Yup, I agree. Let's kill ourselves. We'd be doing this world a favour.
Come on guys, we should all just commit suicide.
Alright then
ah yes but who is this isis that takes in poor muslims, could it be, muslims?
Stuart, or "stewie" to his mates is a real faget
Mmm. So if we stop being Islamophobic, ISIS will call off the caliphate? Sounds peaceful to me.
Im excited to see men like this publicly executed :)
It would be so much easier for the Kuffar if they would just convert.
really makes you wonder how terrorism was still a problem before the internet existed and they could look at how we dont like being killed by them
oh right becuase muslims are all worthless shitskin savages
He's right but at the same time incredibly naive. You can't change human nature. Why blame humans for being humans? He's like a fucking child.
literally applies to Sup Forums as well
all i need to do is post some sjw saying "kill all neckbeards" here and it gets hundreds of replies
>muslims are good people
>they turn into murdering and raping terrorists because of something you wrote on facebook in a different language in writing they don't understand
Yeah okay man I'll just keep quiet and get beheaded like a good liberal
>killing ISIS is what ISIS wants
it's impossible to follow the reasoning of these brainwashed goys anymore
People are so dumbed down that they prefer to sacrifice their friends and kids before rejecting a self destructive ideology with nonsense norms and made up terms.
>it gets hundreds of replies
>"replying to someone verbally is literally the same thing as blowing yourself up and killing innocent people because someone said something mean on the internet"
hahaha you british cucks are so fucking dumb and pathetic
We went from
>it's just extremism, not real islam
>it's not even the extremists, it's YOU
pretty fast
Please day, come soon.
i was referring to the radicalisation shit
ah yes, because Sup Forums commits terrorist acts
what a fucking dumbass
why cant it be people like this that are killed in terrorist attacks?
This, if your first instinct is to blow yourself up and kill innocent children because of "muh bullying" then you absolutely deserve to be criticized.
it's as though he has a Futurama-esque brain slug attached
>saying stuff on a Tibetan pottery image board = doing stuff in reality
I truly want to know why everything has to be 'equal' in the heads of some people.
This is a false dichotomy. If leftists like this were to take a logic class, they'd probably whine and bitch about how the white man created logic to oppress stupid people.
Someone should shop this and switch muslim with white and isis with kkk.
>MFW ISIS is the edgiest teenage suicide pact since 13 reasons why
k..keep me posted
Hes right though.. why do u think isis even comit terrorist attacks??
You cant really think they mean to kill usball with suicide bombers.. its to spread fear and terror
it's still similar you fucking autists
if you don't think there's anything radical about being an anime nazi you're stupid
We call them school shootings
Better resolution
Sorry, sweetie, but free countries don't have thought crimes like Bongistan does.
>ISIS is radicalizing young Muslim boys by showing them mean Facebook posts
I'm sure it's got nothing to do with shutting down the schools and giving them guns
On the scale of evil committing terrorist acts are much worse than using words that you don't like! In fact, when people use words that you don't like it isn't a very big deal at all!
Israel and the Jews are the problem
Can't really argue with someone who confuses testicles with barnacles.
There are terror arrests every fucking day in bongland. And still one nigger managed to succeed.
I don't think these people are radicalised by facebook comments.
>young, poor, beaten down kids who have spent their whole lives being bullied and hated and downtrodden by reactionary spite and cowardly prejudice who then acquire guns and shoot up their school are the definition of evil
>but if they use a bomb and scream Allah Ackbar they're sweet innocent kids who didn't know better
The same argument could be made to justify rape.
Nop, using a bad combination of words on Sup Forums is similar to eviscerating a bunch of kids.
The standard response to libcucks like this now should be to show them screencaps of people who said exactly the things he's saying and then got themselves killed by terrorists
exhibit A
It's basically shitlibs using the dindunuffin argument. And they have no idea that it's incredibly racist to assume that brown people have no agency or ability to think.
And shitlibs will constantly scream that others are racist. So basically the guy has to be either marginalized or physically removed for a healthy nation to exist.
I hate these cucky virtue signalling Islam apologists as much as I hate the muzz. Faggot in OPs pic deserves to have his life ruined and his shit pushed in. Sick of these fucking people
refer to
Fuckwits like this need to be arrested for treason.
This. Populations become under control and recruited from local militias when there isn't a strong government. That's why Gaddafi and Hussein were so important. Dictators are necessary in Islamic shitholes.
These faggots divide us in dangerous levels. They are traitors.
its intolerant to be tolerant of intolerance towards those who are intolerant towards those of a specific race or religion
fucking get it through your skulls you shit brain low iq uneducated conservatards
After someo f the sickening comments I've seen this morning, I want to take a minute to remind people how Stormfront (who have claimed responsibility for the 2011 Norway attacks) works.
Stormfront take poor, beaten down white kids, kids who have spent their entire lives being bulled and hated and downtrodden by progressive spite and cowardly prejudice.
They whisper into in the ears of these kids "The west hates you, but we love you."
They whisper "We can teach you how to fight back in the name of God."
Then they show these kids all of the anti white hate speech, the Facebook posts from those of you who can't separate a kind race from a subversion of itself.
YOU, the ones full of hate, YOU empower stormfront to create these brainwashed individuals. It is through your hate that hate thrives. You are Stormfront. You are the enemy.
I absolutely will not tolerate a moment of it. End of.
Doesn't matter, everyone watching the conversation will see how utterly BTFO they were, and that they could be the next victim. Of course the leftist you're talking to won't be convinced, but everyone else will be.
People should be compiling long posts and collages of victims who were making excuses for terrorists before they got blown up themselves
I'll stop hatting Muslims when they stop constantly blowing themselves up, running people over, raping women, and smelling like shit.
but school shooters are white and white people have white privilege so they have no excuses
Here's my analogy on the Islamic terrorist epidemic if Islam was a school shooter
>potential school shooter is a weird paranoid kid
>no friends
>ignored and sometimes bullied
>could kill the people who wronged him along with innocent people
>Lefts response:
>stop being mean to school shooter
>be friends with school shooter
>still the possibility school shooter will kill you as he is psychologically damaged
>die cause you accepted everyone
>blame the kids who insulted him and attack anyone who says otherwise
>Rights response:
>remove school shooter from school
>kid is removed from bullying and ignorance
>don't die because you weren't afraid of hurting people's feelings
>live happily without anyone causing harm
>problem solved
Blame white males. That works every time.
>when they are killing your children, don't forget to be nice to them, or they will kill even more
Humans are not meant for civilization.
good riddance.
>poor, down and out children :(
Reminder that the 9/11 hijackers were students with promising futures
Reminder that the Glasgow airport attack was done by NHS doctors.
Also this guy became radicalized on his own, not because we hate him.
Muslims can't take cyberbullying. Shit nigga, just walk away from the screen
The argument aside, how do these people get away with even pretending to know how ISIS works in the first place.
So who has reported this isis recruit to fb?
Waah, waah, waah. What a moron that guy is. Like, no explanation, just a bunch of empty hot air. We call this bluster.
Then why are most terrorist attacks done in the areas with the most Muslims?
What? Are they just going to let the wolves eat their offspring?
FB only takes action on those associated with the right
If we kill ourselves we win!
If killing them is what they want, then why care about what they want and if they "win". Them being dead can only improve the world.
>retards actually think terrorism is caused by mean words that people say after terrorism kills people
It will not come, unless the Men of the West stand up and make it come.
Typing does not bring political change. Only action can do that.
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao Tse Tung
So, you can see why this keeps happening... no action.
So your analogy means what we give ISIS their own land?
>Pretty fast
This has always been a recruitment tool for ISIS. They tell Muslims that they wont be accepted by the western worlds. People start treating Muslims like shit because they see all people with brown skin as a threat.
holy shit, its just like femshits beeing pro-immigrant, and then getting raped by one
i wonder if he changed his mind about immigration and muslims the second he heard "Allah akbar" in manchester
Give them to Syria leave Syria be and watch them get beheaded by Assad's troops. Everyone wins.
>I truly want to know why everything has to be 'equal' in the heads of some people
easier to process since you are letting details out of the equation in order to use less brain power
We need to install another dictator in Libya & Iraq.
You realise that will only strengthen their position in their minds right?
Bongs need to report this terrorist sympathizer to police
I'm convinced that these people would have been religious fanatics in a different century.
Can't get access to guns senpai, can barely criticise Islam in public either.
Isis is pretty recent though. Raising kids As terrorists isn't effective in this time frame
left wingers and muslims talk, but I'm not listening.
Neither should you.
Are you fucking retarded?
Sandniggers have been trying to take over Europe forever.
Muslims against islamophobia in Manchester. Just look at this "love" sign.
The "i feel sleepy, let's get some rest" meme changed drastically, wew
What goes around comes around
It's like all they can ever do is project, rather than reason and think for themselves.
okay, so they show them messages of hate from others about islam... what about the other parts? There are still downtrodden beaten men, being predated upon by malevolent adults, indoctrinating them to commit evil on their behalf... I really doubt its anti-islam on comments that has them throw up their hands, slap on a vest, and go to an arriana grande concert.
I wonder if the bomber thought she was hot.
but isnt that like saying "these people are so dumb they dont know its a bad thing... and for the ones with the privilege it would mean they are soooo smart they are accountable for things they are doing ?" wouldnt that imply that one group of people is superior to the other ?
and that comming from the sjw ??!!?? o_O
How would a little shitstain read English?
Switch the obama button for Hillary or Bernie and the black with a muslim. The message is still the same.