Thinking about getting a tattoo, are they degenerate? Why or why not?
Why has society previously disproved of them?
Thinking about getting a tattoo, are they degenerate? Why or why not?
Why has society previously disproved of them?
Self bump REEEE
Just have a general discussion about it then.
Kys faggot
It depends on the tattoo. Some are degenerate, some are not.
Pic related?
stop asking Sup Forums how to live your life
slavic swastika
The only reason anyone should get a tattoo is if they are part of an elite military group
just tattoo runes all over your body and head
If you aren't in the army or a sailor or a maori is degenerate as fuck
I'll give you a reason then
It stays in your skin forever, and it has two main downsides because of that:
1) You can never wash it away. It's true that there is a tattoo-erasing method, but it's extremely painful.
2) Your skin changes throughout the years, so it can blur or deform.
Also it is basically ink put inside you through a scar, which can look badass, but think about it.
Is ok also is you are in the jail or belong to the jakuza
this, but I'd add, the death of your child or brother/sister in an unnatural way, having a tattoo of their name somewhere is acceptable too
Depends on the tatoo
I am currently planning on getting a byzantine eagle tatoo'd on my back
Kill yourself.
Get the image you want on a t-shirt instead. You can get rid of it when you get tired of it and you wont ruin your body.
I don't think they're degenerate. Tattoos, by themselves, don't harm anyone. I would never get a tattoo, I like the color of my skin and I just don't see the point in altering my body permanently. But I would never treat or think of someone differently because he has tattoos.
Everyone here is retarded. do whatever the duck you want and don't care about people's opinions here. "Oh but muh representation of the white race", don't forget most people here are greasy spergs with no social skills
There is no good reason to mark yourself with graffiti for life. Nobody will think you are cooler for it in 5-10 years. I guarantee it.
Also, whenever I see a tattoo, I reason that the person was at a stage in life where they weren't happy with their current state, seeking a quick solution rather than putting in the effort to dig down and solve whatever issue they had.
Also huge turnoff if I see a woman with a tattoo.
>Thinking about getting a tattoo, are they degenerate?
Depends on what you get. Dont be that dude thinking a tattoo parlor is like a furniture store. You dont just pick something off the wall and decide to have it in your "home" just because it looks good. If you get a tattoo make sure it has some purpose behind it.
Tattoos in the western world were used to mark slaves and prisoners, but they have some what evolved to being socially acceptable depending on where your tattoo is located.
In other cultures (non western) its a mix bag of nuts on how they were perceived.