Brit/pol/ It's too bloody hot edition

>Incompetent security services warned about attacker, did fuck all

>The Queen visits Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

>Trump: terrorist "losers", leaks "deeply troubling"

>8 men arrested, arrests "significant"

>Threat level raised to critical; with no parliamentary oversight

>Election is allowed to continue on Friday, small parties can do Thursday

>Tory cuts forced us to put troops on streets: Police Federation

>Thousands of troops swarm the street in Operation Temperer

>UKIP Manifesto

Other urls found in this thread:

Got to go outside today lads.
Its 24 Celsius.

2rd for Corbyn

Does Barry Gardiner just hang around outside the Daily Politics studio?

buy The Sun

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world countries?

22 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades.

>infinite celcius
>half an hour walk to university
>autism prevents me from not wearing jeans and boots
>didn't even study at all for the exam i have in two hours
going well


Bugger off

Who is this guy dropping red pills on DP?

He looks like a nonce tbqh
I wouldn't let him near a primary school

But my soul is British.

This is the sort of thing that would get mega (you)s on Facebook, post it on a BBC news Facebook post or something.

>Gardiner on DP for the 500th time this year

Why? WHY?

It's not though.


>Barry Gardiner

Oh fuck off

Rate my lunch lads

BBQ beans - runny egg

>My wife's son is African

Former Labour MP, seems the moment you don't have to tow the party line you get a lot more redpilled.

Labour clearly has very little trust in its MPs to not totally fuck up.

>MCM Saturday
>Hospitals in intensive care in London literally being cleared as they expect a terror attack
>its also going to be 27 degrees

so instead of refuting you tell him to bugger off.

shit checks out. autist confirmed.

It was a dirty hoax. Try and find some actual tears on any of these crisis actors, when they pretend to cry. You won't. It was the same with the Jo Cox hoax. Britain is rotten to the core.

>yolk mixed with baked beans

people like you are why britain has an image of shit cuisine, well done

Got refuted by that image, now fuck off to your own threads.

Christ I fucking hate this slimy cunt's voice. Like nails on a chalkboard.

too bloody hot lads

Link to Corbyn speech?

What did he say

This is the first attack that has been caused by poor foreign policy. Not working with then killing Gaddafi who probably had intel on the terrorists parents was poor foreign policy, and the reason why this happened. We should tell America to fuck off when they want to go and ruin Iran after they fail in Syria

Mate their children literally died.

>tow the party line
Every fucking time

>text from the DWP reminding me about my appointment

Fuck off and leave me alone you Tory cunts. I am trying to relax.

Sup Forums banned when?

>multiculaturalism and globalisation

that's trade m8

We wuz real terrorists n shit

Shut up! Shut up, you American. You always talk, you Americans, you talk and you talk and say 'Let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this.' Well, you're dead now, so shut up.




Why the fuck are your beans hard already? Did you leave it overnight or something?


British foreign policy causes terror attacks, basically he's politicising Manchester less than a week after it happened. Sorry don't have a link.

start handing it all back you cheeky fucking theif

the "men" who do it for free banned the cute animeposter :(

State on the cunts, maybe offing their ilk wasn't bad after all.

>you're dead now, so shut up.

Good, can't stand these cunts using brit/pol/ to chat to other faggots, they can use discord or whatever to do that.

>wtf i love terrorists why can`t the british public like them too

you're chatting to me right now

>if you want to import foreign goods you need to import their people too

Haha no.

Ouch. Edgy.

Fried them

>literally every single security expert and academic talking head on the news this morning and on DP now saying Jezza is talking absolute shit with his foreign policy is to blame schtick

What a mong.

senpai has that been left out for like an hour or something? why do your beans look so shit?

The UK government will push through orders next month to force all communications companies including Google and Facebook to break data encryption.

That's according to the Sun newspaper, which quotes a government minister as saying "we will do this as soon as we can after the election, as long as we get back in. The level of threat clearly proves there is no more time to waste now."

The same minister is also quoted as saying: "The social media companies have been laughing in our faces for too long."

The defiant response comes the day after the latest bombing atrocity in Manchester that saw 22 people killed outside a pop concert. Although there is currently no reason to believe that unencrypted data would have made a difference in that incident, the issue has become a touch point for law enforcement and government officials, particularly in the face of defiant tech companies based in the United States.


Every time I want to like the Tory party, I'm reminded why I don't.
I have no idea why they used an image of an Asian train.

brit/pol/ discord

>basic tier ((((white bread))))
do you hate yourself?

>My diamonds are South African
Thank you for your support.

Pretty sure he has dementia or something, nobody can be this retarded.

>yellow hair

So how would he explain the terror attacks in Sweden


I almost feel sorry for his shadow cabinet having to get some of the agro because of Jez, but most of them are fucking morons so its not worth the bother

>cooking your beans in a frying pan but boiling your egg
Are you mental lad

your farts are going to strip paint

They're BBQ ones and I fry them

They aren't being open or tolerant enough

>Had to google what you were on about

You win this round

The absolute state of you

Why are brits so condescending?

if & when mummy may wins

but the sauce looks really dry, does that happen when you fry them?

The picture looks tragic but it's probably a tasty bit of scran. 6.7/10.

Got my first (((waged))) full contract jobs lads you all wished me luck a few days ago in the sticky


Nothing wrong with cooking beans in a frying pan lad, best way to do it
Boiling your egg instead of cooking it in the same frying pan is what's bonkers

That's a woman

>Gardiner getting BTFO by Coburn
christ mate, just give up


Could mean something similar to moving the goalposts
>towing the party's goalposts across the line

Barry keeps talking about how clear he is being, but I don't think even he knows what he saying.

>JK Rowling
About as British as any Cosmopolitan twat.

Yeah it's nicer in my opinion

>In 844 the Vikings attackedAl-Andalus, the administrative area of theIberian Peninsularuled by Muslims. They sackedLisbon, Cádiz and Medina Sidonia, and then captured Seville.

Which way will Dimblebot vote in the election?

>Gardinier getting absolutely BTFO

Why does he even go on?

I talk about politics, they talk about their gay nights out.

Yeah this makes up for having to listen to the twat talk.

he's 6'3 which is quite tall actually joanne

>We shouldn't listen to experts

>Wtf I love experts now

Gardiner is struggling. Must be pissed off with Jezza.

Barry malfunctioning on Daily Politics. Painful to watch.

Dilemma lads, boss wants me to ring him when I've finished the job I'm at but I know he'll ask me to go to another one and I can't be arsed. Should I just drag it out till 3:30 so I can fuck off home without phoning? I want to leave but I'm too much of a good goy to just fuck off home.

Its more a mushy peas texture

It`s too windy, lads.
All my papers are all over the room.

Quite happy to provide the business for the people living in those countries if their product is better. The ahmeds wanting to come to your country aren't better in any way than what you have already.

Depends what your promotion prospects are like.

JoCo occasionally goes hard on someone and it's pretty glorious but then the rest of the time she's fucking useless
Don't get it tbqh

I reckon he's a Tory

Give Mummy May your energy! She can't lose to Commie Corbyn!!

Of course he votes Tory, he probably voted Remain though.

Well this looks like a even better day for Corbyn.
May resignation when?
