They kill gays and no one can stop them

They kill gays and no one can stop them.
Does Sup Forums support them?

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Never forget Seth Rich. Kim Dotcom confirmed is the leaker. Sage all non-Seth threads


muslim shits are muslim shits and they should be genocided like muslim shits

Chechens look pretty intimidating 2bh

what the FUCK is your problem

>pretty intimidating 2bh
Yeah you compensate with something when you can't read.

How come Chechens have so much individual power in Russia?



i love those guys

their very existence destroys any notion of russia being an 'uncucked white bastion'.

>Went from full on independence Warriors to bowing knee to Putin in less than 10 years after Beslan
>So much individual power.

Its literally feudalism in Chechnya

Fuck no. They are just a bunch of muslim parasites feeding on my country.

>implying your country is worth feeding off
they at least are taking care of the faggot problem while you shoot yourself with krokodil

>Went from full on independence Warriors to bowing knee to Putin in less than 10 years after Beslan

it's a status quo, really. Chechens and Russians hate each other now as much as they always hated each other.
but the russians genocided the chechens and the mountaineers decided it's time to take a break and get 'healed' for a while.
it won't last. i give it 10 years max, maybe 15

Im a fag so I do not approve.
But if I were born a Chechen I might not be a fag and ok with it

>they at least are taking care of the faggot problem while you shoot yourself with krokodil

Implying Krokodil is still a thing and Russians are not into much harder drugs now.

Don't forget decaying infrustucture and rusting tanks

Were you abused when you were kid?

>implying you know anything about my country besides le ebin krokodil maymay xD

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord;



I dislike degeneracy being advertised and shown in public, but I don't care what they do in private

i know that your women produce a lot of anal porn

But what about they are far more likely to be pedos, in private?

>Does Sup Forums support them?
No, but I still think we should send our islam-loving gays to them. It'd be an educational experience for them.

They are poor. Better question, why you cucks watch it?

Who fucking cares.

of course

flag checks out

why doesn't this surprise me

I dont think I was diddled.
Im just a bit dysfunctional, most problems stem from people fetishising youth instead of staying in their agegroup and letting the heightened male libido running amok in your brain and meet with people who fall into that carnal abyss with you as the rules of courting dont applie anymore.

I don't give a shit. They don't represent Islam, remember




>They don't represent Islam
They do


there is no such thing as islam, being an adherent of a religious faith is a matter of self identification and therefore an objectively correct representation cannot exist


The amount of racial uniformity among them is astonishing.
Do they ever marry outside their group?

Chech men do not like to prep the back bull like filthy Pig Swede man.

Why don't you give them independence?

There's a lot of sliding going on today. What are they trying to hide from us?


unless their hatred towards gay, what are they good for ? Oh yeah : absolutely nuthin

fuck off. worse things have happened than seth rich, albeit it is important but you don't have any authority nor will you succeed in shutting down the rest of Sup Forums for your shit so go away.

fake news pls go

why does a hairy dirty male asshole appeal to you

His name was Seth Rich

They look it, but they're still probably using decade old outdated hardware, I'd trust NATO munitions a lot more than these guys.

if you look like a fag, dress like a fag and prosecute faggots like a fag, your a fag.

the OP is posting so this isnt a slide thread


They have that 5th Element vibe to them

Chechen is a fascist warrior nation of RusF. Their strength is only matched by gurkhas.


Yes, on this issue.

Russian Imperial wisdom: "Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer."

you're going to have to get through his muscle first


you think you can touch ramzan?

didn't think so

Chechens are right winged and conservative, thay are our guys.

Kadyrov and his homo friend nicknamed "Lord" are both ex-guerrillas, their friends are after them every day, but, sadly or not, they fail to kill them.

Basically right after Putin's death or removal from power.
Kadyrov always makes it clear that he's only loyal to Putin personally, not to the Russian state.

Based Frenchies.

Kadirov hates kockhols and kill them with other boeviks. He is cool.

I wish Baklanov actually finished the job back in the days.
