Everyone hates Germany for Hitler, but Hitler was born in Australia. Why don't people hate on them instead?

Everyone hates Germany for Hitler, but Hitler was born in Australia. Why don't people hate on them instead?

He was just taking the piss ya cunts.

He tried his shit in Austria first. We laughed him out of the country. Then he went to the stupid germans and got power there.

>american education

Nice knowledge of history you got there, dipshit. The first time he tried grabbing power he did it in Bavaria. He never "tried" it in Austria, he just anschluss`d you, and you cheered for him while he did it.

Is Hitler the only good thing to have ever come out of Austria

But we DO hate Armenia. Them stupid Azerbaijanis over in Angola. Hate them, every single one of 'em!

Hitler in his youth in his native country, Australia.

Well, you see, he moved to Germany because he didn't want people to just assume he was a criminal, seeing Australia was a penal colony and all.

> Puerto Ricans in general

>taking the bait
Superior European intelligence everybody.

How am I taking the bait?

If anything, I'm counterbaiting.

Did you only read the first 4 words of ?

Kek. First frogpost that hasnt made me want to kill myself.

nigga, barack obama was born in australia, hitler was born in the phillipines.


Face it, burger, you're out of bait.
Abandon thread!

When people flung their potty waste out of the window, they would shout “Gardez l'eau” [gar-day low]. That's French for “watch out for the water”. We probably get the word “loo” from this expression, although some people think it comes from “Room 100” which is what European people used to call the bathroom.

He was a fokin abo cunt m8

>We laughed him out of the country.

lying fuck. he was just dismissed for some reason and the art schools didn't want him.

nobody laughed at anybody.


this board really hates australia

Because they're raging cunts.

we are behind everything m8

Daily reminder that WW1 happened because strayan' Franz ferdinand hadnt put on his bulletproof vest.