Black guy here

Black guy here

Explain to me why I shouldn't jump every white person I see.

Either I become a misbehaving "nigger" or I become a well-behaved nigger that ends up on a noose for doing what they're told.

There are only two options. I choose self defense.

Other urls found in this thread:

Typical. You are too stupid to see the third option of killing yourself.


>Explain to me why I shouldn't jump every white person I see
do it, faggot. start the race war.

you think black people wont be the first to be fucking wiped out/re-enslaved?

Another option : fuck off and die cause nobody cares
go with that one

Because you can easily avoid white people


because you will end up creating a shithole like Detroit, Just play it cool and when the time comes you will get your own land and a leadership role in blackistan when the USA dissolves

Please kill your family first so the damaged genes aren't spread anymore

Do it, you nigger ape.

Prison is the place for your kind.


>you can easily avoid a group of people that make up 70% of the population

>nigger subhuman here


Your only choice is fucking off back to Africa.

How is it self defense to jump someone just because you see them?
Your attitude gets you the respect you deserve.

Just accept it my man.

You are a minority group, therefore you will be treated like a second class citizen for the rest of your life no matter how much of a good boy you are. Blame your fellow blacks for this. They are the reason why your race is viewed with such vitriol.
Even if you do everything right, and stay out of trouble, you will still be feared and hated.
Look at Obama, he became the president of the US and was the only president we ever had to avoid an embarrassing scandal unlike our previous white presidents. But people still scrutinized everything he has done. You literally can't win this game. Best option is to not play at all.

>jumping every white person first
>self defense

You really have inferior congitive abilities, don't you Tyrone? But since you're American, go for it, at least you'll be shot sooner while proving all these 'racist' right and maybe take some Americans with you to save tons of resources on planet since one American eats like 10 normal people.

Well said, brother!
Fuck white people!
With the changing demographics, whites shall be hanged soon. Just be patient, we will have our revenge!

Yup, more leftist victimology, it's all about you sweetie. All day everyday.

If white people are scared of you, they won't hang you.

"Chimping out" is literally a self defense mechanism. Prove me wrong.

>If white people are scared of you, they won't hang you.

actually whites are only 12% of the earths population

you can behave like an animal for all I care.

How about you move to your fucking homeland in Africa instead of being obsessed with white people? It's all whitey free, black man. And your roots, your home, your tradition, your history: it's all there. Decolonized and free. No need to stick around with people you hate so much.

Besides: you are missing (((the bigger picture)))

Yes. What do you not understand?

I've only met on respectable nigger in my life

We worked together as tower riggers

Even though he was alright, when something happened he didnt like, I could see it in his eyes he was close to chimping out.

Associating with niggers is a risk, they have poor impulse control. Aryans evolved the ones that are here today are here because there ancestors could ration food for the winter

Those with poor impulse control died.

The niggers of Africa never developed this

Good, now jump a white police officer just for self defense.

Come home black man

We have activities here for you

Like crippling poverty, rampant crime, glorious squatter camps and AIDS!

Why the fuck do you still live among whites?

Makes you wonder why whites specifically need to be divided... wonder what (((they))) mean by this...

Wasn't talking about in the entire planet, but nice deflection

>Explain to me why I shouldn't jump every white person I see.
You should jump... off of a bridge.

Oh look it's a white guy larping as a nigger

>If white people are scared of you, they won't hang you.
You're right, they shoot you, which is what you complain about most.
>"Chimping out" is literally a self defense mechanism. Prove me wrong.
You made the claim, you provide the proof, all I have to do is write 'niggers ransacking shop' into youtube to destroy anything you can bring up.

its only likely to speed up the lynching

Because they take everything from us.
They force us to move where all the resources are.

>Golly gee whites really don't like it when I act like a thug nigger. What could I do to stop their hatred? I know!

>Act like a thug nigger.

There's a third option matey, abort yourself like your mother evidently should have.

You should jump every white person you see. #teambrown

all of 0 black people were hung this year, meanwhile thousands of niggers raped and killed white women.

delicious bait nigger, sage and report

jumping white people isn't self defense

self defense is shooting you when you try to jump the wrong white person

They will shoot me regardless. Might as well chimp now when there's no reputation to lose.

Good. Let's keep it that way.

how about you pick up your Zulu shield and spear and fuck off back to africa you degenerate.

Are those white women also raped in self defense?

I'll say it again: white people destroyed african resources. It is now an insufferable place to live

Maybe we could have gone our separate ways in our separate continents but no. Your kind shot first.

Please do nigger, I'm always ready to check you filthy apes

Anything that makes white people scared of niggas is self defense in my book.
So yes.

Is burning down your own neighborhood a defense mechanism too?
>Oh noes! Tyrone got shot by police better set my couch on fire XDDDDDDD!

what did he mean by this?

What would it take for you and your kind to move to Africa? How much money?

Option 3: Move to the Caribbean and fuck white women on holiday while their pathetic cuckboi husbands watch.

Honestly, the best thing you can do is to take advantage of the advanced western society you find yourself in, learn as much as you can from it, make contacts and pickup skills, and then go back to africa and try and make something of your continent and your people.

Try an improve their life using the advances you have seen and know of from your time in a 1st world country.

Think of the difference you could make to your people.

Everything you took from us.
But seeing as your country only considers debt to other white countries I don't see it happening any time soon.

>white people destroyed african resources.
There's tons of resources there, you lot just have to work out how to get them

>I'll say it again: white people destroyed african resources.
Objectively false. Africa is exporting lots of rare metals and shit.

Solar tech is now pretty mature as well, so you could have very cheap energy.

That's the weakest bait I've seen on Sup Forums in a very long time. You should be ashamed of yourself.

It'll make them more hateful in the first place, you're literally perpetuating what you complaining about and somewhere, sometime there'll be another nigger asking 'why sloppy seconds for me cracka' and he gets another response like , except the 'Blame your fellow blacks' will include you if you don't get your shit together.

Many people have some disadvantage, some of us are fat and never get top women, some of us are not born into pedigree and will never have what we dream of, you have black skin, you can either prove racist right by behaving as expected of dark skinned person (chimping out) or not as expected and giving whites benefit of doubt. But you don't want to make them scared, because when you drive whitey in the corner you get the oven.

By resources you mean infrastructure built by the white man don't you?
If whites went away and left you niggers with everything, society would collapse and you'd be either dead or living in a mud hut within a year.

Obvious nonsense.

There are plenty of "resources" in Africa. Metal ores, wide rivers, fertile soils, coastline, sunshine, vast expanses of space for livestock. Please dont try and tell me whites "stole" from africa. What exactly were the monkey-people doing with the uranium ore there at the time? Eating it? Using it to heat their swimming pools? Please!

Use the advances that white civilisation has made, take the knowledge back to your land, try and make something of the place using your people.

Africa is still a better place now than it was when whites came there. You have some electricity in places, some medicine, we showed you how to make wheels, radios, etc.

Who the fuck gon put you in a noose boy?

If you're that much of a paranoid victim, go ahead and nig out till the cops shoot you

Nigger can't into English.

Keep telling yourself that.
The idea of blacks being subhuman is obvious propaganda designed to make money during the slave trade. Why it exists today I don't know. You should just leave us alone.

I'm talking about how burning my neighborhood down has nothing to fucking do with anything I said. You literally make shit up to make blacks look bad. Typical whitey.

It is only insufferable because of you. If it wasnt for white people you would beliving in a hut in the middle of africa, starving and AIDS ridden, with a life expectancy of 20.
But thanks for giving me the insight into a nigger's mind. Now I know why everybody you come into contact with hates you.

>Explain to me why I shouldn't jump every white person I see
the fact that you need an explanation confirms what everybody thinks about you

Do whatever you want, plenty of bullets and jail space left

The very post of your op proves that you are subhuman
Being completely unable to distinguish fantasy from reality, and resorting to violence as a first choice
What pitiful monkeys you are

You've obviously never sold slaves. You're supposed to make your product sound better than it is to drive up cost, not tell people it's shit.

This video explains how Africans are technically retarded.

Whites don't need to do anything to make niggers look bad. They do it all by their dumb little selves.

>Race War
>Your skin is your uniform
>Buzzards, Worms, Trees get to eat you
>You get what you deserve

Tommy "uncle tom" Sotomayor should not be taken seriously

Most people who have had to deal with niggers don't expect anything out of you they haven't already seen. Most of them don't care either as long as you're being a nigger somewhere else far away that doesn't affect their lives.

>The idea of blacks being subhuman is obvious propaganda designed to make money during the slave trade. Why it exists today I don't know.
Because it's not as much propaganda as you think, you don't need to have 120IQ on average but 80 certainly doesn't make you equal. If anything there's propaganda to make you look equal and sometimes, even better, than us.
>You should just leave us alone.
Maybe you should start first, by opting out of welfare and stop mooching taxes from working people.

you said that jumping whitey is a defense mechanism, I asked if burning down your neighborhood was a defense mechanism too. It's perfectly straightforward to anyone with an IQ over 100.
No you're saying I'm making up the fact that blacks burn down their neighborhoods. typical

Or you become a well-rounded hard-working member of society but no your just a nigger you give the black race a bad name.

See: Trailer 'Empire Of Dust'

They are hastening the European Colonists out of the Chocolate Continent, and ushering in Chinese Imperialism.

>Enjoy that show

You do realize that basically no resources were taken out of Africa other than slaves, right? Africa was and remains the most resource rich continent on the planet. Why do you think China is currently colonizing it, for shits and giggles? There's more metal jewels gold silicon wood water and farmland than in any other continent, you'd just have to move there and actually fucking BUILD. The is whole "DURR DURR DA WHYT MAN STOL IEEET FRUM USSSS" is a lie, we only stole a handful of slaves.

fucking video didn't embed properly.

Yeah, dismiss everything everyone tells you and call any nigger that is better than you an "uncle Tom". I couldn't have expected anything else from you.

Seen it. Based Yao Lang.

those slaves were actually purchased, not stolen.
Should have kept the fucking receipt if you ask me.

Go home black man. Your continent awaits you. Leave whitey alone, your ancestors were froced to live in that shithole, but now you're free to return to the land of your forebears. Go forth and live & procreate amongst your own people and race.

By all means, keep proving the stereotype that niggers are dumb animals.

The best post is the first post.


One day, you and your kind, along with the Kikes and Muslims, will be gassed.

When that day finally comes, you and your people will fade away into history and become an urban legend like the Unicorn.

noggers culturally appropriating white man's clothing and coca cola and buildings and, well, pretty much everything in that picture, except for the niggers and bananas.
(Even the bananas aren't African.)

>we only stole a handful of slaves

Incorrect, we purchased them fairly from black slavers who would round up inland niggers to sell to the Europeans.

This right here is why you should be hung. Anyone who thinks this way regardless of what race should be hung. You confirm your races mean IQ

Uncle Tommy isn't better than anyone, especially the "niggers" he ridicules and makes fun of. He argues over the most vapid shit and then tries to take the high ground as if he's superior later on.

Then there is no reason to act responsibly in the meantime

U will never bee a humen bean

Just don't act like a feral nigger and you'll be fine. How hard is that to understand?

>Attack random people based on their skin color
>Self defense

What did he mean by this?

IDK if you are a troll or not but, do you at least agree there are different kinds of africans? Some better than others, somalis for example are the scum of the earth..

PS the "white nationalists" actually offer the best deal for you guys, as in bring segregation back.

You may think "ah naw, where all my gibs at?" but not really, what it would mean is, some areas would be black-only, some white-only and so on and we could all live in our own ways side by side in a sense.

This does not mean you'll be hung or anything like that, it just means you lose the right to GIBMEDATS, but otherwise it'll be okay.

I suppose some areas could be integrated but it would not be enforced, for example would you like your neighborhood to be flooded by mexicans? No? See, you want segregation too. Do you want to live in a white only suburb or do you want to live among other blacks?

Segregation is the most peaceful answer, integration will only lead to more conflict because races don't mix well.

What are your thoughts on this dear sir Tyrone Jabbaris?

You are a retarded Negro if you really are black.
seek help

>zip zop bippity bop

black here too,and your retarded,because you can commit suicide or remember that we dont get hanged anymore,actually i bet in 5 or less years we will try to hang whites for not being autistic

You can take the monkey out of the jungle,
but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey

>He argues over the most vapid shit and then tries to take the high ground as if he's superior later on.

WOW, just like you!

Were you trying to be clever just now?
Because you failed.
Enough of this madness, you are a joke to me.

>white people destroyed african resources.
Are you joking or really this oblivious to the truth? Factually Africa is the most natural ressource rich continent on the entire fucking planet! If you actually bothered to build industry, infrastructure, hard work and good planning into it, Africa could become paradise. But today about the only guys doing that are the Chinese. And some people in Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Senegal.

And it was WHITE people that ended slavery. Meanwhile it's still basically reality in the muslim world, especially Saudi Arabia. Do you even know that for two thousand years whites were slaves, too??? What do you think the muslim raids on Europe were?

I'll say again: make Africa great again, instead of being obsessed with whitey.

Because a lot of conceal carry LEGALLY
you dumb piece of shit