Anyone else have these experiences?

Anyone else have these experiences?
>go out drinking with a friend
>black out
>wake up with a Snapchat story full of drunk videos
>worry I may have revealed my power level or said some super racist shit
>26 people saw it
>just delete story without watching

Also power level reveal stories

>black out from drinking

Nope, not teenager anymore. Also people who get drunk and then beg others to remove videos of them being drunk or some shit are most pathethic, take some personal responsibility or don't drink if you can't do it properly.

No, I don't get drunk the bible forbids being a drunkard, it warns even if someone calls you brother but is a drunkard do not even eat with that person.

>drinking alcohol

yet Christ surrounded himself with drunkards, whores, and lepers.

How do you know if a source is reliable, or how do you find out?

What makes you believe a source

>get drunk
>start crying

>the bible forbids it
If you dont sin then jesus died for nothing

>I have never been invited to parties therefore drinking is degenerate
Just getting you prepared for what's about to come.

>jesus died

This fucking meme again?

I get drunk every Friday night and watch anime.

I don't have any friends to reveal my power level to.

Black out from drinking? Snapchat? How old are you, 14?

I reveal my power level all the time, i forcibly redpill my friends, no point hiding who you are or the truth.

I’m not a degenerate so can't relate, sorry.

>having snapchat
>having social media

i'm lmaoing at your life

Yes the guy you're replying to is a faggot but drinking until you black out, especially with a bunch of morons who are gonna put it on whatever social media teenage girls use, is complete untermensch behavior

In the same way a doctor spends his time around sick people.

Sorry Drinking isn't degenerate.

It's one of the oldest traditions mankind has

>imbibing the liquid jew

A-are you me? I quit going to bars for this exact reason.
>tfw you wake up and best friend tells you how you went on a jew rant again at the bar

> what if I got hammered and badmouthed my based black friends
Fuck up normie.

>be me
>at cousins bbq with his friends who are cool maybe 8-10 people I know maybe 4 or 5
>we all getting drunk having fun
>someone says "this is shit to chew" about the bbq meat
>I hear it as "this shit was the jews"
>being drunk my brain to mouth filter is off
>I immediately look at them and say "what the worst thing about being a black jew during WW2? being told you have to sit at the back of the oven"
>silence as they process it
>instant sweating realizing i goofed but I keep a smile on my face
>riotous laughter
Thank fuck Aussies are always casual about racism

Not an argument.

>Get drunk
>Just casually call my black friends as niggers from that on
>They dont invite me to anything anymore
Damn those guys have no backbone at all.

Not everyone has an iron liver like you czechia

The Rabbi had blessed us with his presence! Teach the goyim more!


I'm not afraid of revealing my power level. People who crave alphas will surround you.

Stupid niggers.

This is my biggest fear sometimes,if I black out I do the stupidest of things. I'm glad I was more liberal when I was younger so I didn't say this shit during highschool.

That one always gets a good laugh at work, it's good not working in a pussified environment.

I don't drink that much anymore but one time I was so stoned I was joking around on a face time about 9/11, Mossad, etc then just got hit with a wave of anxiety when I started thinking about the CIA/NSA being able to pull that recording out of thin air and promptly went into bad feel mode.

I've revealed power levels to my girl but she's a southern one so she mostly already believes everything I do she just doesn't say shit about it

hey kill yourself you degenerate normal fag

I think that used to be true, but with cell phones it's different. I get pissed at people that pull out a cell phone cam or start recording shit when I drink with them. There is no such thing as personal responsibility when drinking, that's the fun part.

While babysitting my two younger cousins (10 and 5) I was browsing Sup Forums and angrily screamed out "THESE FUCKING NIGGERS". Proceeded to spend the next half hour begging them to not tell their parents and informing them that it was a slip of tongue and they should not say what I said.

I once got drunk and a muzzie fuck was looking at me with disgust, I bet he was thinking that im a dirty kuffar for drinking.
As time goes by he gets pissy like a triggered feminist and I get completely wasted
Eventually I couldnt drink anymore so i took whatever drink I had left and splashed it in his face. I was laughing my ass off as he was screaming and cleaning up, eventually he got up and charged me. I puked on myself and on him (ate pork), slipped in my puke and dragged him to the ground.
MFW we rolled around in my filth like a pair of dirty pigs

Bretty much this

I miss working blue collar.

haha, now that's a story

I've been black out drunk perhaps twice in my life and that's enough for me to realize I should only drink in moderation from here on out.

Stay away from our women yankee!

Anyone who lets other people treat them like shit just to fit in are the lowest form of scum. Just like the Frat kid that died at Penn State. Trying so hard to fit in with people who only want to do you harm.

adding to collection, neat

Blacking out isnt normal

You probably have a drinking problem

They were non believers, it says brother, that means someone who claims to be a Christian but disobeys God

If you're sinning on purpose you're showing God you don't trust him

Havin gay sex is also one of mankinds oldest traditions doesn't mean that it isn't degenerate. What a terrible argument.

They don't pull it out of thin air, all the recordings same with snap chat get sent to a database and is sifted by moderators who send that shit off to the authorities.

Don't worry plenty of schizos talk about that shit, its the dumbasses that record illegal shit that get busted.

Drink some wine during a diner, a beer with some friends, sure.
Getting shitfaced, being an alcoholic, that's degenerate.

In fact, it's exactly like sex : under the sanctity of marriage with your spouse ? Not degenerate.
Anything else ? Degenerate.

It's quite startling i have to explain to you that a given activity can happen in differents context in differents situation with different results and impacts.
Are you actually people, or some NPCs brought to Sup Forums by the winds of cancer ?

>I get pissed when I can't act like a nigger without someone recording it.
Then don't do it.
It's just about drinking in moderation, drunkards with no self control are no different than junkie losers breaking shit on PCP.

I don't go out and drink anymore because I'm almost 30 and find the underage/early 20s bar scene to be intolerably obnoxious.

I revealed my power level to two women at my job (they revealed theirs first) and now we've started our own little insurgency here at my little libtard-controlled public sector job.

I did this last night. Occasionally getting inebriated and watching cartoon girls do cute things in my catharsis from painful reality ;_;
This. I feel reckon I've made my liberal friends more skeptical about some of their previously held beliefs by openly disagreeing with them. Patriarchy, racial equality, minimum wage, free education, etc.
pretty much


Boy you are getting fucked hard I think. When you get find out or something they will just claim they did it to reveal you: a white nazi male.

Nah. We're good friends outside of work. I mean it could happen I guess that they're super secret leftist double agents sent to root me out specifically and if that's the case i'll just deal with the consequences

Knowing that niggers get drunk easily just makes me cringe at the amount of brandy he's drinking. Heh, maybe he'll kill himself with alcohol poisoning.
Unless he's sharing, in which case he needs another 5th.

Fuck, I forgot where I posted this. My bad :(

I'm just a closet Sup Forums user, but I'm in college so I can't openly have any non liberal beliefs expressed or I'll be crucified. Basically I'm a gay person in 1950's Alabama. It's hard to not reveal your power level on occasion. I know that feel bro.

Bruh that was one of the most popular jokes when I was in high school. Funny shit. Liberal normie cucks take everything too seriously


never heard it before-many thanks

Can't be that high of a lvl if you still get blackout drunk, good goym

There's a difference between getting drunk and being a drunkard. A drunkard is just what we'd call an alcoholic now. Getting drunk occasionally with your friends is not heretical, unless you're a mormon, in which case you're already going to Hell.

not even religious but, good answer

i'm glad there were no cell phone cameras when I was getting black out drunk

but i'm old and i'll be dead soon

>Paul Masson

Alcohol isn't strictly forbidden, but being a drunkard is

There's a difference. At least that's what I tell myself when I decide to down a bottle of wine

>Wow. Just wow.
That's the reaction of controlled outrage that damns our generation.

Is malt liquor exclusively consumed by googles? Is it really that bad? Wouldn't mind trying it tbqh...we don't have it here so i'm quite curious.

The bible says keeps a sober mind

Alcohol isn't forbidden but it has to be in moderation, I enjoy a glass of Chimay once in a while I won't lie and say I'm fully sober, but as far as I'm aware from what the bible says being drunk is forbidden, we always have to be keep a sober mind to avoid sin, Satan lurks everywhere and when you're drunk it's easier to cave in

>that image

Mel Gibson?

I like malt liquor more than beer but that's because it's cheap and higher in alcohol than regular beer.
The brands I've had have a sweet taste to them.

They're not that bad, taste like funky beer but they're dirt cheap 2$ a bottle

Damn son, where you posting from?

No because snapchat is fucking retarded vainglorious trash

Well, if the future relied in a guy like you without a single responsibility, I would end my days.

I can only bare 15 minutes of those cartoons, after I get really bored or have a headache. Go outside lad, Australia is a beautiful country. Here in rainy Belgium it's pretty depressing.

I don't go that far, only enough that I'm regular drunk, then it's fun. I'm drunk now ,_,

I don't drink a lot because I'm Native American and have a strong predisposition to alcoholism.

Yup. I used to do this all the fucking time. Once time, woke up with a half-eaten Chipotle burrito next to me. Shit is insane. I don't get that crazy anymore. I also was on a fucking streak like you wouldn't believe.

Its water into wine, not the other way around.


I don't, cause I don't drink alcohol.

Btw, beer has more estrogen than soy milk.

Not me. Snapchat wasn't around when I was a kid in his 20s... Damn, I'm old. :(

holy fuck

Finally someone knows my feel.
>tfw 2 drinks in and face is fully flushed.


Absolute madman

What brands are your favourite? When I visit the States i'll definitely pump plenty of malt liquor, surely can't be worse than cask wine.
>pic related

>native American
>strong predisposition to alcoholism
You have a stronger predisposition to stupidity. Quitting being harder or easier has nothing to do with race.

Whatever you fucking say, subroach.

I went to my Jewish friends' house and talked a little about their people's nepotism a little. They're pretty redpilled so I'm pretty sure they took it in good humor. We make evil jokes all the time.

im imagining you dropping red pills, the resisdent SJW faggot and the office beta start whining then the two women agree with you and btfo them.


Don't do that.

People who say they completely black out and can't remember anything from drinking are liars. Own up to your degeneracy. Source- full fledged alcoholic.

Hermann Goering is looking better these days.

I haven't blacked out since I was like 22. That shit isn't fun to me, actually kind of scary piecing together what you did through short flashed of memory.

>this post
>the responses
Sup Forums is long dead isn't it

So you worried about not being a coward one day of your life?

I don't use Snapchat or whatever the fuck a Snapchat story is because I'm not a nu male schoolkid.

People don't really black out. Pass out yes but blackout no. This is an excuse for a night of degeneracy