having to answer to someone else (like a detective) knocked off the "journalistic" embellishments.
The left only knows implied victimhood through identity in a post civil rights era. All they know about Montana is there aren't enough black and brown people there.
Greg "kike krowd krusher" Gianforte
truly /ourguy/
reminded me of the "described scene" category on pornhub
Rural and suburban retards will probably forget where their polling site is next time around:^)
>SOURCES SAY as if that hasn't been the standard of journalism since the printing press was invented,
It literally has not been. The dependence on exclusively anonymous sources is a very recent phenomenon. In fact, students are still taught that they should never use an anonymous source if it can be avoided
>Muh Deep Throat
Deep Throat is never quoted in any of the articles on Watergate. He provided physical evidence, which Woodward and Bernstein corroborated with something like two years of their own investigating. If they had written a modern story where "An anonymous source in the administration claims that the president has instigated a cover up," Nixon would have served two full terms and be remembered as one of the great presidents of the 20th century
outrage/scandal marketing is a proven success
better than 3000 years of rape baby genes. can you do anything other than look like a spic? or are you white too?
Dreaming is free I suppose.
>we actually have a history of slaughtering muzzies by the handful
worse than WE WUZ KANGZ
Whiter than you'll ever be, sweetie. I'll 23andMe against any of you genetic nigger messes any day of the week. But hey, maybe you're 1/8th Cherokee or something, right?
I didn't mean anonymous sources, I meant cases where they purposefully don't specify the source in the article and they are treated as anonymous on this board regardless, as if not saying who it is and relying on bullshit anonymous leaks is the same thing.
>I didn't mean anonymous sources, I meant anonymous sources.
Thanks for proving my point. Unnamed and anonymous are not the same.
Greg is trying to please them by making more black and blue people.
He will be the best govenor. Its true. Its damn true
We need to just evacuate California and strengthen the other 49 states.
Just give California to Mexico and wall it off. Let it destroy itself.
I don't think you understand. If Trump or somebody else rounded up all the journalists and hung them on the White House lawn, we'd be ecstatic.
> If Trump or somebody else rounded up all the journalists and hung them on the White House lawn, we'd be ecstatic.
>be a lefty
>become a reporter
>think you are a hero & warrior for truth
>proceed to demand answers from a guy in Montana
>get body-slammed & believe you defeated your enemy
>the guy who slammed you wins the election despite fucking your gay glasses up
>realize you're despised
>begin making a noose
One less fag. Gianforte is a hero desu.
This country needs more politicians willing to show these lying pompous journalists the floor.
The sedition of America will not be tolerated.
Only a fucking liberal loses and claims victory. Continuously.
Sad and pathetic.
Wouldn't normally bother on Sup Forums, but being born and raised and living my whole life in Montana and being very political, I have to throw my hat into the ring.
Born and raised in Kalispell, MT: look it up, it's nowhere near anything, 100% white, very rural, just vast expanses of open land and mountains and traditional small town values. I'm a right-wing Libertarian, so no real allegiance to the GOP and always try to advocate and vote for third parties, but that being said I've never in my 13 years of voting cast a single vote for a Dem.
And still? This New Jersey billionaire shithead should never have been elected.
The media is fucking trash, we all know that. But this reporter asking a basic question, no sleazy tactics or anything, being met with immediate physical violence because this elitist shithead threw a temper tantrum over nothing just shows his weakness, not his strength.
This next hypothetical is obviously hyperbolic, but honestly not that far off. I believe that a choke-slam would have been totally justified, if, for example, the "reporter" had been a slimy Buzzfeed type (think Joe Bernstein) running up to him with a loaded nonsense question like "In the past you donated 150 bucks to a politician who years later was found to have loose, sketchy ties to some other politician who had vague white nationalist sympathies 40+ years ago - how can you, a Neo-Nazi alt-right KKK member possibly justify running for office, you anti-semititic, PoC-lynching, misogynistic racist bigot islamaphobe heterosexual fucking white male?"
But that's not what happened. "Liberal" journalist or not, his question was not a bad one and the temper tantrum over nothing makes him look like a baby not in control of his emotions.
Also, imagine a world where violence, intimidation and murder are used by political elites to remove anyone even remotely threatening to undermine their power...*cough* Seth Rich *cough* (PS, also look up Michael Hastings).
Lastly, fuck the Sheriff who is a personal friend of Gianforte, donated to his current run, and held him above the law by giving him a misdemeanor slap on the wrist and a 500 dollar fine rather than the felony assault/battery charges plus surely others as well as an arrest and jail time that would have absolutely been given to Gianforte's political opponent had that man done the exact same thing to a reporter.
Stop looking at this as a "lmao leftist beta male reporter gets rekt by awesome right-wing alpha male, this man is a HERO" and try to be more objective.
Corruption is corruption, and this crooked shithead New Jersey elite billionaire getting away with this (with the help of his cop buddies, no less) is just further proof of how rotten to the core the system can be, and in the open. Montana deserves better and so does the USA.
It would have boosted his popularity, but not with the democrats. They like weak leaders who never do anything but just endlessly negotiate
Well said.
How long until politicians who campaign on slamming gay journalists?
quick rundown of everything tht happened?
well said, honestly the retarded looking libertarian candidate would prob have been the best choice.
Kane is running for election in TN, I bet he chokeslams the manlet he is running against tomorrow
Conservatives truly are addicted to losing
there's still no video evidence of anything besides the "reporter" crying like a bitch narrating his own ass kicking
the funny thing is lib shits push for early voting to get niggers and wetbacks more time to vota. This guys was elected because oldfags early voted and could not change their vote once he went all Jesse Ventura on the fake newsman
>the reporter aborter
holy fuck lol
> prove he wasn't
lol that's not how it works fool
Yeah, except for the Fox News people in the room who confirmed it.