Weaponized fucking kek autism. Pol is a place where we tracked shia, called in missles on isis...

Weaponized fucking kek autism. Pol is a place where we tracked shia, called in missles on isis, memed a president into power, and fought sex trafficking. Why the fuck does pol still doubt its influence? Hillary fucking fat ankle cunt clinton acknowledged us and collapsed (kek) and we still wonder how to make a pure society? Use the momentum pol. If we really really focus on one thing no matter the country we win every time. Unity is the only way.

Alphabet or reddit? I can't tell.

>Chaos is working great guys that's why we need to change course and unite!!1

What do you mean?

How was unifying and succeeding chaos? Kek means chaos obviously but how were the people really chaotic in their goal?

Yeah..but...We have to upgrande frumm auzies power to techinickle Schizophrina.

reddit as fuck. alphabet are mostly /ourguys/

It really does have the potential to be though

Why? Because I want shot to actually happen rather than just bitch about it?
