What ever happened to ThunderFoot?
What ever happened to ThunderFoot?
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got assblasted at sargon laughing at a murder and is currently being told to fuck off by all of youtube
Dumping all my TF memes
He became an SJW.
spend too much time in academia shielded from the real world and joined "i am too smart to have children" club
>got analy ravaged by Brexit because hes under the EUs payroll
>decides the best way to "show us" is to edit videos to misrepresent people
>Gets called on his bullshit
>decided to double down on the shit he made
>made in to a laughing stock
He may as well go join the SJWs side. He talks just like them now.
keep your shitty "memes" on r3ddit
these are complete fucking shit and you should be ashamed for shitting out this garbage
He arrogantly believes that being an authority on certain things means that he can be an expert on other subjects without doing any proper research as well.
and since he lied about the edrama bullshit people are now doubting his science as well
No jokes on youtube!
Fok off u cheeky cunt. You are a filthy creationist that doesn't understand science
He went full retard. He's only good when talking about hard science. Every time he goes into the personal sphere or politics it's a complete disaster. I think he's also bitter because he was one of the first people on Youtube doing anti-SJW content and in the past few years people who Thunderf00t considers beneath him, like Sargon, swooped in and took over that genre.
he was on his way out ever since the sargon brexit debate. he still thinks he is one of the undisputed thought leaders who wanted to burn a sacred cow to claim his fame again. ever since anita stopped making videos he has no one to attack
Don't forget
>says free speech needs to be limited
>starts saying bizarre, cryptic shit like he "feels clean" because he's not a part of the community anymore
Who? Fuck off with your e-celeb bullshit faggot
i honestly dont get how this sargon guy got this big. he was always a fence sitting faggot denying science when it comes to race and now people talk like hes the number one ring leader in the alt right
They traded him for Laci Green.
yeah whats up with all those faggots praising that cunt? its obvious that shes changing opinions because her mtv gig ran out and her pov doesnt make money anymore
Forgot that one.
I don't think that's a bad thing really all the leftist retards attack him while we can work in the shadows. He's a shitposter and perfect bait.
Jesus Christ the cringe. You stink of a butthurt christcuck.
Idk who this guy is, but he looks stinky. Gross.
Thanks, I forgot to add this phrase to the post filter.
>he was always a fence sitting faggot denying science when it comes to race
That's exactly how he got big. Civic nationalist rhetoric is more palatable for normies than ethnonationalism/race realism right now.
>now people talk like hes the number one ring leader in the alt right
No one says that except insane SJWs. His own audience knows he's a liberal civic nationalist cuck.
Thunderfoot is embarrassing when he isn't doing science, but Sargon is a gigantic faggot with a following of meme spewing retards.
He is still a fence sitter and that's how he maintains his popularity. He lets Reddit market him as a red pill for normies.
It's weird how all the atheist guys I used to watch when I was a bit younger that helped me to learn how to be skeptical and think deeply turned into giant liberal pussies. Yet skepticism eventually lead me to the red pill on race and Jews and despising liberals. Any skeptic should see that diversity is a religion that is back up by no truths.
he swallowed the "moral" and "ethics" pill
it's funny how we trained Sargon, that he stopped caring and became a meme-ing autist
Yea i think that is a obivous outlook on her, she aint changed. But like most of them once the money train runs dry they change their tune fast to the next fad. All the SJW stuff was a fad just like PoGs and pokemon cards. The fad is starting to die now.
>now people talk like hes the number one ring leader in the alt right
That's because he is. This is what happens when spencer fails to differentiate the alt right from the trump movement.
Same wow small world
What happened to the porn Photoshop's one of Coughlans goons made of him?
This, they're both terribly unentertaining shills most of the time. Taking a side on their pissing contest is like choosing between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.
I am just spitting the same nonsense he accuses others of, he is a liar. And you are just an insignificant leaf.
>diversity is a religion that is back up by no truths.
Wow... real scientific there.
Nice b8
The "user" as name is subtle retardness
He starts to realize that the 'sceptics' are just useful idiots for Nationalists and Fascists.
>What ever happened to ThunderFoot?
He willingly engaged postmodernist communities, became demoralized and lost his marbles and any sense of direction.
The only thing you say to a postmodernist is "fuck off".
Anything else you are talking to a wall, made of people, that have no interest on arguments or debate, shouting down at you, trying to destroy your life, your careers, your connections to other people.
same for me.
You can't claim to reject classical dogma and then turn around and accept the new age dogma of Western guilt. The same people that claim to be scientifically literate ignore all the data on race realism. It's quite sad really.
Thanks, I will stop baiting now
I've found it funny that after Trump got elected, you saw a huge rise in right-wing/sceptic YouTube accounts. Once I saw this, I became fully disinterested in all the political bullshit stuff.
I liked this one user, good job :^)
>He starts to realize that the 'sceptics' are just useful idiots for Nationalists and Fascists.
The i realize that the "SJW" are just useful idiots to commies and marxists.
He's a cunt.
Real substantive criticism there.
Same can be said of black science man and all other popularizers. That degree in astrophysics doesn't make a person an expert on climate or sociology.
Get fucked
Name one "sceptic" youtuber who was ever worth listening to.
fucking cringe
>CivNat is more palatable
I wish Sup Forums would learn this lesson. Using CivNat jargon while enacting enthonationalist policies is the only way to get anything done. A """full fash""" government is an autistic LARP fantasy.
They are all a little fake nowadays
They can be entertaining when they actually have something to talk about. The problem is they stick around and pump out videos to keep making money after they've run out of things to talk about. Thunder Fool's (phone autocorrected to that) a good example because he keeps bringing up Sarkeesian because it's all he knows.
Dude is right about Sargon, but he needs to let it the fuck go, he isn't going to change any one's mind.
Sargon just need to come out and admit he is
a edge lord, also dude needs a editor badly.
He went insane after Brexit because he couldn't handle losing. Now he unirionically makes sjw and feminist arguments.
Tried to stump sargoy and got BTFO in massive fashion.
He got big because he regularly does videos and he interacts with others on YouTube, social media, and show up for events.
It's helped build a community of supporters that quite like him. Others like Thunderfoot could have done the same but didn't due to viewing most fans as beneath them.
He became a sjw
Eat shit boi
The dogwhistling is more complicated in the US than it is in, say, Poland though. Because in Poland you can say "Polish people" and you really mean ethnic Polish white people. But if you say "American people" that doesn't automatically mean "white people".
even though he calls himself this distinguished scientist, he literally still works at a postgrad position with 20 somethings as his colleagues, because he is so autistic and damaged goods to ever advance, and have responsibility in research.
Because instead of doing his actual job he spends 50 hours a week masturbating to his ever-decreasing patreon and relevance on YT as yesteryear's e-celeb.
>Which goes to show how fucking retarded e-celeb worship is, when all the guys that were as big as can be are now pretty much ignored 7+ years later.
Please educate us about the wonderful benefits of "diversity" aka making white countries less white.
You are being sarcastic - so fuck you too boi, I will rape your dog and force you to watch it.
He got big thanks to eating, he became notorious thanks to gamergate. The reason he has such a large audience is precisely because he's a fence sitting faggot. By never taking a hard stance he doesn't polarize his audience and doesn't scare them away.
He's just a 90's democrat that was bunched in with other "skeptic" youtubers for hating feminist. Like many other youtubers thunderfoot has hated how the skeptic community turned into a giant circle jerk that refuses to criticize anything but selected targets. A bunch of youtubers laughing at a dead man was the last straw for him so he finally left.
In my opinion its clear that sargon didn't like how thunderfoot was hurting his brand and went back after him with a set of videos. Its clear sargon was laughing at the jokes but sargon isn't going to admit it.
atheists are such ignorant hacks
He's right about Sargon thou. You can check the video yourself if you can stand all those supposed "intellectuals" mocking a tragic death. Thunderf00t might be a massive sperg when it comes to being social but Sargon and his gang of repetative bullshit regurgitating faggots are everything but rolemodels or people to idealize. They are the jewiest wiggers out there, reciting what everyone thinks to get their fucking youtube sheckles.
Can't fucking stand this guy. Not saying he isn't clever but his personality is shit and his voice sounds like a sheepdog throwing up tepid vegetable soup, I cannot listen to him without feeling ill.
Jordan Peterson
Stefan Molyneux
>A bunch of youtubers laughing at a dead man
Wrong they where laughing at a male "feminist" killing his gf with 2 shots.
Russan deadpool was his name online and he was with the skeptic feminist channel.
I am still laughing at him it shows the utter fucking hypocrisy of the faggots who spout this SJW bullshit.
this board is 18+ gtfo
No its because he likes where he's at and the money he gets paid is good enough to keep his house. he's gotten offers from companies before to do "research" but he doesn't want to throw away his standards just to make more money
the patreon is just he can by items for his science videos
what the fuck does this 'sceptic' thing mean? sceptic of what?
sorry about that I got the two mistaken. regardless the message still stands. This whole thing is more about sargon defending his brand.
he turned into a fucking moron, he was always an idiot (thinking religion will ever die on the internet), but then acting like a complete fuckwhit when it came to feminism. you can btfo feminism without needing to stoop to pointless obsfucation and clickbait. no video he posted ever came across as anything but whining that some annoying cunt was bothering him at a bar so he started a whole series on it.
No I like it here.
the benefit is that if you are a part of the (((ruling class))) you lower the average intelligence of the nation, meaning more obedient cattle, while cramming more warm bodies into the kosher industry machine
>feminists dying
I'll mock it all I want faggot.
>damaging his brand
The guy posts videos about KeK. More like this is another attempt of a "gotcha" moment on him from fagggot lefties who get buthurt.
that's a cool cat
I had a dream I dated Laci Green last night, you just made me remember.
that's just because he's a racist and doesnt want pictures of blacks in his house
Started with atheists and agnostics shitting on religious loonies, then moved on to counter-SJW stuff.
These are a fucking embarrassment lad.
Big hole in that plan. Niggers don't buy they steel.
How are they going to make money off them? Remember (((jews))) love money more than anything.
Skeptic of religion user. Why worship some magical ghost in the sky when you can worship the very real globalism.
You can have that opinion, but Sargon was saying the same thing about Sup Forumslacks who went "too far" and called cunts, made jokes about death and so on.
In all my years of asking that question the only response I've ever gotten was
>it improves the GDP
>muh food
The study they based that belief on was a study on limited short term migration, not sustained migration over years. If diversity was so wonderful you'd think it would be easy to enumerate the ways in which it improves our lives
He got BTFO'd too intensely and his anus never recovered. Now he's on his YouTube deathbed.
the guy has experience, multiple degrees and has experience leading teams. I don't like some of things he says too but there's no need to lie about his work when he's constantly bragging about what he does and how long he spends on projects
I grew up.