Faggots are unaware that they are being filmed on hidden camera
Gay people are asked if they ever had sex with a minor
You need to watch the video from the beginning!
We already hate faggots
Good info to know though.
Fake. All death and sin occurred when Sata in the form of a serpent had sex with Eve. There are fucking PLENTY of degenerates pedo right wingers of all sexes and orientations. Keep licking that throat cancer box you fucking assholes. You understand nothing of Bible nor biology. Chop off your own cocks or fuck off Cindies. All lies. Everything you say is lies. Have an argument on this? You will lose. Invested too much time in this shite. These guys are paid. Why aren't their faces censored? Just like pastor anderson. A lisping foreskin obsessed half a faggot without the balls to come out. Either bow to men. Or to fucking females. Listen kikes. God is not a woman like you say. Cowards and fucking mouth breathing cheese encrusted idiots
who cares, the definition is different in every country. In Spain you can fuck 14 year olds while in america you can barely touch an 18 year old
ALL gays are pederests
All australians are lazy drunkard penal colonists who have emu vagina stuck up their asses. Might as well bump this fucking retarded thread for morons though
The age of consent is highly dubious. But 14 is probably the lowest sane limit. For most of history it wasn't 18.
this is revolting. gays are sick in the head.
You must be too because you're a woman, yes? Whoops. Anybody who knows anything about the laws knows he paid these guys to say this shit
Spotted the pederest
Is it ethical to kill all faggots Sup Forums?
>only women can authenticate men; never say fucking nothing about females
Be contrarian. You are male. I am male. Take two men. All sorts of bullshit comes. Serpent. Seed. That is all. That has nothing to do with males. You are duped. The jews must pay and love you. Spotted the devil worshipper. Fucking liar hang yourself. This entire fucking site started and is symbolised by this very same cock and balls
fucking homos
Fucking Molech whore get out of here. You will be answered maybe on Sept 23 when the pussies you put in the skies blow you out as in Revelation
Gays are much more often pedophiles. The ones that like "twinks" that is. They aren't attracted to men so much as they are attracted to boys. Just look at Milo. He himself wasn't a pedophile but he defended pedophiles because in the gay community it's considered more normal.
This phenomenon needs to be addressed but society is too pro-gay to address it.
At 14 people are still children, they are not very smart or experienced in life. The age of consent matters and shall be at least 18.
Fucking clammosexual drunk ass illiterate pagan permavirgin neckbearded frog cultist. Youre obsessed. No male has ever told me what he likes about vaginas. Just bitches about them all day but doesnt have the fucking balls to do anything about it
>> The age of consent matters and shall be at least 18.
>shitposting magpie
Is this why people shave their pussies now? Youre all pedos?
mine starts from the end bro
so fags are less cucked than western 'men', it was normal to fuck little meat in 19th century, when the white race was trully grate
it's the only rational way to prevent them from molesting others and creating more. if cancer had feelings but you could end it all, would you?
Lol, not everyone is a child lover like you, faggot.
>at least 18
no, just no
14 yrs old 'child',
no ty pidor, s toboi yasno vse, zachem eshe pidorskie vidosy smotret'
he is gay himself, so his vote does not count, all fags are degenerate, actually , those who like old hairy men are even worse as teens are at least femine
I guess nobody will answer his question about the authenticity of the video. If you film people you need permission. Why would they say these things and allow their open faces? People get sued left and right these days. This is phony and a plant. Wake up. Nobody will respond to this. You'll just keep crying and repeating yourselves. You're fucking prisoners and all you do is debase testicles. Not homos. Just real men. Or any men. You suck
I agree, take a walk on a college campus, even 18 year olds look like they are more or less children - you can see it all over their face. Most people nowdays are barely grown up, mentally and emotionally, before their late 20's/early 30's.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed isn't rational. If a girl menstruated at 10, does that make it OK? Of course not.
u wot?
I'm married, sorry molesti spaghetti.
That's nice. A temporary fix for your own corruption you created
Think of how stupid you were when you were 14. I was stupid even when I was 18, or even at 22. But we have to make a compromise because brain development stops at 25, when reproductive viability is already dropping.
Age of consent here is 16. But 14 is too low. If you get given 14 you'll be asking for 12 next.
i personally think 18 is still too young. i've fucked a few 18 year olds and they still act like kids. i think 20 minimum or 21 should be the age of consent.
wanting to procreate with someone who still has a childs mind is degenerate. all of these filth saying 18 is too old are disgusting neckbeards.
what harm is done by sex if it is physically barebale? (((psychologists))) told you that
i had an iq of 132, sex can not make a trauma to a normal guy or girl of 14 years old age, if it does that means those were already mental
I feel bad for those guys, molested when they were young and then becoming fags.
Like being a vampire but without the eternity stuff and by switching sucking blood to stomping shit.
Tough day at the vatican, altar-boy rapist?
Nobody told me that, it's based on my own observations and reasoning.
It's actually Jews, and people influenced by Jewish thought, who tend to espouse your point of view - pushing for a lower age of consent, trying to justify a sexual fetish of children.
Sorry but we aren't going to lower the age of consent so you can fuck underage girls that you consider precocious. I have an IQ of 125 which isn't that much lower and yet I was still stupid at 22. Partly because of how emotional I was. Intelligence and maturity are not the same thing.
>i had an iq of 132, sex can not make a trauma to >a normal guy or girl of 14 years old age, if it does >that means those were already mental
You're a fucking child molester, faggot. I know people who killed people like you for having sex with 15-year olds
>14 you'll be asking for 12 next.
this can lead to physical, hormonal problems, so no, however i think contenst must be physical-constitution based, not on age, cause ppl develop differently, smth like a fucking license
Which woman raped you into clam diggeriness?
Refute serpent seed you fucking '6' poster piece of shit
if those who were fucked were not boys and if it was not a rape, those guys will have t answer for this in prison, they might be forced to become passive homos
Sprosyat s nih Ludi, petushok
I'm a man leaf.
No you're not. And answer the question. Then tell me why females like you are barred from the 144,000. Then tell me why King David was a half a fag. Then tell me how "grab em" is not sodomy. Then tell me my answers to my questions about the sketchiness of this video for amateurs. Don't fall for people's paid stupidity
Just don't go around talking that you like to fuck 14-year olds, you can get your head broken in in some countries.
>>n my own observations and reasoning.
that's my point, ppl age differently some are ready to breed in 14, when i was 14 i had sex with an older girl from other school and did not feel used, i felt like a boss and was respected by classmates
Why are you so angry this morning Italy? Have you not had your morning cup of coffee and slice of pizza?
What makes you think I'm a woman Luigi?
old enough to bleed, old enough to breed on condition of marriage
I'm sick of trying to be male and based and have high test by shunning these fuck ups known as females and seeing you cave men salivating over tits because it's easier for you and fucking rabbis attack everything and convince you to listen to everything you say. You say things like faggots and shit stompers. There is nothing to this thread. Then 61% of you divorce. Half of you have anal. And 51% of the young are not 100% clam cucks. It's always been this way. You are weak. Is your awoovement not one of anger? Hypocrisy? Idiocy? And latency? Yes it is. All of those things. Muh guns! Muh fake news muh manchester muh 9/11 muh Saudi arms deals. You're an American taliban and no better than the Elliot Shimon you created. Support. And lie about. You can be a stupid dense square or you can think for yourself. You're defiled
Nice proxy Lithuaniafag
This is a response?
what is the cure? save us italy.
Especially since (((they))) are forcing (((chemicals))) on our population
You pedos need to learn that the 14 year old consenting age only applies towards people who are under 18
Remove bagel. Use artificial eggs made from only male parts. Restore your lost foreskin. Use a bathmate. Fear nothing but God. Use surrogacies or artifical wombs. Use condoms and Truvada. Remember women have no g spots and only piss on ya even though we say they have even prostates now but they don't and only we do. Prevent ass cancer by using it. Know that there are no problems there. It doesn't store that low. Lots of people do it. Less issues than with women I can smell from here. Wed. Be Christian. Use nicotine; an estrogen killer. Do not go trying to fornicate or mix too much at all with these women. Have good times with your friends and get secret boners anyways like have happened to us or to me and my experiences many fucking times
I wish I didn't watch this. The logo at the end of the video, shit.
so spaghetti faggot, which family member raped you?
I already asked which women raped the other frog that asked this and he couldn't say nothing. So. As hard as this is to believe. Nobodg raped me. Who raped you into laying these disgusting gash holes? Hrm?
Most gay men have their first sexual experience as prepubescent or early puberty with an older man or young adult.
They'll tell you this if they get comfortable and drunk enough.
Pedophilia is how gay men reproduce.
Hello Russian dog, does it piss you off to know that you tried to demonize the homos with hebephilia allegations and your own "friends" jump over their selves to admit they want to fuck 13 year Olds.
Like Hagar. You fucking moron. Do you reproduce with the sand dollars on your flag?
Fucking disgusting. Fucking sickening.
Stop that crap Luigi, I only said I felt bad for people that were molested and later had the urge to molest kid. Then you and a leaf went retard calling me a lesbian.
Kiss of putin youtube video. Answer the God damn question about how this camera is "hidden" but no facial nor vocal distortions occurred at all. As should have been the case?
>Hello Russian dog, does it piss you off to >know that you tried to demonize the homos >with hebephilia allegations and your own >friends" jump over their selves to admit they >want to fuck 13 year Olds.
Our country is full of shits like this thanks to hollywood movies and communism. I knew it before, so i"m not pissed.
Every liberal was molested as a child. Without child molestation and immigration there is no liberalism.
Tough. Ask retard liar jew bag right wing questions. Get the same ones back. You are so possessed you think human women raped you. It's worse than that. It's something you can't see nor understand. There are legends about getting wet dreams as being representative of these distortions. I dont get those. I "wonder" why. I am about 200 levels above you on this stuff. You need to be in this crazy world. Yours are popular views. Still a minority. But mine are even less well known. That means I'm right and you're wrong. Yours derive of lies. Naturally. That's how things go now. Protect the original degenerates and females. And protect the hooknoses
Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:
so you're saying that these homo's agreed to pretend on camera that they are pedos?
don't talk utter shit
"Demonize the homos". Lol, I wonder what kind of background a person with your mindset have.
That's what the video is displaying is it not? Makes you think. Therefore it's a legit question very few will notice and only sheds light on your own fuck ups. People do crazy things for money. He should have covered his tracks better. Nice try though yellow tooth
Are you so drunk you forgot how to use the reply tools?
Some faggot is not your enemy.
I'm a white American straight man who thinks gays are equal to me as human beings.
God Bless you
Not politics or news. Faggots or faggots, we know.
Ashkenazi kike of the synagogue of satan. The fuck is wrong with you? Overdosed on too much Canesten. Mmm. Fungus and mucus and blood. Mmm. Having your balls be kept in a coin purse. Mmm
Faggot pedo spotted
>god bless you
>is a faggot
you do realise that you'll burn in hell for being a sodomite?
Of course it's politics. It's a bunch of fucking bullshit. Thread didn't go as successfully as you wanted it, eh fucking rabbi?
I think there's time and place for gay parades and that you shouldn't subvert people. People can make up Thier own minds, but no violence.
They do. Why do you think they live a self-destructive lifestyle and why they fight for acceptance, as if it would make them any less degenerate?
Read the thread. Read the whole thing. Lot offered them his daughters. Why are we doing that for "fags"? You are anachronistic. Why are we wiping out fags again if without surrogacies they would do to themselves? Josephus said they increased their numbers. Blessed many times by Christ. They were inhospitable. Isaiah 40:17
You're all completely fucked, women like you. Nice blown out san francisco eh? Whoops. Still there
>brb moving to spain
fuck sake really?
Maybe he meant god bless me in the sense that he wants god to help me see his "truth?"
God doesn't like hate either?
Adam and Steve didn't get banished. Adam and Eve did. With their genitals and the serpent's. And then created the chickens and eggs you lie and cry about :)
>white American
Try harder, nigger.
You realise your president is a pedo yes. I dont care he has no wife i know of. I care he hates on gays. Hate on gays? Youre autonatically the scum of the earth and fucked in the head
Apparently they are not, since they rape children more often than common white straight Americans.
>want to hug and kiss and cuddle and hold hands with guys
>not particularly interested in butts or dicks
what am I?
Nope. And again. Without the fall of man YOU made. None of this would have happened. You will be cleansed spiritually eventually. None of this exists in Heaven and will not in future. No male nor female. No marriages up there. No kike or Greek in Christ etc etc. You orthodox should know this. You dont
>t. mad the kids didn't get out early today
there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.
They did an anonymous survey I think 30% reported have sex with a minor.
t. random bullshit statements on a faceless clover pedo board having nothing to do with what I said
Also? Maaaaany stories about fucked up women cucks there bud. See em all the time. It's relative what each one of us will remember. I do the better more authentic job. You hang onto to self esteem improvements by crying about yourselves and shitting on those you wish you had the courage to be. I would never touch a child. Do you honestly think this place is moral or Christian? Homophobia is part of this problem. Trump is shit and a weak bitch fatty cuck
you only have to get permission of the film is being used for commercial purposes
t. t. Californian