When are we going to condemn white terrorism?
US airstrike kills 105 Iraqi civilians
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What should we do instead? Stop fighting ISIS and mind our own business?.
Uhh yes? ISIS was created due to the murder of civilians like this
Well, there's no going back now, ISIS exists. Leaving them alone is the wrong answer.
and nothing of value was lost
ISIS exists because the west has been killing civilians for decades and decades.
Enjoy your increase in terrorist attacks and increase in refugees.
You have nothing to complain about and deserve everything bad that happens to you
Fuck them. They shouldn't have allowed ISIS to take over, they knew what to expect.
ISIS exist because the West fucked up by removing the petty dictators that kept them in check with a boot up their brown asses. Admittedly, that was a mistake, that's the only thing they know.
Its for their own good.
Exactly. Now they know the consequences of cowardice. Do as the Israeli do and dump white phospherous on their children
>ISIS was created due to the murder of civilians like this
That's false.
They were created when the Shia majority were given power over the Sunni minority when the US took out Saddam and his party.
The Baath party and the disbanded Sunni military didn't go anywhere; they eventually became IS.
That is unfortunate, but the two options are bombing ISIS along with a few civilians and allowing ISIS to propagate, subjugate millions of people, and slaughter numerous innocent civilians.
Its ok if US does it. Its only bad if its Russia or Syria.
i really want the west to just leave the middle east alone so we can just seal ourselves off from the third world and nobody will be able to guilt us into taking in 1 billion refugees
>mind our own business?
Yeah, do that.
we're helping
When are we going to condemn white terrorism?
>Iranian !!ymbFZwG60g/
>ISIS apologist
Checks out. How's America Farhad?
The difference is intent.
Russia does shit like that because they seriously don't give a fuck and are OK with killing civilians.
The U.S. tries it's hardest NOT to do shit like that.
It would be easier and simpler to nuke the fuck out of those sandniggers, but since they're cockroaches they will be very resistant to radiation and will survive, casualty count wont be high, same as with MOAB
>ISIS is the only terrorist group ever
The terrorists who created and join groups like ISIS wouldn't exist if the west never set foot in the middle east
Inshallah justice will be served to you pigs
ISIS exists because Islam is Satanic idolatry and Mohammed the false prophet was a warlord child molester.
You bow down and pray to a fallen star, the black meteorite in the Kaaba 5 times a day. Just like the worshippers of Diana in Ephesus.
Take the red pill and avoid eternal damnation.
This is what burgers actually believe
Hey Abu Jamal ibn walid, Farhad isn't a typical Iranian name, I think what you're looking for is Kaveh or Koroush.
If any of those 100 people had family that is still alive, Isis just got a bunch more recruits...
bus with christians was attacked by terrorists 23 died
source: die welt
Farhad is a common name in Iran dumbshit. I'd rather not worship a prophet as god. I'll pass.
Pretty good. Hows life sucking pro western monarchist cock Abdullah?
What sense does that make. ISIS is the ones who lured their families into that explosives packed building and made it a target to begin with.
Start actually fighting ISIS and dont just pretend to while just just pull shit in favor of 5th columns and "not real ISIS" terrorists to destabilize Syria anyways.
Start treating Saudi Arabia Quatar and whatever they are all called as terrorists organisations and call out Israel for blatantly supporting terrorists from "no real ISIS" to real ISIS.
Yes or maybe just mind your own business in your own country.
>Saudi Arabia
See Idiot
Where did I say I support the monarchy? But at least I don't make excuses for ISIS rats while living in the west.
God , that's fucking horrible.
Any civilians near ISIS jihadists are actively supporting them. No different than munition factory workers
I hope their kids got aced so they won't grow up to take the sword against us again.
Well at least they were not raped by dogs in Guantanamo.
Why the fuck do you think we drop bombs with high tech guidance while russia still uses dumb munitions. We could carpet bomb IS, but the geopolitical outcry would be enormous. Look at your own media and how much they bitch and moan about our president, let alone if we were to start going scorched earth.
I've always condemned it because the wars have never been in my interests, the only people who gain anything from these wars are (((bankers))), arms manufacturers, PMCs and the MIC in general. It can easily be argued that the wars actually run counter to my interests because our western governments have been creating angry middle eastern refugees for decades and letting them in our own countries. It's almost as if the wars only exist to meet a demand for refugees by western governments.
Can't say i don't agree. Sad nonetheless.
>I'd rather not worship a prophet as god. I'll pass.
Jesus is the Son of God.
>i am going to continue to practice idolatry and pray to a black fallen star that my mullah says takes my sins away instead of praying to the high priest who is the Son of God who is the only one with the right to forgive sin
Youre absolutely lost.
>105 future terrorists killed before they had a chance to commit suicide bombings
I fail to see the problem here
BBC is fake news
Based 1.6 bilion left to go.....
Maybe but I doubt so, you'd still kill each other, you've been doing this shit since antiquity.
I'll grant you we should stop fucking around over there, if only because we've gone too soft and play too nice to do what's needed to keep savages under control.
>we kill thousands of civilians in Islamic State >:)
>boohoo teror attack killed 5 in out country!!!
> 100 civvies with 1 airstrike
IS should step up their game tbqh
Ain't nothing fair
I'm not making excuses for ISIS. Just stating the fact that people like them are created as a result of western terrorism.
And at least I haven't sold my religion and country out to a family of secular pro western kuffar.
>worshipping a prophet
>worshipping a cross
>not practicing idolatry
>worshipping the trinity
>not a polytheist pagan
Anyone who unironically believes in modern day christianity is a low iq retard
Crescent and star is a Turkic pagan symbol and was unfortunately associated with Islām. Case in point:
>Thus did We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he be one of those who have Faith and certainty. When the night covered him over with darkness he saw a star. He said: "This is my lord." But when it set, he said: "I like not that those who set." When he saw the moon rising up he said: "This is my lord." but when it set he said: "Unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among the erring people." When he saw the sun rising up he said: "This is my lord, This is greater." But when it set, he said: "O my people! I am indeed free from all that you join as partners in worship with Allah.
Watchu doing in Germany Jamal?
Well if we can't have a travel ban we'll just make sure there are no refugees.
>Stop oppressing muslims or we're gonna chop off your head harder
>t. towelhead roastie
This is exactly why we can't beat isis
Kike medias cry whenever a civilian is bombed in a isis controlled town
I say level every isis town like Warsaw
Says the guy who believes in a platonic paradox, now hold my beer, I'll explain what I mean in FIVE posts.
>First of, get familiar with Plato's Theory of Ideas and Parmenide's Existential Paradox
>Get familiar with the Universal Equation Theory
>Get familiar with the Universal Perfect System Theory
>Consider all of them as true for the sake of this argument
>The Universe is entirely regulated by one equation, which would make that equation a perfect system.
>That perfect mathematical/physical system is capable of being deconstructed into small parts for our use in approximate calculations and actions according to proportionnal circumstances (i.e.: basic gravitational laws for architecture, where you don't take into account cosmic rays, radiations or other natural catastrophies occuring at a 0.00000000...1 propability rate)
>Same goes for Plato's Theory, in which we nitpick virtues off of Perfection for circumstancial use (i.e.: Courage in face of danger in battle, where wisdom and kindness is not take into account, etc.)
>Consider this equation :
>One would be one unit, implying the unit is a perfect system because there's nothing affecting it practically
>The "?" would be the physical manifestation and/or perception of that force in the physical world. Note that the result still comes as one, but because of the physical world's nature and proportions, this side of the equation can never be reduced to one.
Spirituality could be reduced to a perfect system the same way as physics and philosophical concepts are, because of its elementary attributes: it has a cause and an effect in the physical world.
In the next post: practical examples of this.
>Let's take it to the spiritual levels
>First off, Animist, Spiritualism, Shamanism and Fetichism theories
Let's consider the previous points as true.
Then, on a Perfect Level, every religion should be considered 1=1. However, in the material world, they all deconstruct in similar fashions, from one unit of Perfection, usually a primordial force that formed the Cosmos.
Let's take the four above religious groups, for example :
In Perfect World
In material world, senses manifestation
"x" meaning the numbers of potential spiritual recipients in the Physical universe
(Note : this is a wildly innaccurate formula. Most of these spiritual essences have different "weights" than some, but overall it is still an accurrate representation of the principle of it all)
See, Perfection of a spiritual essence is divided in all things more or less equally in a pattern that can be retraced approximately back to One ; usually considered the All-Maker, the Dreamland, the Void, etc. meaning that there was only ONE thing before everything else.
>Polytheistic religions theories
Same as the previous, with new variables
In the Perfect Level :
In the Material Universe :
Here, the variables are not about the amount of possible vessels, which is set, but the possible spiritual powers, over the material Universe, that these divine essences or entities possess.
Overall, it still come back to one, since they work in a system (what we call a pantheon) that WOULD be the "perceived" Perfection we get of them, but this is also false, because it is actually part of a cosmogony that also predicts the fall and rebirth of this world as well as its origins, meaning that Perfection, in most of these beliefs, would be the Cycle of Rejuvenation and Destruction experienced by most natural systems like the water cycles, life/death/digestion/reproduction/life cycle, etc.
>Anyone who unironically believes in modern day christianity is a low iq retard
Says the retard that has to flee the 3rs world for a better life in Christendom.
Everything you posted was false. You have misconceptions because youve never read the source material that the Christian apostacy called Islam is based upon.
Okay, so consider this first :
>The Physical Universe is the only perfect, closed system known to Man
>The Physical Universe is entirely evolving from a single equation that controls its every physical actions and reactions
Therefore, the Physical Universe is perfect.
Hence, we can use the unit (1) to singularize the Physical Universe.
>Now comes Plato's theory
Even if the Physical Universe is perfect, it is proportionally imperfect until you look at the ensemble
Therefore, the Physical Universe can be decomposed.
Just like Ideas in Plato's theories.
>Here comes the concrete examples
Then lets take the Physical Universe as a comparable
Let's say that one (1) is equal the the ensemble of every physical laws existing in this Physical Universe
In Ultimate proportion, which is the contemplation of the Whole (let's name it the "Perfect Level"), then the Universe, whatever the equations making it, is still 1=1.
Couldn't the same be said about the deconstruction of Perfection, in Plato's theory?
1 Perfection = 1 Perfection in the Perfect Level
1 Perfection = a+b+c+d+... in the Virtue/Abstract/Mathematical/Physical/Human/Animalistic Levels
Therefore, following natural laws, Perfection, on a whole, is undeniable, but can be deconstructed.
>Dualist theories
This one is simple
Perfect Level:
Material Universe's manifestation:
The Universe, spiritual as well as material, would be divided in two opposing entities or concepts : Good/Evil, Life/Death, Light/Darkness, etc.
This theory is mostly a more primordial approach to deistic polytheism, because it conserves the elements that trace back both of these divine essences to a Cycle of Light and Darkness.
>The question of Islam and Judaism
This is where everything falls apart.
Muslim and Jewish doctrines claim that their Gods are indivisible AND perfect, meaning that, theorically :
Perfect Level :
Material universe's manifestation :
There are two theories that could represent this formula, and you'll understand it pretty quickly.
There is a God, but he cannot manifest in the Physical World because he IS the physical World, and therefore obeys its laws.
There is a God, but it could only be the observer of this equation (meaning you, dear reader).
Do you see the discrepancy? This is not the formula for monotheism ; this is the formula for nihilism/egoism for the latest or atheism in the first case.
There is also the theory that they exist only in the Perfect World. Bu then, how could we have grasped its manifestation in the physical Universe to start with? It simply doesn't correlate.
>The question of Christianity
Wait isn't Christianity like the other Abrahamic faiths?
No, it's not. Chrisitanity (at least anything that isn't aryanism) preach that God is divided into essences, which are perfect in the ensembles, inseparable in duty, but imperfect take alone.
Strangely platonic, isn't it? Also, wouldn't that be the same as just pointing at the equation from gravitation and relativity and saying "it's aprt of the Universe, so it's perfect as a whole"?
>Christian apostacy
That would require Muhammad to have been a christian which he wasn't.
Perfect Level :
Material Universe's manifestation
where a is the Father, b the Son and c the Holy Spirit.
all have equal values, but cannot be taken together on this scale to form Perfection.
Islam and Judaism have no mathematical formulation in this model. I dare you to find one actually and to contradict me.
And because they have no mathematical formulations in this model, it means they don't exist.
Ergo, Islam and Judaism are frauds.
Ce qu'il fallait demontrer
Should drop the rest of the MOABs there instead.
The bible isn't the word of god, and has been changed so many times its original text has been lost.
Its just a rewritten fanfic of real christianity which is Islam, because whites are too degenerate to follow the real thing so they follow a bastardized fake version of the real thing.
>real christianity
real monotheism/tawheed*
Speculative philosophy is such cringe
Kant never left his home town and talked about space and wall building
Useless asf
US trusts and relies too much on (((foreign intelligence))) and no matter who's in charge the cabinet is full of (((neo conservatives/liberals)))
>J-just tell em its a training ground fah terrahists! If they kill some goyim then say that it was because Hezbollah was hiding weapons. Remembah goy, Israeli is yah greatist ally!
My god you are retarded
>Rewritten fanfiction
>By a number of influential greek philosophy initiates
>Implying it's a bad thing
And btw, it's the Torah that really kept changing. The Bible never "changed" (except protestant reformists which reinterpreted someparts of it), it just picked the most important texts from the Apostles and Saints of this world to explain Christendom.
Meanwhile your book was written over 12 years by an angry, bitter man who failed to propagate it by the word in Mecca and Medina, thinking he could become the next Jesus. Kek.
That's nothing. We should build some gas chambers there and physically and metaphysically remove the entire population.
>There is a God, but he cannot manifest in the Physical World because he IS the physical World
So the shit I took this morning is part of God? Pantheists are retards
They said americans are dumb but i just didnt wana believe.
This isn't white terrorism, this is ISIS's fault. They stored explosives in a building full of people then when the building was hit with an air strike due to two snipers on top it exploded. The explosion from the airstrike would not have brought the building down alone, it went down because of the other explosives in the buildings.
Not an argument
If you do the math the U.S. Military has murdered 1,200 times as many civilians as died on 9/11 since 9/11. The K/D be is hyper carry strong.
>this is bad
gonna need your sources on that lie, tripfaggot
So you're saying that if Iraq bombed us daily, killing thousands of civilians per year, we would turn the other cheek like helpless cuckolds because we're not Muslims?
>that contradictory, cognitive dissonance like belief in a mathematical symbol language created by a imperfect creature somehow proving the perfect
>Implying Europe hasn't been doing literally the same thing and killing each other for centuries
for every suicide bomber attack on western soil an entire muslim city in the middle east gets destroyed...
If it was like this there would be no more attacks on the west
For atheist the Universe in its material form is "God"
The problem comes when they try to push non-deterministic approach afterward. Hilarity ensues.
Okay, now prove to me that it can't, then.
Mathematics are the key to philosophical enligthenment, even Plato knew it when he built his Academy.
>Purely (((speculative)))
>Not at all based on the three most accepted physical/philosophical supratheories around
>Implying we can't extrapolate and suppose that all of existence works according to that model (socially, mathematically, physically, philosophically)
0.01 shekels have been deposited in your account, francecuck.
But, after all, I guess you're scared that your "tolerance baloon" will burst if I speak too loudly. Not my fault you're already up to the stratosphere and will fall a loooong way down.
>Prove to me that it can't.
I already did. Something imperfect can't create perfect.
Plato also thought they'd lead, you to the path of philosophical understanding where the thinking hajppens, not that it leads you to arrheton
wrong. thats what happened. its all ISIS fault.
This thread worries me, trump is committing genocide and this is how you are all reacting?
I was hoping God Emperor would withdraw us from the region. Browns are a lost cause.
However Trump was put under the spell of the jew cousin: Arabs in the form of Saudi Arabia.
Reminder: Jews + Negroes = Arabs
>Mathematics are imperfect
Hold on. By definition, a mathematical equation that is properly balanced is perfect. Are you implying the contrary?
How high are you, faggot?
I already explained in my last posts that the Universe is PROPORTIONALLY IMPERFECT. Only the ensemble is perfect. Same thing applies to philosophy in platonician theories, so why wouldn't it apply to spirituality?
The supra equation in the physical world would be perfect, and therefore we could essentially extrapolate God from it.
damn straight vlad. don't think we didn't see those CNN reports of that evil assad gassing baby children.
I'd be fine with it if they'd only commit, this half-assed shit is just going to end up getting more people killed
Glad your leader sucks their feet and turns their cheek.
It is 26.