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looks grossed out

show the full video faggot

So dainty what a princess

seems like it's the moment then hands are being released, Trump probably didn't want to hold such a fucking dirty hand anyway

Neither look particularly comfortable tbqh. That's an unfortunate picture, they both look like they've just smelled a fart.

this, thats the best pic they had? jesus.

>during one frame of the handshake his hand looks limp
It's OVER. Drumpf HAS to resign now.

Macron probably smells like embalming chemicals at this point

frogs feel disgusting
Trump should have just done what he did to merkel

Macron is pretty based

It's refreshing to see Trump projecting his disdain for those Euro faggots. Death to all frogs.



Young French bull cucks American white male

Neither look like they want to be there, those two will not be bff. It's kinda funny seeing The Guardian and other leftist cuck outlets trying to meme the power handshake thing using a cherry picked frame.

Why Trump's trousers looks like my dad's ?
Horrible for a world leader

That's not smug, that's a very awkward smile. I'd love to see the left try to meme him as a tough guy, though, this fag hasn't had a single confrontation in his whole life.

Guess it's time to surrender

That nose

Notice how Trump keeps his hand much closer to his body, forcing Macron to reach out? It's body language for "I'm the one in charge in this relationship".


Trump has the exact face I make when I shake hands with someone with luke-warm sweaty hands