"Declassified memos show FBI illegally..."

Seems to be a 100% blackout on the obama fisa court circa story that broke last night. Would post links but 4ch is flagging everything/anything related as spam. Discuss. If verified this storied shit all over the governments legal justification for mass surveillance.

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Bump for interest

Well comey is a sack of shit from money funneling HSBC so I expected as much. I really hope something happens I'm tired of knowing all this shit and nothing being done about it.

Hate to break it to you, but Snowden showed everybody that the NSA was collecting data on just about everybody, and nobody gave a shit.
I doubt anybody is going to care about this, it's sad but reality.

some gizmodo writer found Comeys private twitter he shared with close friends/family under a fake name and it was mostly links to NYT articles, anti trump articles, pro-obama shit, typical cuck shit

nigger this was unmasking to damage political opponents and it was admitted to in court. Way above and beyond what Snowden leaked


It all leads back to abuse of power by Obama. Thats why talking about Seth Rich will get you in big trouble. Thats why NO ONE talks about the Awans. Its why no one talks about Susan Rice. It all leads back to that nigger Obama.

this. The russian narrative is dead, no evidence even admitted to by top democrats, but they still push it to muddy the waters.



the biggest problem with this story is when it was released, its going to be hard to keep this in front of people over the holiday weekend. So Tuesday we have to bring it roaring back with a vengeance.

bump for interest


what is there to discuss? how many times have we seen this? if i were Sessions, i would have every bureaucrat at the fbi arrested for subversion.

but nothing is going to happen here. like always. they are above the law and will probably be give each other awards for bravery or some shit.

Rand tweeted this story


We need people to start being indicted. That's how this story gains steam. Otherwise people are just brushing it off saying yeah Snowden, we know were being spied on we love obongo

the shitstorm that should fall on these people after the shitstorm the dnc pushed when this technique first appeared under the bush adminstration. Although during the bush adminstration the US citizen 1 stayed secret. Then Obama authorized anyone with a government id could see who US Citizen 1 was by saying please.

Bumping for you Amerifags,

Sort your country out.

Before that Comey was the one who "investigated" Bill Clintons corrupt pardon of Marc Rich as he was leaving office. He was rewarded with the position at HSBC


Oh right forgot about that one. So much corruption it's insane but let's talk about trump nudging a beta faggot out of the way.

This is reprehensible! The FBI should investigate!

guy should be indicted


for any number of things.

Reminder to Sup Forums - there is no question at all that Comey and Lynch conspired to obstruct justice.


nevermind thats a neocon rag, the particular article is sound because it is very simple: Clinton and/or her minions broke about a dozen laws by wilful overt acts.

Comey's statements as to why not recommending indictment amounted to the FBI rewriting the law 'around' Hillary's myriad illegal acts.
fucking interesting times.

Comeys brother does the taxes side for the clinton foundation plenty of dirt there.

So that fake email Comey based his entire investigation on just came from thin air? If you're gonna shill at least try harder.

You would be correct.

Also look into Haiti. I think the stole money from the relief effort or funnelled their money through it.

The case was concerning the infamous New Square Four, who were convicted of bilking the government out of tens of millions of dollars. Where the Clintons come in is that former President Bill Clinton reduced the sentences of the four Hasidic Jews from New Square, in Rockland County north of New York City. The move was controversial because Hillary Clinton had campaigned in the Hasidic Village, on the suggestion of her staff, The campaigning in fact did pay off as she grabbed 1,400 votes compared to 12 votes for her opponent Rick Lazio.

The eye popping margin of victory in that community was far greater than the vote totals she received in other similar nearby communities.

From a 2001 LA Times article:

After the election, the senator-elect attended a White House meeting on Dec. 22 with the village leader, Grand Rabbi David Twersky, and the president, in which Twersky urged clemency for the convicts.

Former President Clinton’s decision to reduce the sentences of the four men–one of his many controversial acts of clemency–has drawn fresh scrutiny as critics have alleged a link between the commutations and senatorial politics.

This one too. Crooked as fuck.

Here's Comey aiding and abetting Sandy Berger, the guy caught stuffing classified info into his pants and socks:

In 2004, Comey, then serving as a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger, which left out former Clinton administration officials who may have coordinated with Berger in his removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives. The documents were relevant to accusations that the Clinton administration was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.

No, it came from here. Or a place like here. That supposed russian dossier that said Trump paid hookers to piss on a bed that Obama had slept in made it all the way to the Senate, and Senator Stuart Smalley used it to get the new AG to recuse himself from the investigation.

That Utah faggot who ran for POTUS ran it to McCain who ran it to the CIA who ran it to CNN.

>declassified memos


scribd use google.


The piss dossier and the email are two different things. Both are shill shit from take your pick.