Weaponized fucking kek autism. Pol is a place where we tracked shia, called in missles on isis...

Weaponized fucking kek autism. Pol is a place where we tracked shia, called in missles on isis, memed a president into power, and fought sex trafficking. Why the fuck does pol still doubt its influence? Hillary fucking fat ankle cunt clinton acknowledged us and collapsed (kek) and we still wonder how to make a pure society? Use the momentum pol. If we really really focus on one thing no matter the country we win every time. Unity is the only way.

Alphabet or reddit? I can't tell.

>Chaos is working great guys that's why we need to change course and unite!!1

What do you mean?

How was unifying and succeeding chaos? Kek means chaos obviously but how were the people really chaotic in their goal?

Yeah..but...We have to upgrande frumm auzies power to techinickle Schizophrina.

reddit as fuck. alphabet are mostly /ourguys/

It really does have the potential to be though

Why? Because I want shot to actually happen rather than just bitch about it?


Fair, but consider what influence we have and still can exert without all this fucking nihilism

Fill me on, been gone for a couple weeks of trying not to be a degenerate, how did Sup Forums call in missles on isis?

Take your medications


>trying not to be a degenerate
Welcome back

Wtf does that mean?

He means we have to move from weaponised autism to weaponised schizophrenia

We either fight or we go limp when it counts. We have a massive body of people witb nothing to lose. Let's fucking go.

How is it schizophrenic?

Go ch....Sup Forums is now runover by shareblue/reddit/newfags.

Holy fuck you're autistic.
Autism is simply one weapon, schizophrenia is another

I'm saying every focus we took was correct, just that we proved user organization

OP has twitter psychosis. Google it.

Yes and my point is how is it schizophrenic?

Gerry, don't even use a Twitter so wrong again.

We need to utilize this new "fire" this is control. You control technology you control ths future.

Typical character attack instead of addressing the point

>trying to organize what is essentially mass chaos

Good luck with that, faggot

I personally am not, just putting the idea out you fag posting a dog who licks the peanut butter of the urethral tube of th man you suck off in order to maintain internet access.

Die of preventable disease

greatest day on Sup Forums

wonder if they actually did carry out the attack

They did according to my military friends. It was glorious.

Just took the final redpill guys

Dont worry guys, everything will be fine

>He means we have to move from weaponised autism to weaponised schizophrenia

'Applied Schizophrenia'

'Operationalized Autism'

coming soon to an army war college near you.