well Sup Forums ?
Well Sup Forums ?
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Not gonna lie, former Hitler supporter here, it's hilarious watching Jews work and burn, but in all seriousness, we can't let them flee to Madagascar
>alternative patriotism
>less fortunate fellow citizens
Although I can appreciate what it's trying to say, in this case they're just helping muzzies who came to their country as refugees and couldn't give less of a shit about the country or it's citzens
Germany couldn't have that kind of US patriotism because it would instantly be seen as nazism, it's the same case in France as well
Just jealous they won't accept your refugees, albania?
Yes because letting undocumented Young Muslims who are actually economic migrants is very patriotic.
>we can't let them flee to Madagascar
If the flee to Madagascar, everyone suffers and we miss a Golden opportunity to do what is right for the entire planet.
I can just see this nu-german posting this and rocking back and forth at his desk waiting for the likes
What is this dumb fuck talking about?
Nobody ever votes for higher taxes, everybody votes for free shit without releasing that it drags down everything and increases taxes.
Nobody picks your shit up here, that's what the commune workers are doing. A German will sue you if he sees that you litter. Health-care here is utter shit, have fun dying in the waiting room. Free college is utter shit because the government isn't controlling anything and let universities have useless degrees like gender studies and shit. And universities gladly introduce even more useless degrees with zero prerequisite because they get more money than away . This dude is the cuck of cucks.
There is literally nothing wrong with that opinion if there was no migrants. Looking after one another is the most primitive tribalist instinct and a very patriotic thing to do.
However, this numale cuck propably immediately extends this shit to every person on earth which is not okay.
but user, don't you want to invite thousands of ""refugees"" to your country thus destroying your culture, economy and the future of your children just to feel smug and superior to others somehow?
Maybe if we weren't footing the bill for everyone else's defense spending we could do some of that other shit. I'm ok with helping people who need some temporary assistance. The problem is that it turns into a generational welfare problem. Also, once the world finds out they can "git me some free shit" you end up with nigmigration over running your country.
>higher taxes and free shits for all
It is literally treason.
They can only be patriotic in international football games
Please, Germans are neutered cucks. Have been since 1945. How is letting sand niggers ruin your country patriotic?
That's what they get for killing 6 million Jews.
Get ready for the redpill (blackpill in germany's case)
Combine the fact that genetics tend to dictate/correlate with political views, with the fact that children (even adopted) of conservative families tend to become conservative, with the fact that the Soviet Union killed hundreds of thousands of right of center people after WW2.
Commies effectively purged the conservative gene from most of Germany, also all the commie rape babies after WW2 introduced the commie gene.
>bernie cuck
>globalist cuck
What do Albanians do to display their patriotism?
(((patriotism))) means falling for the jewish tricks and be proud about it?
bully hong kong people on discord
Yeah, I completely agree with this.
it is delighting to live with the knowledge that altough our domestic situation might never be resolved because it would be racist. the albanian problem might very well be solved in my lifetime. good thing they are white muslims - no protection in PC culture with this configuration.
>voting for higher taxes
might as well surrender your entire paycheck
No, dear american.
we work for our money instead of stealing 25 pence from a convinience store counter.
We can afford our healthcare, we can afford our taxes, we can afford all we need but we cannot afford all we want.
The germans are slaves. They have earned their chains.