Why does Hollywood constantly push WM/AF?
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What's the agenda here?
because it's the ultimate redpill
Why doesn't hollywood push movies where the main character, symbol of virtue defends virgins of white race from disgusting degenerates of spic, injun, oriental and nigger race?
I think it's just because White men and Asian women are incredibly aesthetic while white women and asian men age like milk.
I don't think there's some international breeding conspiracy though so idk
going along with (((their))) agenda
>White men and Asian women are incredibly aesthetic
so when the media pushes BM/WW it's for aesthetic purposes?
>so when the media pushes BM/WW it's for aesthetic purposes?
I've reached the point where I just don't matter if it is a mestizo or not, as long as there is more high IQ people I'm happy. Black DNA certainly won't help in that
Probably, which is why you see it much less than the former.
Please, stop and think before responding
>/pol is defending race-mixing
Look at my flag and realize my context, if the context was in Europe, then no, if it's my country, then, there's nothing I can do
OP is engaging with us, though
>white women have become obnoxious
>black women...eww
What choice is left?
>Look at my flag and realize my context
I guess that makes sense though. I'd rather brazil's southern half seceded from the northern half
American chink bitches are obnoxious too. Plus they have fish faces.
>What choice is left?
If you are white, date your race or don't have kids. We don't need more non-whites in the world when whites are already below replacement
A lot of white men will, at some point in their lives, have yellow fever.
Plus they're seen as exotic and civilized unlike most other races so it kinda works. Asian chicks can be pretty cute.
Nowadays I bet its being pushed because China is getting involved in Hollywood and wants to ease the idea of Asian girls into the mind of the Americans.
get white men used to having non white babies with the race that we're naturally most attracted to besides white females
Well, if those asian masculinity fucks are any indication, WM/AF seem to produce the most weak-willed /r9k/ autists. Could have something to do with easily controlled population.
Jews want inferior race male breed with superior race females.
That's why they also push niggers with white women.
>marry an Asian girl goy!
its pretty sad. its not nearly as disgusting to see a white with an east asian but either one of those with a nigger is disgusting. you're right pretty much.
wtf I have green fever now
For every hapa freak you pop out you are obligated to have two white children
what in christs name
all of these make sense
WM/AF feels like a desecration
Because Asian actresses are cheaper than white actresses. Simple as that.
Those are all terrible examples, mainly with side characters
WM/AF is not being pushed anywhere but in Japanese cartoons
Asian women are repulsive and attractive Latinas don't want you so you should just kys
To turn Aryans into betas.
Maybe because AFs are actually hot
I don't think they're pushing it, it's just something that fucking happens IRL all the time.
Some of those didn't end together tho.
Because Jews run Hollywood and Jews hate Whites. Especially White Men.
And many Beta Incel Virgins on Sup Forums fall for the trap.
Because white american male jerk off on asian porn.
They just want sell stuff
No it's bullshit just to mix a mongrel race with a pure one.
just like WM/AF?
Sup Forums, meet /d/.
ur doing gods work user
Gotta go to work now can't finish
It's the same as the black male, white female thing.
You take a female from one race and pair her with a "more masculine" race. The "more masculine" race is pushed by the media to appear taller, stronger, and have bigger dicks than the males of the female's race.
if their agenda is sucking on big asian tiddies then i am the ultimate good goy
I don't think they do. It seems much more common IRL than in media.
But Sup Forums misunderstands Jews. They don't hate whites, they *want* whites.
They want to mix with whites until there's no white and no Jew, but only big tittied JEWHITE mischlinge.
no pls finish
>asian titties
not impossible, but good luck
Muh Elliot Rodger and Matress Sulkowicz babies! So vibrant!
so (((their))) programming is working? are the jews really pushing the whites to self-destruction?
Mixing with blacks could help with that, actually.
For simplicitys sake let's say there is one gene in whites increasing their intelligence and one genes in blacks increasing their fertility.
If you mix BW together, you can get offspring that carries the white gene for intelligence and the increased fertility of blacks. Therefore both genes can complement each other, while ditching the not so advantageous counterparts they formerly had. The ones with white fertility and black intelligence will be (relatively) quickly selected against.
Even if both effects, fertility and intelligence would be lessened by mixing, the not quite so intelligent and not quite so fertile offspring could still be more fit than the non mixed offspring. By out competing them in one regard and being not so far behind in the other.
Another effect to consider is, that the genes don't vanish through mixing. They're still in the population. Now just in different combinations. So the succesful genes will outcompete the not so succesful genes naturally.
What does vanish is the clear segregation into races. Which now, with modern transportation will happen anyway in time. There just aren't anymore unsailable oceans, mountains too tall to climb or deserts to far to cross left. So normal mechanisms of natural selection apply to us humans and mix us again.
Coudenhove-Kalergi's plan.
>I don't know how genes work
dating a filipina right now. her parents are mostly spanish = short girl with big tiddies = guess its time to be a race traitor
another example
Yes, you don't.
>dating a filipina
>her parents are mostly spanish
So as to increase the value of traffic'd asian pussy/mail order chink brides. Why do you think the white/black narrative is being pushed? The traffic has darker skin now.
literally named maria and fair skin
inb4 Sup Forums posts black tribal child prostitutes
I'm black. I've only ever really dated white girls. Not even a racial thing just statistics. My wife is white. Pretty good timeline desu.
Because it's propaganda. In reality asian women love black sex gods
tfw learning japanese in order to marry qt 3.14 nip gf and live a comfy and peaceful life in safe and homogeneous japan.
>germany promoting whites to get blacked
Why am I not surprised.
hand with timestamp or bs
Asian and whites are the best duh. Dating a European/Asian chick and she is amazing.