>had it been constructed slightly differently
Fucksake, for real guys?
I made a waterbomb with water and a balloon, but if I added other shit it also could have been a nuclear device.
Why is the Anglo so fucking retarded?
Meanwhile, pic related.
>had it been constructed slightly differently
Fucksake, for real guys?
I made a waterbomb with water and a balloon, but if I added other shit it also could have been a nuclear device.
Why is the Anglo so fucking retarded?
Meanwhile, pic related.
anyone who thinks this faggot wasn't trying to hurt people needs to kill themselves
>In a shopping list of the components for his bomb, he had written: "And keep this a secret between me and Allah #InspireTheBelievers."
muzzie then is he
>Doesn't think twice post-9/11 era.
>Really accelerates my atoms.
I put a tube bomb in your moms ass last night
He clearly was trying to hurt people. That's why he is in jail for 15 years.
>The rucksack had contained a flask, powder, ball bearings, a clock timing device, a battery and an initiator.
>In a shopping list of the components for his bomb, he had written: "And keep this a secret between me and Allah #InspireTheBelievers."
>Dismissing Smith's claim that the device was a "prank" smoke bomb, explosives experts say it was viable and would have caused mass casualties had it been constructed slightly differently.
anyone seen the clip of him in police custody? It's really harrowing.
It's just a prank bro
Judge probably added 5 years for that mustache
15 years is what he would of gotten in America had it actually been a prank.
he should be in jail for fucking life
No, do you have a link?
Would have.
It's written "would have".
You goddamn retarded fatso beaner-nigger inbred LEFTIST.
>Police interview with Tube bomber Damon Smith
Austism not even once.
Literally, weaponised autism.
>mad Frenchie butthurt over losing to the GLORIOUS BEADY EYED ANGLO
clip at the bottom, he sounds so gay lmao
it may seem harsh but he deserves this. lives he couldve ruined is huge. this way only his and his mother's lives are ruined and it has to be that way every single time.
Well the fact that he's so young gives him a chance to think about what he did and gives him that same chance to go back out into society later on in life.
If he were any older he probably would've gotten life.
>In a shopping list of the components for his bomb, he had written: "And keep this a secret between me and Allah #InspireTheBelievers."
I'm sure this has nothing to do with this peaceful religion.
Sounds almost too spot on. I don't think he's a true believer but he's a turbofag all the same.
>had it been constructed slightly differently
Isn't that true of anything?
>hey guys, i baked a cake!
>"yeah, but if you used ammonia and bleach, you would have made mustard gas! arrest him!"
that the difference between a smoke bomb and a explosive is composition of chemicals used. so generic half assed smoke bomb material is boiled cocacola. reduced until its a thick syrup and you mix in some crushed sparklers(minus metal obviousy)
vs gunpowder from shotgun shells
you do next to nothing in both cases and it uses the same container
his prank license must've expired
Sounds like he was being satirical but also a moron playing with fire
He probably would've got away with it if he were actually a muslim/refugee, but since he's white the system has no issue with fucking him over.
that voice wtf
100% chance of faggot.
>tfw no gay autistic bf
>Actually including ball-bearings
Ya, not a prank.
>that voice
How does that happen?
>An ignition section of the device was "viable" and believed it "had functioned" due to charring residue, but had failed to ignite the attached explosive substance.
The detonater failed to ignite the explosive, the only reason his bomb packed with ball bearings didn't go off. Same thing happened with the 25/7/05 attempted bombings x4:
>Tube train was only filled with mudshits and niggers
well whaddya know,
>Student who made bomb with ball bearings
>ball bearings
>had it been constructed differently enough to have actually gone off it would have caused mass casualties
>had he not been a retard and made an operation bomb
Hope they ream him in prison.
It's literally this same scenario, but he got jailed because he's white.
>>Dismissing Smith's claim that the device was a "prank" smoke bomb, explosives experts say it was viable and would have caused mass casualties had it been constructed slightly differently
Ah, yes. A white guy makes a faux bomb and that's very bad, forget about Manchester you fucking bigots.
I hate my country, I wish death upon every left leaning moron and their shitskinned pets.
It was a clock
Arya Stark?
bit more feminine tho
>gun powder
>ball bearings
What if he's just a patsy and this is a fall flag, history has always used retards for this kind of stuff, look at port arthur massacre that was done by israeli mossad agents and blamed on a retard.
This shows intent.
If he wanted a smoke bomb, you don't use black powder, you use potassium nitrate and sugar.
Ouch man. Dats harsh.
Kekking merrily at the muzzie-manlet.
poor little muzlet
>Explosive made with ball bearings and gun powder
The dude was as far as i can tell Islamic so we still win
Except this was a movie or some shit
>Ball bearings
Smoke bomb, my ass.
Constructed differently in this case means if he wasn't a fuck-up and was actually better at bomb making his bomb doesn't fail to explode and he does harm to a large amount of people.
Incompetence is not an excuse if they can prove intent, which using ball bearings in an explosive device clearly does.
How is it harsh? Thank fuck he was too retarded to make the thing go off, but intent was clearly demonstrated.
No one's going to mention the guy looks white ?
we need tighter borders !!! oh wait..
I see no reason why faggots like this shouldn't be deported along with the pakis.
They need to adjust the narrative to show that white people are equally capable of bombing.