How to redpill my fair maiden?

She is Swedish, blonde hair, blue eyes.

She's just starting (thanks to my influence) to get into alternative ideologies, and she's already pretty sick of immigrants flooding her land, but how can I actually make her proud of her nation, or proud of being traditional or racist? Is there any safe way to redpill your woman?

I want her to understand we have to be radical now to take Europe back, and I want her to feel proud of her race, origin and ideally nationalistic views. Any chance?

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Just focus on whatever she already cares about. If she's wary of immigrants, just bring up negative news about immigrants or highlight politicians that want to do something about the refugee crisis. Just don't bring up random shit out of the blue, that's how you make people think you're a turbonazi.

Protip: you don't.

She secretly desires Muslim cock. If she isn't already polluted with leftist feminism, she will be eventually.

Dump her and find a nice light Hispanic with a sweet round ass.

>take Europe back

Remain where you are spic.

She will probably leave you for someone that is blonde and blue eyed if you redpill her to much

You can't. Women are natural traitors. If a Muslim killed you right now, she would fuck him instead.

Have you ever travelled out of your country?

my gf has the tits and ass of a black woman, blonde, thick, and insults niggers and kebabs every chance she gets. I didnt even need to redpill her.

Yes and seen your ugly kind

>fair maiden
Keep calling her that, lets see how long it takes for her to run far away from you. Just look at the Golden one.
Same goes for you, Sven Ahmedson.

t. swede who is too autistic to get a swedish gf

Welp, watch out for that projective frustation.

Your own sister doesn't seem to agree.

I don't understand why you would prefer a flat assed toothpick cucked white bitch over the far superior Hispanic.

But if you redpill her, she will leave you, beaner.

Does it matter? If they have kids they will become Spics just like him, it'll just be as if she died.

I've had my fair share of Spanish punani. Also, she is far from flat assed, she's really thick, she has a pawg type behind.

That term refers to mexicans of (largely) mixed mesztiso heritage, not white spaniards

What's wrong with the Golden one?

>white spaniards

yea, right.

>white spaniards
Immigrant spotted

Nice on gypo, ,learn geography

Geography you say?Spain is located in Africa Minor.Geographically, the country is as european as Turkey(located in Asia Minor).

Gypsy filth.

Good job dividing and conquering, you're doing (((them))) a great favor

>le d&c meme

You don't really have to redpill her as such. Just redpill her on femininity and traditional women then you're done.


>defining who's white

lmao untill a few years ago, they defined spics and arabs as white.

No. You're a raging gypsy.

Mixing of Nordic people with Meds is about as degenerate as mixing with Arabs.

In the end you have nothing but degenerates who are not a part of any nation. You have a Spanish man interested in Swedish woman for fetish reasons and the other way around.

Can you muh dik degenerates not realize that when Europeans lose their nationality they tend to act like liberal Americans and mix with nonwhites?

What will a half Spanish half Swedish bastard child be? A Spaniard or Swede?

Angry cucks....

Hush, fake Russian.

>She is Swedish
> proud of her nation
Not gonna lie friendo, that's an up-hill battle.


How's Aus holding up?

Triggered degenerate fetishist.

Take the cyanide pill.

Heil Jugoslavija!

His "fair maiden" dumped him because of his incessant calling her like that in public.

Can you listen to my points for a bit you retard?
People like you create the "We are a nation of immigrants" meme.

Once you allow mass immigration from other European countries you allow it from 3rd world too. It ALWAYS ended up that way

Where are the proofs?

>A Spaniard or Swede?
A Spede, of course.

The golden one and his girl didn't break up. If they did, I missed that video.

Her not wanting to appear in his videos anymore, and later dumping him is not proofs enough?

lol no, just saying to not redpill her too much
If OP doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes and redpills her on mixing races, then she might leave him.
Women are fucking retarded in that manner,

>What will a half Spanish half Swedish bastard child be? A Spaniard or Swede?

Going by the geographical logic, it would look french.

Name calling and telling me to take cyanide aren't any sort of points. If you want a civil discussion, act civilized.

I doubt that he would make a video on it.

The guy is OK but he is a bit too much of a try hard. But again like Varg he is not living in his homeland.




The Golden One have autism and apparently he dumped her because he need to be fighting the metaphysical battle for his fatherland, which for some reason can only be done in Sweden.(one would think you can make autistic youtube videos anywhere in the world)

This is what he said anyway.

Basically it's more important to roleplay as a Space Marine on youtube, pretending your're the defender of Sweden and Evropa than putting a baby in his gf.

Proofs of that?

He made a video on it. Too lazy to look it up, but he did. He dumped her because he had to go back to Sweden and he needed to focus on muh metaphysical battle.

Yes this is a very sick man we're dealing with.

Seth Rice is old news, time to move on son.

He is right though. He came back to defend his nation and will probably get involved in local politics.

>fair maiden
holy fuck end yourself

she was way above that downey kevin bacon looking guy anyway.

Fuck off spanish scum


Haven't seen him do anything that he couldn't be doing in Busan, South Korea though.

If he was getting into local politics, i'm sure he would have mentioned it.

Seems to me he just have autism and the idea of roleplaying as the savior of Sweden in Sweden makes more sense than having a gf and a family.
I don't know, he can probably get decent ladies with that body of his. And she wasn't some 10/10

he's a 3-4 in face

Yeah but the body makes up for that

Du va mig ta mig tusan en riktig bögshill, shill.

Just keep her away from politics.

Bad mix

>take Europe back
I see you're already thinking like a mutt, worry about your country first

t. Hypocrite dating a slav