How do we fix the rape culture?
How do we fix the rape culture?
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tell boys to stop being boys. tell them theyre girls and give them hormones
I've never heard the phrase boys will be boys used in the context of rape
Honestly the fact that grown adults are playing with chalk says everything that needs to be said.
by gassing the jews who promote it
castrate white boys at birth and put them on hormones like the americans do
deport muslims
I think the first step would be gassing the kikes. From there, anything is possible.
Get some chalk and change the R to a V.
To stop rape culture, DEUS VULT!
Get off the /pol, kike. Stop trying to blend in. You can't hide your nose or your slithering kike ways in general.
Scram, faggot kike.
I know, let's make it illegal to rape people and impose harsh penalties on convicted rapists! Oh wait...
Oh fuck off you Muppet, when did "Boys will be boys" turn from flicking nostril nuggets at each other, getting into fights with each other and generally being politically incorrect and competitive become, "Rapes cool guys"...
Get real.
OY VEY!!!!!!!!
Bomb Mecca and anywhere else the Muzzies are.
the real enemies are the jews and the tumblrites. the more i hear from the them, the more i like the muzzies.
MOAB on Israel
stop the jew from forcing countries to take in rapefugees
Need to fix women, not rape culture.
By exterminating the feminists.
>rape culture doesnt exist
"Girls will be whores"
absolutely bad goyim / 10
Never heard of anyone saying "Boys will be boys" in response to a rape.
Maybe we should focus on murder culture and burglary culture instead. It's a shame I'm expected to lock my doors instead of just expecting everyone else not to rob and kill.
It's not. It's more of a driving too fast or jumping off of shit or drinking too much or fighting.
i'm drunk so i get what you're saying and i agree.
Women need to be disciplined
you took it to 11
You shut down Tumblr
By letting those whores get raped by muzzies and ruined as wife candidates
This will change nothing
Only 1% of the male pop cares if a woman is a virgin these days. Most men have no standards and would fuck a whore with 200 guys cum still in their womb.
When the lasses finally understand "Boys will be boys" so stop being single shit mothers you're only making things incredibly worse ladies.