ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong

ITT: Historical "villains" who did nothing wrong
Hard mode: no Hitler.
Let's start with Jiang Jieshi, also known as Chiang Kai-shek or Jiang Zhongzheng. He was the hero China deserved, but Truman and the Americans betrayed him, leaving China for the commies to take over. If Chiang had won, he would have made a strong, nationalist, prosperous China that could have returned China to its rightful place, as hegemon of Asia. Perhaps there is still hope for the Republic of China. 蔣中正總統萬歲,中華民國萬歲!

Other urls found in this thread:

The entire country of Rhodesia

White People.

He literaly LITERALY let a known communist spy lead his armies to sure defeat because he couldn't admit to himself that he was being betrayed.

He also got bamboozled by Chou En-Lai like a 3 year old.


Carlos V
Wanted to Make Spain Great Again but other countries supported liberals making him lose the Carlist War.
Fuck: Portugal, France and UK

aka Cash My-Check, Chancre Jack, or more affectionately, "Peanut."

His crime, if you will, was to have made Mao look good.

> Jiang Jieshi
> also known as Chiang Kai-shek
> Jiang Zhongzheng
Okay serious question : how the fuck did he end up with 3 family names (or whatever the Chinese equivalent is). Are they like title, nicknames or something ?
Or is it just westerner that can't agree on how to write his name without china glyph ?



Jefferson Davis

Very true. Breadbasket of Africa turned into hellhole by black gommies. Even when the Rhodesians tried including blacks in the government it wasn't good enough and they were forced to accept Mugabe, who's still president three decades later after driving the country into the dirt.
Gott be more specific man.
How is Napoleon seen by French today?
Chinese traditionally had multiple names, ones when they studied, when they were children, and eventually they'd settle on a new one when they established themselves. Jiang Jieshi is the same, just the Mandarin pronunciation of his name, Chiang Kai shek is Cantonese and technically wrong since he was not from the Cantonese region of China. Jiang Zhongzheng was a name he gave himself to identify himself as successor to Sun Yat sen as leader of the Republic of China. It's a bit complicated.

>had no issues with the jews (but sold them out for an alliance with Hitler)
>was the first to point out the flaws in Hitlerism
>tried to make his country an empire
>Brough a bit of civilization to Libya

>sold out a meme country like Belgium for the greater good of Europe and the whites
>went from successful politician et la to front soldier for what he believed in
>in 3 years got from private to general major
>triggered lefties for the rest of his long life in Spain
>was an excellent writer

>How is Napoleon seen by French today?

They've always looked down on him.

Leopold II unironically didn't do anything wrong.

fucking european pussies with muh morality muh poor negroes muh equality muh exploitation muh white man's burden

He was about to make Africa white.

Obviously, no one here is going to say he did anything wrong. but when I was in school there was a load of propaganda about how "The Indian removal act was meeeeeaaaaannn" and other shit. But anyone who is scared of banks is a good guy in my book.

All Japs are bad guys though. Day of the atom bomb soon.
Explain... no memes. 請。。。
Explain in more detail por favor.
Okay, good one...

As usual, people love him and the (((intellectuals))) do not

Those guys.

His actions with the banks put the US into a depression and really fucked with the economy. Not to mention he fucked up and removed the one civilized native tribe.

jiang is the family name. jieshi/kai-shek are just romanized differently. zhongzheng is his other given name.

1. Depression is worth it because fuck the fed.
2. Injuns aren't people in a traditional sense.

he was also a very good king in home affairs, really a good guy

Augusto Pinochet

This is why Jewish bankers wanted him gone after WW2

>>had no issues with the jews (but sold them out for an alliance with Hitler)
You say that like it's a good thing.

Carlos V wanted to restore the laws Habsburgs established on Spain, pure christian traditionalism, make a less decadent society and fix the empire. If he won, most problems present in modern day Spain wouldn't exist.

his wife rode the big white cock carousel.

>Come the Japanese invasion, however, Chiang's lack of height and weight were used against him, as Chiang was transformed on countless propaganda leaflets into the 'sick man of Asia', spindly and stunted. Chiang's military standing was commensurate with his physical stature.
REEEEEEEEEEEEE stop shitting on manlets you fucking nips
>neckbeard with a stupid hat
our guy indeed


I just realized he did a Hillary Clinton.

Basically he had every advantage from resources, army and us backing. And he still managed to lose to Mao (trump).

And no, even after Japan he still held a YUGE advantage. How much do you have to fuck up?

I am ashamed that you are my countryman.


My grandfather probably killed your grandfathers friends

I guess it was the other way around.

If anything, it was good that Trump got elected, because otherwise, if Hillary had won, they would have taken him off the $20 and replaced him with Harriet Tubman or some shit.
Americans stopped helping Chiang and sold out Republic of China until only Taiwan was left. Meanwhile the entire strength of the Soviet Union was behind Mao and his band of bandits. Even so, he made Taiwan great considering limited resources after being defeated.

He lost to Mao simply because of charisma difference
Or as they say, out of touch with the common man

Correction, powerful (((interest groups))) put America into depression for its defiance.

Mao was a very talented commander, especially when it came to guerilla warfare. He was an utter retard when it came to statesmanship though, but he did successfully unify China with questionable methods at the cost of destroying its culture.


Charisma in the end means nothing. Chiang was still a better guy and better leader than Mao. If America had backed him properly after 1945 then he wouldn't have lost and China would be the best.


They prevented Spain and Portugal becoming dysfunctional leftist shitholes for decades. Too bad both countries are on that track now anyhow.

Oh, a multicultural democratic government pushed by an outside force
Tell me, how well has that been working out

Also, # of supporters matter a lot in poor people wars


what the kek why are you here charles :'(

a "taiwanese" is behind that flag

Republic of China wasn't multi culti like modern day Europe. In fact it brought together all Chinese ethnicities under mostly Han leadership, very fascist. And ROC was also a government founded by Chinese for Chinese, not by foreigners.

To be honest every regime change in China ends with complete destruction. They call Mao evil but when you think about it, every emperor in China did similar when overthrowing a dynasty.

Looking at trump, I'm beginning to understand why china is so heartless in history. For example trump constantly has to deal with leaks and deep state from the last adminstration trying to backstab him. In China this wouldn't happen because they pretty much just kill off all the remnants. This might be heartless but if you want to run an administration effectively without all this shit, sometimes you got to take extreme measures. This is how Japan actually modernized if I remember correctly.

step aside

>To be honest every regime change in China ends with complete destruction
That, my comrade, is not at all unique to china. Take Russia for example. Radical change of government due to failure of CPSU to reform properly resulted in the worst decade of Russian history since WW2, but a quiet, behind the scenes evolution of democracy into autocracy that followed that decade resulted in the most prosperous times since pretty much the golden age of the soviet union. Go figure.

I like to say that revolutions are one way ticket to hell, you should only take it if you are already there.

Chiang Kai Shek redpill. He was tossed away by the Americans for a specific (((reason))).

Never forget

You guys are kinda assholes to real China

>called out the blitzkrieg before it happened
>was right when the others were not
>managed to pull off the exact combination of show off, annoyance and actual power to make France one of the big winners of WWII after not doing anything for 4 years
>hated Arabs
>muh France is white and Christian
>mistrusted Jews
>called out NATO on its bullshit 50 years before Trump
>called out the EU on its bullshit at a time when it was bearable
>put based Jacques Rueff in power which caused a massive amount of butthurt that will lead to Nixon going off the remnant of gold standard
>2d economy in the world at the time, in a middle sized country
>Colymbay les deux mosquees, said that immigration from shitholes and especially muslim would be the number one problem of the near future
>managed to be an ally of both the USA and China

The man is seriously underrated here because he caused a massive amount of butthurt in Anglo countries.

you do realise both of those statements are incorrect, don't you?

>"Chinese" =/= Turkic, Tibetan, Mongolian, Kazkh, whoever.

>KMT=stooge government so corrupt it didn't even count as a US satellite.

Protip: Look into who was pulling the strings (purse-strings in the KMT's case) behind both parties.

Answer: Foreigners (typically J00s)

This is meme-level history, user.

yeah, gibs us back the mainland

Love the way you've learned the use of inverted commas - but not capitalisation.

>Mainland edumacation.

whatever you say honey

really? Chiang Kai-shek took all the gold from China when he fled to taiwan, please don't talk about things you don't know

China died with Puyi.

Premier of Quebec for 18 years who pretty much turned Quebec into his mini Sup Forums empire.

>BTFO indians, forcing them to assimilate into mainstream canadian culture
>Nationalist but strongly anti-seperatist. In his view Quebec was the best thig about Canada and it should stay that way.
>Traditionalist who strongly encouraged the nuclear family and heavily promoted the Church
>Supression of labour unions and minimal social spending
>Ardent anti-communist
>Heavily favoured rural development over urban
>No evidence of enriching himself from taxpayers money, he died in office poor and in debt.

Of course, mostly because he tried to civilize the Natives we are taught in school that he was Canadas mini-Hitler and his time in power even has its own special name: Grande Noirceur, the Great Darkness.

>but not capitalisation
says the "country" whose economy has been stagnated for years, oh how the all-mighty democracy and capitalism have fallen

>Chiang takes gold from mainland to Taiwan
>mainland claims Taiwan is part of China
>communism doesn't need no gold anyways

Where's the problem?

Canadians used to be based

desu he's right, taiwan is really going under with tsai, her approval is reaching single digits soon no?

Led Israel to victory, looked like a James Bond villain.

who told you communism doesn't need gold? Please read Marx, I'm not gonna educate you what communism is on a taiwanese image board.

No. He was a colossal fuckup who ruined everything that Bismarck built.

well said

true. depends on how much you enjoy the idea of elections and complaining about your leaders.
The old European writers who remarked that the Chinese were the Jews of the East were not wrong.

Marx & Mao: Most definitely a case of elective affinities.

eh, bad but not that bad lol
typical of nu-left parties
too much socjus, too little economy

Is that why you get to be cunts to strangers and your hosts?

>Gott be more specific man.
Why more specific than "white people" when all white people are allegedly villains now? Whiteness itself is now considered "problematic" by our betters.

Degrelle is also IRL Tintin because Hergé inspired his design on him




people can bitch about him being against Vichy but just for May 68 I respect him
also Pompidou backstabbed him like the son a bitch he is

Holy shit, what a fucking nigger.

Mainstream metropolitan Australia laughed at him when he wanted to strengthen our borders end slow down gbs, Europe laughed at him when he advised their border protection policy. We need Tonez back

my dad

Yeah it's depressing. By the way, this guy was our longest serving Prime Minister, guiding us through the Great depreasion and WWII and a Liberal to boot. The tragic thing about Jistin Trudeau is that he is the perfect representation of just how far the Liberal Party of Canada has fallen. Just as a closing note to anyone interested, he has a fairly strong and positive reputation so he remains based even to the normie.

>tfw we destroyed libya

More like gen lee

Tony Soprano did nothing wrong.

This is underrated big time. We didnt even know what weve done until it was too late


>one can't open, the other asks for shekels
after a few searches I think it's about "there's only one China in the world" aka "One China policy", which I believe leaders of your country have admitted it, rude or not it's a reasonable request

Different ways of converting chinese into english, no agreed upon standard because no latinate language has tone rising/falling markers

Actual China? Not Hong Kong?

Chinese might as well be that click "language" the niggers have.

Chiang had massive support from the USA but instead of becoming a savior of China he remained a petty con artist and robber baron. China would have been better off without him. Mao ended up screwing China over but in 1940s he saved it.

Ghengis Khan
>based conquerer
>just better at winning

You mean delivered freedom to the 5% that wanted it
You also got cultural enrichment to the 5% that wanted it

Just did some reading. He sounds based as fuck, despite in all likelihood becoming an enemy to the eternal anglo.

>Brave and skilled military leader - despite never participating in battle/war until he was in his 40s
>Helped create and lead the first standing army in English history
>Brought the Scotts and Irish back into the fold
>Managed to keep a political balance that kept the royalists, religious extremists and radical republicans at bay.
>Soothed relationships over with France
>conquered the insanley valuable colony of Jamaica
>worked towards creating an alliance of Protestant countries.

Facists defeated in WW2 we needed a new enemy--communism. Soviet Union comes apart and the Berlin Wall comes down we need another enemy--radical Islam. Got to have an enemy.

Couldn't name a proper successor and his inept son Richard was BTFO by the son of thr monarch he deposed. His entire legacy was shat on less than a year after hia death.