Love is Colourblind

Pic related is not me, but am dating Chinese QT3.14

Why is interracial love a frowned upon thing here? If anything it prevents inbredding.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cuz whiteys love to inbreed.



>If anything it prevents inbredding.
As long as there are more than 6000 white people around, inbreeding is biologically impossible.
Interracial children suffer from special conditions not found in single racial ones.
Also they look like shit.

I do know a bit of chinese now because of her.

我喜欢说中文 ^.^

Why would you have brown skinned children? Why would you doom your children to stupidity? WMAF, AMWF is fine because both populations are high IQ (asians are slightly higher but whites more diverse). Also looks can be fixed thanks to plastic surgery.

Ok, you have ascended beyond Alex Jones level. Race doesn't determine IQ lol

Why aren't you against IQ mixing instead of race mixing? Is it better to have a child with an 80 IQ white female than a 120 IQ black female?

It does, Abo.

it does

>120 IQ black female
nice meme

You are in for a wild ride, the chinks that date white people are the most batshit insane. They all have daddy issues.

>I don't understand statistics
Found the 80 IQ one.

>doesn't understand how the bell curve world
>Doesn't understand outliers
Gas huffing abo detected


I also have a Cantonese qt

East asians are moderately superior to white people so if you're white the best thing you can do is have children with one.

There's a gigantic gap between white people and black people though. Or even worse australian aborigines. It would be a disaster to reproduce with such individuals.

I chose none since i don't want brown children. If you were to choose between having children with a IQ120 white womand and a IQ120 african woman the offspring with the white woman will be smarter because her caucasian genes have a higher racial IQ.
Yes it does. IQ is determined by your DNA. A good part of it is the influence of the enviroment. If you breed you want white or asian genes to pass onto your children.

This. Hapaz are not a meme. Mental illness is something the majority of WMAF hapas have

race is a social construct bigots

Your children will never identify as my people, the Whites.

This belong to bant nigger.

>I don't understand IQ and genetics
I guess the 80 IQ one would be perfect for you.

It all depends on the father. If the father acts like a total beta cuck the child will end up crazy. If the father acts like a proper man, the child will be fine.

Clearly you haven't read shit on the topic.

I've been trying for months to find a Japanese cutie, but all I get is this.

Love might be color-blind but fucking hate certainly is not. Fuck you OP

>stops inbreeding
Since when is having sex with poeple of the same color as you considered inbreeding?

I'll take a wild guess and say you're shit at the language and/or not very well assimilated into Nip culture.

Either that or you're just a creepy beta who couldn't get a girl in your birth nation either.

Notice how every one of these threads shows someone mixing with a WHITE PERSON?

As if Whites are the TARGET of racemixing?

(((WHO))) hates us Whites that much? I wonder

you betray your own ingroup.
white population is less than 10% now.

and here you are trying to justify your degenerate beliefs. fuck you, dude.

>if you're white the best thing you can do is have children with one.
yeah, until the freak hapa kid kills you, your entire family, and himself

This stupid baseless meme again Jesus Christ.

hi, /r/asianmasculinity

Thank God someone finally found the courage to post this thread.

Asian masculinity is the one who pushes this meme you dumb faggot.

>Hurr amwf strong very smart ya ya!


That's bestiality m8

>white girls always made fun of me
>non-white girls are always nice to me


found the autist

you're all freaks, you hapa weirdo

>Why is interracial love a frowned upon thing here? If anything it prevents inbredding.

Exactly right, aussie. Also your children will be able to integrate into Chinese society more easily as half-breeds.
You'll have it harder tho, and your gf won't fit into white society. But at least your bleached asian children will live it up.

can confirm.
mom is flip
dad is beta

>t. major depression

Because you want to fuck your mom?

Keep at it and you can become general depression someday.

>tfw no chinese gf

Link me one peer reviewed study that shows that the IQ of the offspring of a white couple and a black couple with same IQ will be different due to some "race IQ".

I think it's terrific you found love OP. Congratulations. Try and make it last.

>Thinks every single thing a child inherits is from the mother and the father and that lineage magically begins there


Get out of Poland they don't need cucks like you there.

No. It's more that I had issues with their parenting style growing up. It worked out ok, since I realized they had no idea what the fuck they were doing, and I just learned to take everything they did with a grain of salt. I feel like my relationships with other people are fucked though.

I'm not on any meds. Feel like I'm getting better though.

Those people's IQ didn't magically appear out of nowhere.
Again, where's a peer reviewed study?
Kill yourself, retard.

>chinese gf
>her friend's refer to me as her little boyfriend
this is bad right

Both of my parents were white and it is exactly the same for me. It's not a hapa issue, it's about parenting

Many Asian women specially Koreans get plastic surgery. They lie about their looks and the next thing you know your popping out kids who look like ayyylmaos. pic related.The mom had surgery to get double eyelids, slimmer face or jawline, and taller nose.

Yes genetics and inherited traits are ONLY from the mother and father that's why absolutely nothing is recessive or is passed down from other relatives.

Holy fuck you literally don't even have a middle school grasp of genetics you dumb nigger.

It's not great m8

Where is the Manlet, Northern Irish AM/WF spammer?

I mean look at this. This is beyond make up deception.

disappointed desu, normally he's on these threads instantly


>Race doesn't determine IQ lol
really fires my neurons


What's it like dating a chinese? I want to get one for myself. Did you go to China or meet her here?


he's beta, but at least he's still able to fall in love.
i'm half psychopath, half empath.

red pill me on korean jaws, what's the deal there?

Depends if you're actually short or not. Some cultures use the term "little (boy/girl)friend" as the term for boyfriend/girlfriend.

it really is

Did you even read my post? Do they not teach you how to read?
Instead of making random retarded claims like
Just find 1 peer reviewed study that shows that there exists some hidden "racial IQ" that makes offspring of a black couple with the same IQ as a white couple less intelligent. If it's such an obvious fact, there certainly is at least one, right?

>i'm half psychopath, half empath.

The most retarded, nonsensical thing I've read in weeks, grats user you earned this.


Look at this girl. No facial dimension. It looks very bland and flat.

most asian females are ugly af

Another example. All fat, no bone density.

your waifu awaits!

That's because you're likely an LBH.

There's a regression-to-mean effect that's common. Me and my wife both have high IQ, so I'm hoping our son doesn't regress to the white mean.

"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."
-Adolf Hitler
Table Talks With Hitler

>no bone density

Do words have actual meaning to you or do you just string barely relevant terms together hoping they'll suit?

just watched his video on this. Now convinced producing hapa children is an inconsiderate and borderline evil thing to do

bc the white race is dying. you can either help save it or help kill it. by fucking a chink, you are doing the latter. that simple. on a side note, hapas with asian mothers run the risk of being fucked up in the head. look it up. women are fucked up in the west as it is, now make them mothers and people with a different cultural take on the world. unless the bitch has been 110% westernized then the risks decrease but they're still there.

you don't understand. i can be extremely rational without having any emotions. at the same time i can feel if something is wrong, without thinking about it. i also can feel if something is right or wrong, without any moral programs in my head.
let's call it balance.

Hi Dad!

But at the same time, breeding doesn't guarantee genes from the parents: if you have children with a genius who comes from a family where they are commonly of low IQ (in which case it would be rare for her to be a genius but still possible) then you can end up with a low IQ child, by inheriting genes from her parents, grandparents, etc. genes are really just a roll of dice. You can't guarantee much, all you can do is orient them in a very general way. Of course you can't understand first hand since physical appearance seems to draw from direct ancestors (kids look very obviously like their parents) but that's not always the case with intelligence, creativity, personality, etc.

I think the Asian appeal is mostly because they are seen as submissive and loyal. Even though it's not exactly true, there are some truth to it. But physically, they''re the least attractive. Maybe just above black women.

This is tier list: white > latina > arab > asian >/= black

Take a look at this picture. The white woman stands out in every way.

>am dating Chinese QT3.14

Fugging disgusting. Hope you'll die grom aids or some ebola like std.........


another example

>fake blonde

>putting Arab above anyone ever

>posting potato head flick
makes me miss neighbours desu


is this her father?

because she will give birth to a 5'6" asshole like me.

Yes because peer reviewed studies that study the differences between different races are real easy to find and get lots of study you fucking retard. Use some common sense you retarded slav nigger.

You're saying that basically two dumb or mediocre people couldn't have a smart child and that no genetics or anything is inherited from anything but the parents. That's objectively and obviously false.

east asians are white.

Latinas can be really hot don't get me wrong but their language, culture, and behavior is so fucking annoying and tacky that it turns my dick into a fucking noodle. I just can't get past their tackiness.

I don't understand how anyone can stand the anime/cutesy act Asian women put on. The squeaky voice is very grating, and their personality is fake.

theres a liveleak of some guy getting catfished by a woman that looks like that and then kills himself

You're throwing a very big assumption that more high IQ blacks come from low IQ ancestors than high IQ whites, which is why I am yet again asking for evidence.
All I am doing is asking for any evidence of what you are saying, and I still see none.
It's like arguing with someone who says Earth is flat because ships fall off the edge. Sure, that would be a compelling argument, if only there was evidence of that.

But you're only like that because you spend too much time on Sup Forums, and not enough out fucking sluts and getting experience. Other possibility is that you're still in high school and think the whole world revolves around how cool you are in a class of people you won't remember by the time your 20.

You're right, black isn't a color.

Agreed. This post was so idiotic it made me realize I'm an autistic in a zoo full of autistics.