Yeah! He's really putting in the work to show he's serious! I feel like he really understands my generation. Who else #ZuckMe2020?
Zuck For Pres!
Red pill: He is talking about protection against the massive automation changes that are coming in the near future and he is right.
id vote for her if she transitioned to her true self.
Somehow his 12 year old boy face horrifies me. I guess there's nothing he can do about it...maybe take up smoking or sun bathing .
Seems strange, coming from a jew
What's his endgame?
They're ignorant to accept this as fact. they're just gonna call you a neet autist and continue jerking themselves off.
dont hurt yourselves, boys
Then he should advocate against globalism and unnecessary immigration.
What is going to be (((their))) defense once the 'they only take jobs that no American wants to do' excuse completely falls through when all of those jobs are automated?
it has nothing to do with either of those things. It's about the development of technology.
Try educating yourself before commenting, sir.
>universal basic income
>government now completely controls your ability to survive and throws you tiny scraps
>enslaved forever
States should invest in the automatisation of small more independent communities and cities. Living off comfy urban gardening, making and selling local luxery products made from automatised rawmaterial production with all citizens that are able to getting awesome wages if they are smart enough to get a job which is necessary to support that hightech infrastructure.
At least that would be cool, but we probabyl get mass automatisation of a few independent coporations that dash out some gibs for the dependent masses that cannot nourish themselves independently as the stategibs dont suffice for that, but barely enough to live in a container.
I'd be fine with it as long as all other welfare, foodstamps, WIC, etc is done away with. Give $1200 a month and that's what you have to live on. Nigs won't be able to do it and will die off. You'd save it in administration costs alone.
You cant run Basic Universal Income as a Republican.
Only a Dem can do it as he will need the support from braindead liberals
control, everyone is dependent on the government.
Break the economy
In some ways we will always be and that is fine, but its reaching new heights there if you think about the worst case scenarious.
The Zucc wants to be President, he thinks because Trump was rich and he's also rich he has a chance, The Rock's doing the same thing but he thinks it was because Trump held celebrity status
This. Also needs to buy at least one more baby.
>Another Mark Cuckberg thread with a different topic and no link provided by the OP
Stop shilling for this guy you motherfucking shill.
Because its basically featureless and looks like how someone looks with a skin mask.
As a content creator, I don't give a shit about universal income. There are two types of people. Makers and consumers. Consumers feed off the energy of makers. When trucking, transport, and whatever else is animated and universal income is put in place - the makers will be rich and the consumers will get fat and die.
But automation is not going to solve hunger, programming, civil services, etc. it can manufacture and transport - but we are far off from mass job replacement. Don't link me computer painting.
He's gonna make college and weed free. Trumps just a racist asshole!!
Turdeau wants to do the same thing, they are pushing for actual communism now.
you are so uneducated I dont even know where to begin
>as a content creator
youtuber or artist is not a job
Talking of lowly of consumers is mean and unjustified as they had a purpose for a long time in history.
>North American Soviet Socialst Republic in our lifetime
If he's promising free stuff for everyone no strings now what's left for the actual campaign?
Makers are also consumers and without consumers makers don't exist
What is everyone planning on doing with their zuck bucks?
Yeah sure ok faggot. And we'll be driving flying cars in the year 2000. Go back to plebbit you nigger faggot leaf before I get my fucking rake.
Automation does not automatically imply massive un-employment. If we did not fuck our school system up and develop a permanent dependent class through welfare we would be perfectly fine.
The way to solve this problem is to do everything to drive innovation. Specifically innovation that leads to new markets. When new markets develop there is a lag time between the small business start ups that pioneer the market and complete automation. Through continual innovation and development of new markets we can ensure that there will be available jobs for everyone. That means complete free market capitalism and extremely small government.
In regards to innovation, looking though history and the studies on intelligence distributions by gender it is apparent that it is a small subset of men that drive new innovations. However our society is currently geared to prop up barriers for young men to attain optimal education and social involvement. That, coupled with increasing government dependence, is leading to a decrease in the rate of innovation in new markets and a increasing dependence on large "too big to fail" industries and companies that are too big to be nimble.
UBI is the next step to complete government control in our lives and economy. Focus on getting young men interested in starting businesses and teach the truth about the government (its terrible for people if not regulated).
So without universal income you just end up homeless and die because of automation. How's essentially free money (for you at least) enslavement? Victim complex?
>automation doesn't mean people lose jobs everyone just has to be "INNOVATIVE"
What a fucking buzzword
I make drugs you kike
You have absolutely no evidence that will happen. You're just a lazy fuck who wants free money.
>Red pill: He is talking about protection against the massive automation changes that are coming in the near future and he is right.
he's right but that doesn't make a lick of difference, he'll never be president, look at hime, if we brought KEK out for Hillary we would have herds of crocodiles flying for this guy
>available job positions get cut
>need to get an education to find a new job
>don't have enough money for expenses while getting an education
If only there was a solution to this...
>zucker jew gets elected
>totally not a plutocracy guys
>we need globalism
>I cry every time I hear you say "illegal immigrants"
>tear down these boarders
>you can totally do it you just got to make something new
>also I basically made life a living hell for well pretty much anyone who won't use my social networking app and I have all your personal data on my servers
>its like I'm spying on you but really its just attention you love attention right?
UBI is simply another degenerate ideological product of capitalism.
It's very simple. You tax people with money to give it to people without money so that they have money to spend on your products.
Zuck the spying Jewish cuck.
>How's essentially free money (for you at least) enslavement?
>Every time the government needs to implement austerity measures, your paycheck crashes and burns leaving you unable to pay your bills.
Wealth redistribution isn't wealth creation. You are a slave to the government dole and entirely dependent on a class of politicos to ensure your survival.
If this is what the Jewish conspiracy is all about, then screw it, let's sign up for it. What are we angry and bickering about?
What if you also got a job while on basic income :o
Only a woman would enjoy just getting a small cash handout to get paid to do nothing.
Men need to have a purpose in life, unlike women. That's why they're trying to feminize and exterminate all manliness from earth so they can turn them into compliant social consumer cattle.
There is. Get financial aid and go to fucking college or learn a trade.
Fucking socialists and communists everywhere. Day of rope when?
Pfft. One high altitude nuke EMP away from the 19th century is what.
Great idea, except, oh wait, what's that? Oh, all the manual peasant jobs have been replaced by robots.
This. Either that or he really is that stupid.
try reading all the comments.
it's quite simply really.
0.05 sheckles have been sent to your jewcount
id vote for dwayne johnson before I voted for trump
Then they turn off the chip they implanted in your hand
weed grows from the dirt you moron
It is free, outside of places that will prosecute you for possessing it.
mark cockzuckerberg has my vote
and im a fake jew
You mean embedded in your prefrontal cortex?
lol drug prohibition is on its way out. your easy profit's going with it.
Yes, we do need to do something about the coming labor holocaust, but I don't think mass welfare is the right solution. Look at how utterly devastating that was to America's black population in the last fifty years.
build a new computer and vr headset duh
i hate that face so much
Sure whatever works. Gimme soma
lol you're ignorant.
Where does all the money come from?
Solution: If a business replaces a worker with a robit than they must pay for said worker to do a course of their choice.
There is historical precedence, you incompetent nitwit.
Why would you go to school to get a manual labor peasant job?
Also there is little evidence that what you are saying is anywhere close to reality.
The print shop. I get some green pens and make my own. Stamps too.
> precedence
t. nitwit
he's a worm
we have a mayor around here like this
look at it like a worm's face and it all makes sense
worming his way through your intestines
>learn a trade.
>not a manual labor peasant job.
pick one.
Making communities and citystates autark in as many regards as possible needs more effort but also means that all the people will have some job as gardener or processor of local materials.
Maybe autistic tribalism/mini-nationalism is a solution.
Remember Sup Forums
he literally doesn't look human
we're living in a predatory banking economy
UBI makes total sense for the banksters, dont ask me the details why
but remember rapefugees are there to create new loans
See? You clearly dont udnerstand the concept. It's only Universal Basic if everyone gets it. It's not stipulated on you meeting some metrics as to "what is poor enough to warrant granting assistance"
I think you'd save money on administration costs alone. All these people applying just to get like $100 a month in food assistance, or help with their utilities.. How much money would you save by eliminating the need for these overpaid paper shufflers?
Nigga, if there is no work for people how is the government going to afford to keep giving you cash handouts while not collecting taxes?
Got any pictures with his eyes open? His pupils share a resemblance to the abyss. They stare back with black fire burning a hole through your soul.
fuck the fascist fuckbook ruled world he wants to run
But then the busyness will just go to someone who doesnt do that while the local ones cannot compete with foreign robotfactorys.
They gonna kill us all once we're no longer useful
There's is historical precedent that some jobs will become obsolete due to technological advances. There is absolutely no evidence that ALL jobs will be lost, or even a significant amount. It's all conjecture by communists and Reddit faggots.
>thinks UBI is good
just nuke all of us and get it over with
tfw nothing of merit to respond, so I just meme it up.
>goldbergs fan
>What's his endgame?
>electricians and plumbers are manual labor peasants
Cmon man those guys make over 100k here in Murica.
because we live in a time where food and shelter are literally PRINTABLE.
Any scarcity, any value you think these things have, outside of your nourishment... is artificial.
Artificial Scarcity, thats the real fucking jewscam my friends.
Sounds like you described a feed back loop there ya gas huffer
>create a dependent population that can't help themselves and must come grovelling to you to have their basic needs met.
What do you mean someone who won't do that? I'm pretty sure everyone would do that if they just got fired.
can you see it?
even his body shape and language fit the worm description
Put everyone on life support matrix machines...
Shut down...
Like...LITERALLY shut down all the bad goys inside his Facetrix trademarked machine city.
Feed the bad Goys to the Good Goys.
Rinse, repeat.
Doesn't this guy have like all his wealth in offshore accounts so he doesn't get taxed?
What is true tho is that the hurdles get higher to fulfill a job today.
In rural Iran you can be completely unskilled and illiterate and get a job after being schooled for three days by your local brickmaker who forms clay bricks.
In rural europe you need to be literate and knowledgable in the operation of all kinds of devices after a three year schooling that enables you to lay premade bricks for the fassade of a smarthome.
Not just some jobs, some of the most easy to find, considered decent jobs that the average person can obtain. Say trucking, food service, factory work.
WHen these corporations further embrace automation, and they will, as a means to cut costs, what happened to the factory jobs of old (the good paying jobs that the average joe could secure for 30 years and retire on) will happen to these jobs, which is going to leave a massive number of people without a job.
But why would I take the words of economists over some fat shithead that voted for trump on Sup Forums?
Literally end your life.
Not much different from being a salaried employee
>implying universal basic income isn't one big fag Jewish trick
Whenever leftists dream hard about creating another Utopia it invariably creates massive social degeneration and everything they do to solve that makes it worse.
So, there will be plenty of jobs around, from treating hideous new STDs, finding wayward and kidnapped sex slave children, guarding houses from bored arsonists, sterilizing bioterrorized zones, digging mass graves, etc etc
>corporations basically control your entire lives throwing you tiny scraps.