ITT: Post dindu nuffin related stuff

He a good boi

Other urls found in this thread:




I said more



my favorite




it's funny how Sup Forums makes fun of black people and thinks theyre better than them while blacks are out their fucking white women and Sup Forumses are in their moms basement talking about bbc for the 10th time today.



Oh fucking hell.

Jesus christ black fella, its only a couple of cartoons mate. This is my last one anyway, neck up poofter boy.


11/10 was not expecting a comic about Muslims

Good job mate

This won't be the last time we trigger you, nigger

>muhfuggin bixnood muh dick

Best comic yet

I don't get paid enough to see racist shit like this, you people are fucking disgusting
fuck this shit


No self respecting woman will let her self be touched by a nigger. Mudsharks are not longer white.

Sometimes I regret coming to Sup Forums

I remember that video from a few years back, it was actually a babysitter, not the parents.

oh look its the bbc meme again

Thats a shame because I found another one.


You should stay and watch all the videos. You'll probably learn a thing or two.

ok, here's one with the parents


You should like this one.

That's what you get for coming onto Sup Forums you cuck

Tyrone has a shitty day?



Is it just me, or is it that adopted black children raised by white parents usually turn out better?

What is she trying to do?

It's videos like these that might redpill some faggots out there.


Boy, did you forget where you are ? Are you lost ?

He's just fishing for (you)'s

Top kek

im black,but who fucking cares,their gonna get hiv or some shit then die anyway while sharkeesha has 1000 fucking kids to pay with with her welfare checks and foodstamps,the Sup Forumsacks on the other hand might fix their life and become good men,albiet they should of done it before jamal fucked like 20 white women,theres that one church goer or someone else thats good

Why do blacks get the best white women?!

I know


>someone took the time to draw this
>it's probably accurate
And people wonder why others fuck things besides women


Holy shit that's the funniest Tyrone strip I've ever seen

What the fuck

A Werenigger in Compton




Only white women I see with niggers are fat, obese, disgusting ones that not even the nerdiest and most desperate white man would want. Or those with heavy mental issues. Basically, leftovers. I'm glad to see nigglets happy though. The prideful joy on their faces for getting a "classy" white woman, their ultimate measure of success, really makes my heart warm. It's the same look of my dog when I toss him a bone after I finished all the meat on it.


but why

Just love this pic.

I didn't know this was a YLYL thread.

one more then


>t. teaching oral hygiene is now a bad thing



Why do American niggers have such odd names. Niggers here just go by James or Simon or normal anglo names.

We could use more of their optimism.

American blacks are tremendously creative and literate. the English Language is their play-thing, being masters of vocabulary and grammatical syntax.


based as fuck


I thought for sure it would end with them dropping one and it breaking open.

That reminds me of the whore in NightShift telling the morgue attendant that the dead pimp always wanted to be buried in his car, and the attendant telling her she would have to take that up with the DMV.


white funerals are drab as fuck

more like dis nigga

King Dindu




My funeral better be lit like this f.a.m.

do they still play the knock out game?



These thread won't be the same without the triggers.



Looks like actual gorilla.

Better hope it's not lit like this


THAT bothers you?

welcome newfriend... XD


This is how I win threads.

Sammy is on his A Game today. Fuckin brutal. I lol every time this is posted.


This fucker needs to be hanged

Wonder if this little girl will grow up racist?


Don't project burger I live in a 0 nigger town where I'm raising my white son with my white girlfriend

Of course they do.
But they don't reach the white level

das raysis

