Brit/pol/ - Leader's Wives Fuck Roulette edition

>Security services warned about attacker, did fuck all

>The Queen visits Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

>Trump: terrorist "losers", leaks "deeply troubling"

>8 men arrested, arrests "significant"

>Threat level raised to critical; with no parliamentary oversight

>Election is allowed to continue on Friday, small parties can do Thursday

>Tory cuts forced us to put troops on streets: Police Federation

>Thousands of troops swarm the street in Operation Temperer

>UKIP Manifesto

Other urls found in this thread:

Last time I made a thread I got a lot of grief for posting as an American, but to all you newfags here, I'm actually a pretty well respected member of brit/pol/..

I've been posting quality content such as pictures, links, and I've even been creating new threads at the 300 post bump limit since I started coming to Sup Forums after the 2016 election.

So before you try to shun me as a newfag, remember that:
a) I'm already recognized as a quality poster by the older anons like "YKTD," "Crumpet," and "Tunnocks Teacake poster"
b) we accept all tenured individuals in /ptg/
c) Brexit wouldn't have been possible without Trump and most people here have already decided on that fact about two months ago

How was Crobyn's speech?



I hope you lads are fasting

Cyntaf ar gyfer cymru

Sitting here with a pasty lad.

>terrorism is britains fault

fuck off newfag

Lads I think I've raged so much since Monday night that I've broken my brain. I literally woke up this morning thinking about how much I fucking hate Andy Burnham, this can't be good for me

>he doesn't realise Crumpet and Tunnockssenpai are the same person


He isn't completely wrong though.

just been to greggs, didn't get called a racist today at least

Seems pretty normal to me.

>tfw the Croatian President will never look at you like this

>Brexit vote was in June 2016
>American election was in November
>Trump was responsible for Brexit
>This is what burgers actually believe.

This is either bait or you're just very stupid

just had a bean salad tbqhwyf

Hosting a barbecue tomorrow lads and there's going to be a thunderstorm apparently. How fucked am I?

Going to have a bacon sandwich when I get home to celebrate

Please no granny

He ignored immigration as a problem entirely.

I dreamt about horse cock because of that autist.

It's too damn hot,

Fuck you, rollin

Just realised I haven't eaten anything today.

Is there any good reason to vote Tory?

>no costings in manifesto
>higher NI and income tax
>no school meals for kids
>economy continues to get weaker
>debt keeps going up
>immigration stays at record levels
>leave the EU on worst possible terms
>bring back grammar schools
>bring back fox hunting
>censored and regulated internet
>become a tax haven just to remain competitive

more like
>Trump starts campaigning in June 2015
>Brexit happens June 2016

Indeed, but it's a stupid thing to say this soon after the Manchester attack

It's my exhibition opening night tomorrow on a roof top terrace, think were both pretty fucked mate.

>STILL replying to the yankposter bait
For fucks sake lads

Malania in red lingerie

strong and stable leadership to stop the coalition of chaos lad

Don't forget
>more police cuts
>more mohammeds

Shut up! Shut up, you American. You always talk, you Americans, you talk and you talk and say 'Let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this.' Well, you're dead now, so shut up.

An American President was responsible for Brexit. It wasn't Trump though.

Doesn't matter what he says, his point of view is an entirely anti-western perspective

Reminder to ignore Corbyn shills.


It's b8, we've had retarded Americans puching shit b8 in our threads for a while now

>>bring back grammar schools
That's good.
Free school meals for tarquins is also a meme

She wants her pussy grabbed

Missed this from the other day, Nigel holds his own against an entire room.

Just make sure it's not within range of any Muslims, it's Ramadan and you could get charged for a hate crime.

Do Labour realise how much there policies are going to hurt small businesses? My mum employ's 3 people and she has already said that if she has to start paying £10 an hour shes going to have to let one of them go and cover the extra work herself.

A friend of mine also works for a small company and he said hes really worried that he might loose half his hours if the company has to start paying him £10 per hour.

>become a tax haven just to remain competitive
so what?

>tfw shilling for corbyn on reddit to get their hopes up so they are devastated in June 9th

Implying Labour is worse at immigration then the torys

not getting jeremy "ira" corbyn as pm is a good enough reason


Of course they do. They hate small businesses. I still can't believe pensioners are dooming us to corbyn over their fucking triple lock gibs and social care.

i see, will ignore in future


My mum said Obama telling us to vote remain and threatening us made up her mind

Friendly reminder that the Tories will get a 120 seat majority.

And that is where he goes wrong.
I don't think so. Was it so wrong for UKIP to not put aside campaigning? No, because once you stop going about your way of life and stop asking questions, that is when terrorists start to win. Maybe emotions will be running high right now so it's difficult to call the best response, but this choreography needs to stop.

>trigger warning on racism and sexism

Oh boy.

Sign this petition to make jk Rowling take Muslims into her eighteen spare bedrooms

She wants the dick

They are. A lot of the tory immigration was EU, non-EU (ie paki) immigration is lower than 2010.

>people are convinced that the most bangable woman at this meeting is lusting after a fat cunt septuagenarian in a ill-fitting suits

C'mon now.

>spend all winter complaining about the cold
>spend all summer complaining about the heat

>spend weeks shilling on Sup Forums and pretending to hate jews
>get 50 extra votes
what's the point?

Replacing it with breakfasts would've been ok but I don't think there's much nutritional value in a 7p meal.

Reminder that all arguments against raising the minimum wage are the exact same ones we got when Labour wanted to introduce a minimum wage.

Weren't the results known from exit polling at 10pm last GE?


Just came back from a cycle to the bank lads. Fucking hell I've got beads of sweat on my forehead.

Go fuck yourself desu

melania is the only one looking chill

>Melania is the only hot one
Huh. How 'bout that.

Sort of I can't remember.

When will people realise that that women in the bikini is not the Croatian president.

7 looks like she would be absolutely filthy in bed.

Labour arent for the working man any more, they're for the non-working man

thicc and thirsty

please be 6

People who vote Labour do so because of low intelligence and/or abusive childhoods. There is no rational debate, only the drive to replicate the socialist mind virus.

More like
>Nigel starts his UKIP career in 1998
>Trump still a democrat

Half of the things you listed have nothing wrong with them and the other half all the other parties are doing but worse. If fox hunting and some chav kid getting schoolmeals is that high on your priority list you might be better off in Venezuela

>believing manifesto costings to the extent you consider not including them to be controversial or damaging
>honestly believing the tories will increase taxes more than Labour would
>trying to strip even more responsibility from parents
>bitching about the economy when employment is at a 30 year high
>not understanding what a deficit is
>thinking what party is in power makes any difference to immigration
>wanting a sweetheart deal with the EU where they only rape us gently and let us pay them to spunk Slavs up our collective arse
>not wanting new Grammar schools
>being against fox hunting
>not wanting to be a tax haven
The only worthwhile point you've made is about internet censorship and I'll take that over continued free movement and capitulating to ISIS thanks


Comrade "Our Friends in Hamas" Corbychev can fucking do one


They can do muesli for 7p a meal m8.
Even then, poor kids are keeping lunches for free.

Exit polls were still 15 seats out for the tories. And had UKIP/Greens on 2 each and SNP on 58 instead of 56, overestimated lib dems etc

Who /gardenposting/?



Yeah I knew a few people who were the same. It was so patronising.

zero is not too bad

we are winning, winning, winning


The fucking state of your lawn.

Dig up those weeds and get some grass seed and feed.

No it grows too fast, it still looks green.

>socks and long trousers in the sun
Trying to hide the fact you're a paki?

Who is the cuck in the back?

Trump gives zero fucks about the bitch

Ye she fucking is you cunt
Muslims kill people for their religion, they have been doing so for 1400 years and have never shown any sign of stopping
Terrorism is nothing to do with Britain and it's only happening here because we were fucking stupid enough to let millions of the cunts into our country

Muslims OUT
Terrorist sympathisers OUT
Traitors OUT

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world countries?

22 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades.

could've been much worse desu

>They hate small businesses.

The Tory policy of putting s surcharge on skilled migrants will also fuck small and medium businesses. When the only firms that can afford it are the big corporations, the SMEs are fucked. It hasn't been thought through.


They call a weed pit a garden

If you reply to it you're officially a newfag retard