200 Years Together - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"Dubbed the most banned book in the world, this tome is so feared by Jews that they have refused to allow it's English translation."

- - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.

'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature. Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.

FULL ENGLISH LINK: (can preview and read without downloading it, if you want.)


Be Aware of a butthurt shill who posted 88+ times in the other thread; he will be here shortly to shit up this one as well.

Other urls found in this thread:

biblebelievers.org.au/200 YEARS.pdf

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

bump for schlomo


first fo JIDF

virus link.

epub or wordpress or fuck off, kike.

Into the filter you go!

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.


I already started reading this shit my.mixtape.moe/svjjjx.pdf is it the same thing?

Any ideas why the shill is so desperate to get us on wordpress? They must have that site MITM'd or something. Collecting IPs?

Who knows. Anyways this is probably one of the most important books ever written which is why they hate it so much.


That one is abridged. The one with the red cover is about 100 pages longer.

Post the links for us friend who definitely does not have a big nose

it's legit

ignore all JIDF posters

>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
He's got a lot of good work. It's just unfortunate shills on both side of the isle like to discredit him by creating fake quotes and/or fake circumstances revolving his life and experiences.

here is the proper one

a website called zippyshare is more trustworthy than Wordpress or Epub.

This is what the kike wants you to believe.

Mods, what the fuck are you doing? This is a malware attack.

anonfile. com/g8h0tdbdb7/200_Years_Russian_-__Vol._1.pdf
anonfile. com/f9hct1bbb5/200_Years_Russian_-__Vol._2.pdf

anonfile. com/k2h0tabcb9/200_Years_German_-_Vol._1.pdf
anonfile. com/leh2tab4bd/200_Years_German_-_Vol._2.pdf

anonfile. com/h7h4t2beb9/200_Years_French_-_Vol._1_2.pdf

the 200 years together english translation has been around for years and can be read here: biblebelievers.org.au/200 YEARS.pdf

why the fuck would we download a jidf virus on a zippyshare link?

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

where is the Wordpress link? faggots keep saying "don't click this, go to the WP". Link faggots!

>triggered JIDF from the previous thread still going strong with the "muh virus" narrative
Impressive dedication.

That one is censored

No link can be trusted in this thread. Google it.

wordpress is not full version, its shilling

>only 3 posts by this ID
last thread you had 88. Good pace so far, but youre gonna have to be faster to top that.


Distribute this extremely important book as an HTML+images only format. Put it in a folder. Then archive it (tarball). Adobe PDFs are retarded, no security virus-spreaders.

you sure seem to be posting a lot
why are you so buttagitated ??

Yeah and if you believe that i've got a bridge to sell you.

>virus hidden in PDF

Are these shills even trying



Czech trasnlation, on the slim chance anyone wants to read it.

5/25 so far, keep it up, those shekels will be rolling in!

>88 posts

God must be on my side then, kike.

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

the old wordpress version and are not the full versions

>Mods, what the fuck are you doing? This is a malware attack.
no it's not you kike. fuck off


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that's not how doubles work, goldstein

>1 post by this ID

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> Solzhenitsyn emphatically denies that Jews were responsible for the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. At the end of chapter nine, Solzhenitsyn denounces "the superstitious faith in the historical potency of conspiracies" that leads some to blame the Russian revolutions on the Jews and to ignore the "Russian failings that determined our sad historical decline."

>such a stupid jew he doesn't even know what 88 is about

Thanks for proving my point.

>9 posts already

holy fuck, it thought OP was kidding

>o-oy he figured out i have no content in my posts time for copypasta!

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

>What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums?
the same kind of idiot that scanned the PDF for malware and opened it in a virtual machine and found no malware

fuck off, kike.

>the wordpress version isn't the full version
>jidf says get the wordpress version
really makes you think



This thread deserves a bump

>taking the word of an user about something

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

Every single post of his has
>What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.
in it.

Why is JIDF pushing for wordpress so hard, is that site compromised?

> Ignore the citation used by Wikipedia goy!!

Fuck yourself in the asshole with a HIV-smothered cactus, faggot.

>trust me only goy
>download my safe version thats definitely not censored


Nope, he had 88/317 last I checked old thread. Someone is really flustered at the existence of this book. PDF checks out on Kapersky and a few other AVs, but just for him I'm converting it to epub. How much you want to bet he will still shitpost?

>13 posts by this ID

jeez you sure seem to care a lot about this
wonder why

>(((full version)))

Yes, the wordpress and epub ones don't have malware, so their not your full version.

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

I just read this book and can never look at Jews the same way in my life again.

Can someone explain what the book is about instead of autistically arguing about pdf viruses?

I just filtered the phrase "idiot downloads" and now all the shill posts are gone. i reccomend you do the same

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

Does the Gulag Archipelago also have parts that are censored?

I'm sure you have all sorts of things to sell, merchant.

the old wordpress version is censored. hence why he wants you to download the one that's 'been translated for years!!!'

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

I want this book spread and everyone to wake up to avoid these repeating cycles of history. Stop white genocide.


Adobe PDF is perpetually filled with vulnerabilities. It's one of several reasons millions of computers are currently fully backdoored, and I'm guessing yours might be one. Stop shilling against this fact. You're not helping.


just report him for spam

Ah, that makes sense.



Prove your version isn't "censored" by posting it in its entirety to a pastebin.

Do it right fucking now, you cunt. You want to spread it right? Put it in a pastebin. You click the PDF, hit "Select All" then paste it into a pastebin, then link it to us.

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

Shit, if it WAS on pastebin then you wouldn't have to worry about jews or shills or mods or any other convenient deadline to delete the content.

So why don't you post it to pastebin?



What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.

"user" this place as many others do go through google and we know who they are and who made them and their 5 eyed mutt fucks. and we know why it goes through them. check your connections when you visit here. or for that matter most of your surfs.

"anaonymhuzs" lel

what proof is there this is orginal and non modified text?

i already tried to put it in pastebin for you in the last thread. it's 700 fucking pages, it doesn't fit in pastebin

Russian user here, should I read it in the original?

>Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died.
Why not 600000+ gorillion? I swear the number of victims of Stalinism increases every year by millions, it's like Stalin is still alive and thousands of NKVD member go around shooting people on the streets.

what are you doing with your life goy? this is madness

Split it into parts

What the fuck is going on in this thread

>91 posts in last thread by this ID
>17 now
I wonder why

Everybody just report every single post of this kike.

Then make more than one, faggot.


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These colors don't run.

Anyone have an HTML+images only full version? I'd even take an image-only version (pics of each page ordered by name).

>These colors don't run.

You're a true warrior.

They won't do it. Goes against the point of the threads.

Here you go Chaim, epub link. Will you stop shillposting now? I'm guessing not.

confirmed malware op
thx user, healthy reminder

>random tinyupload

What kind of idiot downloads random PDF's from Sup Forums? Get the book from Wordpress or Epub.


She's wearing flats. That's hot but why?
Hookers love heels.

For those that have problems reading 700 page books

do it like this, I have dyslexia and "read" at 500wpm with this app



>i've got the meme starter kit that means i'm a real "channer"!

Fucking lol.

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You mad, Schmuely?

page 1-100 unformatted version-