YOU SCARED Sup Forums??


Slide thread. Obama violated the 4th amendment and is going to jail. Seth Rich was the DNC leaker

Just imagine taking your daily shit, looking down, and realizing you're browner than it is.

There's a reason these people are pissed off everyday.

These are the kind of mentally ill people gun control laws should target. The ones who would shoot someone for a micro aggression

Well considering the majority of violent crime and rape in the US is done by blacks, in particular black men, black women being the victims of these crimes often, I see no issue. They have every right to own a gun. Gun ownership like video games has a tendency to lead people to becoming right wing so theres that too.


there will be live ska music


Not at all. One step closer to race war.

you english teachers are alright

Lol, what are they going to do, start literally shooting white men?

Well come on, bitches.

>Group also contemplates sale and distribution of narcotics, etc, in amazingly brave interview


we can only hope

>open bolt subguns
>first time shooters


>shooting in doors
>paper targets

Hard keks, the only thing they'll stand up to is poor target acquisition and grouping of rounds.




>implying I don't have god tier stealth techniques
Heh, I don't even need a gun, i'm trying to not be edgy but i'm highly confident with my skills

Sure he is, you neckbearded obese piece of white trash

because theyre to dumb to come up with any real arguments for their cause. killing is the only thing they can do

I can feel your salt from the screen itself.


You've increased my empathy. Thanks expat user.


This is what happens when Trump takes away the food stamps they just want you to think it's about racism.

>black women
literally the dumbest "humans" alive

staying in your parents basement isn't stealth mate

Surprised they are allowed to legally own a firearm desu.

stealth my ass
get a gun nigger

Have blacks learned how to hold a firearm correctly yet?


Nice call but i'll have you know that i live in my aunt's basement tyvm

>implying i need a gun
in australia we learn to fight without guns

>Japan bringing the bents


Holy shit


You people are fucking done, lmao
Time to meet your fate


will consider being scared mid-morning on September 2nd

Breaking news. Blacks resort to violence.

I practice white Taquiya, I replace gaschamber and genocide with welfare and special programs, integration and tolerance in all my sentences and people at work love me for it

If you unironically use 'racism' and 'misogony' in one sentence, god should kill you.


Time to file a report to the DEA?

Obama is going in before Hillary lol

>i'm trying to not be edgy
Ur bean dum 101

Renting guns at a range does not count as taking up arms.

>salt on the screen

that's cheetoh dust

>be black
>can't aim

Being a racist misogynist is not wrong

unless you're talking shooting lasers from your hands you're a cuck

harder than hiroshima

>is going to end racism
>shoots up kfc cause "its run by white supremacist
>takes every single last drum stick
>seen as heros by leftist scum
*white man breathes air*
>media meltdown


>Niggers take up arms
>Start shooting white people
>This triggers the race war
>Niggers are out gunned and strategically outmatched
>The US finally gets rid of its nigger problem

Seems good to me.

You scared?

No mate i'm talking about shooting lasers into your mums vagina


>dey jus wan dat 5 piece bucket!
>da wite man make it too expensive fo us black folk to buy!

Banzai bants out of nowhere

My hope too.

And Americans actually win wars occasionally.
Your point is?


>niggers fighting racist stereotypes with guns



You know how this story ends.



Japan once again proving that being nuked twice is the correct amount.

Obongo the filthy nigger will be assraped in prison. :^)


Then when Tyrone will want to make DeShawn pay he'll have momma's anti-cracker machine gun at his disposal.

holy fuck.

All niggers are violent extremists


so the 2nd amendment is only bad if you're white and male, got it.

Good for them. Those retarded Antifa brawls are going to stop fast if people are packing, and Antifa will get shut down hard if they start instigating open gun battles.


include me in the screenshot, faggots

was about to write the same thing.
Suddenly lefties like arms...

dis summer gon be gud

Not only that. Then she looks into a mirror and realizes there is another giant turd on her head.


>liberals arming up to fight one of their many invisible enemies
>wanting to have a shootout with the right-wing who outgun you

well looks like the women are starting to join street gangs.

Violent, armed dindus are something we're acustomed to by now.

>guns are bad except when blacks use them
Vice is the absolute worst liberal rag at this point, surely. Only Salon rivals them.

Goodoh Jobu

Right, because the last time blacks took up guns to "fight racism" it worked out so well.

Never change, Sup Forums.

I'm honestly waiting for the next big leftist attack. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the current impasse will never be solved through democratic politics.

The left already openly supports terrorism. They are often in cahoots with terrorists, and in some cases leftist parties have cooperated with people like the International Socialists. if the right now started blowing people up and assassination politicians, we'd be even. We'd be operating at similar levels.

One scooper

made me raff out roud

Those are some Daimyo level bantz right there senpai

>can't rape the willing



Someone needs a moist towellette and some aloe vera to soothe their salty vagina.

Grorious desu senpai

Only libcucks are afraid of people owning guns.