Fix europe in 5 words or less.
Fix europe in 5 words or less
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suspect europe will have some exciting advances in cybernetic limbs thanks to their muslim brothers and sisters blowing things up regularly !
Ban anglosphere.
One Thousand Year Reich
Free market will fix it
remove all cucked western europeans
Kill all semites.
Remove Non-whites (this includes jews)
all fucking shitskins must hang
Gas kikes. Race war now!
>Fix europe in 5 words or less.
Make One Single Army Now
What the fuck is that dumb bitch doing with a screwdriver. You do not use a flat head screwdriver to work on precision machine parts.
immediate normie genocide
Fourth Reich
The European Union Must Die
If brown flush it down
She can't do anything practical with that screwdriver on her arm. She's just holding it because "women can do anything men can!"
id work on her precision machine parts for her
hang all refugees from threes
Remove all Kebab and Africans
Stop immigration. Start making kids.
Reject American and Islamic influence
thats a really bad shoop
If yellow, let it mellow.
Remove Kebab. End the EU.
If brown, flush it down
One Hundred year Reich rule
Kill muslims, jews and traitors
Import more refugees. Before anyone says this is stupid, think long term.
OP said word, not letters ameridumb
Islam will rule all Europeans
one nigger ha ha ha
two niggers ha ha ha
three niggers ha ha ha
Segregate sexes remove bagel; surrogacies/homosex
Get the Jews out NOW
Merkle. Macron. No Anglos.
stop submitting to american kikes
Bring Berlusconi back again ok
>no anglos
Oh come on Hans, just let your women breed with Anglos.
Trust me, it's for the best.
Expel the Jews.
Remove kebab and gas niggers
To OP any more pics like O post
Is cool had one before similar lost hard drive lost pic. Do you got more or sauce to get..
Remove Jews
Change Battlefield take Mecca
Liechtenstein ubermensch rule
>No Anglos
Why do you say this Hans
Dresden was just a prank
it's literally that easy
You will pay for your warcrimes.
Kill all of the Shitskins.
Islam is doing a great job
Well I think at the moment you are paying for your crimes thanks to (((Merkel)))
Big wall, Jews to Israel
Build some God damn robits
Kill all of the muslims
>Dresden was just a prank
fucking makes me laugh anyway
Stay at home daughters
Awaken Wotan
Not All Nazi's Hated Jews
Resurrect Mosley and Kill Merkel
remove kebabs, sjw and jews
Nicely timed post.
Sieg Heil!
If only we could
Remove kebab.
what is the screwdriver for? She doesn't have screws... maybe slutbots are as dumb as original women.
Oh my god fuck me when do I get one?
Why would you ice a dead body?
Ehh wont you get locked up for saying that? Better delete!
Do you realize that's only for your time zone don't you? For him it's still 8 am.
Kill everyone but nazis.
No. You should see my Twitter m8.
Deport muslims. Disband Union. Fascism.
They are supposed to be authentic
Just buy one from a tool store, dumb spic
kill all niggers and muslims
Just Take Away Women's Rights
we had this thread yesterday
Kill kikes towelheads destroy EU
Muslims out, encourage child bearing.
Enact That post Now Cucks
>wanting a German ruled Europe
we already have the EU. Thanks but no
so shlomo can extract his kidneys and liver
Nuke them all, start fresh
Clean room, get sorted.
darkies get out reeeeeeeee
Ethnic Nationalism
ecology ; remove non-Aryans ; criminalize progressives
Fuck Your A Peons. They rejected the truth of Jesus Christ for the lie of (((evolution))) and its Jewish cousin atheism. Mooslims are preferable
Don't be Australia.
Anarcho communism, no muslims
>a fucking screw driver
if she wants to screw herself she is aiming for the wrong hole and grasping the wrong implement.