Jesus walked on water, see pic for proof. Now how can you say God isn't real?
A question to all Atheists
>Jesus walked on water, see pic for proof. Now how can you say God isn't real?
Wow. What filter is that?
Atheists lack common sense, they can't think for themselves as an individual, they need some homo rights SJW professor telling them how to think. They believe made up fairy tales like the Big Bang and evolution and completely reject common sense
>look a drawing of a story that was symbolic.
>assume everyone is as dumb as me and takes the bible literally.
>demonstrates own retardation.
Only modern faggot liberal atheist (((Christians))) don't believe in the bible. Did the woman, dyke, pastor at your Lutheran church tell you it's not real?
All the Lutheran churches here in Toronto have fag flags outside them, makes me sick
>being kektard
Who said I didn't believe in the bible? If by believe you mean think it is a documentary then, you got me there.
I'm an atheist and i believe in God.
The bible is true though
The Bible is bullshit.
No it's not, it's 100% fact it's been proven true so many times
The Koran is a lie.
People walk on water all the damned time. Sometimes to play hockey.
The Bhagavad Gita did not fall from the sky.
I agree
I walked on water too, see pic for proof.
And you're a fag, see pic for proof
The original went something like
Jesus swam all the way across the lake, cuz he was the swamafamalam of swam.
>Jesus walked on water, see pic for proof. Now how can you say God isn't real?
>Tales told by fishermen
>You shoulda seen the one that got away!
>Btw when Jesus saw that big fish I swear he was running on top of the water!
>repeat until story grows
Jesus isn't god though. He could be lying about being the son of God.
>Only modern faggot liberal atheist (((Christians))) don't believe in the bible.
2/3 of the world does not believe in the bible and 60% of Christians worldwide understand it is metaphorical, not literal
I wonder where that story could ever have originated from? Perhaps jesus was a really good at swimming?
He's not God but he is Gods son
A lot of people are blind to the truth