that was the most idiotic speech I've ever heard. Not because of liberal content, just the content of it seemed like it was written by a 12 year old.
I thought this guy was supposed to be smart
Let's be honest, if he runs he will win. His social media following would elect him on principle
He has all areas of constituency covered
cat ladies
liberal signallers
How scary is his presidency going to be?
Last time I checked he had no qualifications at all so he's likley just had a lucky life.
I want 2 mins of my life back
Crocodile tears from an r9k tier roboto
If you support deporting children you are evil.
he seems like a nice guy
he literally said this:
"everyone knows success does not depend on hard work and dedication, it's luck"
not even fucking kidding
>oh no illegals are going to be deported, better virtue signal about it
the founder of kikeberg is the king cuck virtue signaler. i'm surprised
oh boy, he really is going to be the next president
>"STFU drumpflers! there is no conflict of interests!!!!11!!!"
have you heard him talk? he's a literal retard, Shapiro would burn him to the ground
Why? What's wrong with sending children (keep in mind, a high school senior is hardly a "child") back home?
Source nigger
Deport them all. Especially the young ones.
Why work when you can gibs?!
kike porkies behind him JEJ
and literally stealing an idea and lying to the people you stole it from that you're working on their project
if he becomes an actual politician ill kms or move to poland
Crying isn't an argument.
If a kid has to be deported it is because he was not supposed to be there.
It's his father fault, they could be legal immigrants.
It's relative easy be a legal immigrant in US.
Try to do it in Japan, Korea or China.
he then went on to say how "if people had something to fall on they could try different business ideas and fail and fail but eventually get a good one".
He wants the world to play dice with their future
How is it even possible to be enrolled in a high school if you're an udocumented immigrant? Is america just so big people can keep living without any officials noticing they're not citizen?
The Jew cries out in pain as he destroys your culture
they steal social security numbers
I'm pretty sure he's just a kike who patent-trolled somebody else's invention.
Of course there are also sanctuary city and similar locales which simply look the other way or go above and beyond to accommodate those who have no business being helped in the first place (not a citizen? come to school so you can earn a degree and we'll help you get there, etc).
To place it simply, you have invaders and then you have people aiding them from within.
zuckerberg is gearing up for 2020 presidential race
tbqh I dislike Trump, but I straight up fear a Zuckerberg presidency.
Facebook already works with the NSA and is basically the largest feat of social engineering ever accomplished. Facebook knows everything about its users.
This man cannot become president
So you support deporting children?
Everyone must go.
He'll get his ass blown away harder than Hillary. Absolutely no one likes or trusts him, especially Facebook users.
>man fuck having laws and borders and shieet
peter thiel will probably run, i think he'd have a better shot than wormkike fuckface
are they here legally? no? then yes.
i also support deporting 85 year-old abuelita who has lived here illegally for 50 years.
>age requirement to run for president is 35
>jewerberg is 35 in less than two years, just in time for his potential campaign
you know how close trump was, lest we forget muh popular vote. zuckerberg would easily dwarf hillary's vote count. he will promise infinite gibs and become a trudeau on steroids with the added bonus of being a billionaire. FUCK
Zuckerberg literally said:
"We should stop locking people up"
what did he mean by this?
the fear of concentration camps runs in his veins imho
how can inllegals get in school??? fuck american laws
>zuckerberg is gearing up for 2020 presidential race
no he's not
Is it illegal to knowingly hide the identity of an illegal like that?
These stories are so awesome. ICE ICE baby!
By the way, unlike all the other candidates this guy actually knows the internet. We can expect MASSIVE waves of shills on both reddit and Sup Forums during his campaign, which means that we should start preparing from now
there is something not right with his eyes
they look like robotic eyes
not human
Google mark zukerberg sweat
Unlike Hillary everyone likes Zuckerberg, he's young, hip and successfull. Trump won't stand a chance.
He is tho, satan. You can donate to the 2020 Zuckerberg for President campaig
What man cries in front if millions?
No man does. Masculinity butchered by the left.
Is this the same zukerberg who is trying to evict people with ancestral land rights or something from his private island in Hawaii?
He really is the worst person in the world.
Demonized internet anonymity long before anyone even talked about it. I fucking hate him and his globalist tattletale bullshit.
Well that's different as it directly affects him, you rayzist!
We are going to lose this time guys. Zuckerberg is more likable than DRUMPF in every way.
uhhh, no.
Teary eyed Mark:"Hawaiians do not want sell their land to me. I guess I'll have to bankrupt them with lawsuits." Sniff, sniff. "Look at what you made me do, you filthy goyim!"
>having a soul
All Jews will burn in hell for their transgressions against God.
Worshipping money is a sin.
Fuckerberg is not smart at all, he stumbled upon a good idea (he did not even come up with the concept of facebook himself) and rode it to fame. Good for him, but he is not some fucking tech messiah, he is not Bill Gates or Steve Jobs he's a one-hit-wonder web developer that got really, really lucky and abused every possible opportunity he could until he became filthy rich.
>really, really lucky and abused every possible opportunity he could until he became filthy rich.
So... how is that different from Trump?
I'm pretty sure the story is fake.
How is that relevant at all?
Bu....but (((their))) tears are God's nectar
And it's actually true in his case.
He made it big in fucking webdev aka the easiest field of CS, and his product wasn't even new nor original, there were already MySpace and the likes back then. He just got lucky.
He more than likely has autism. I doubt he'd hold up during a debate
Put the low class immigrants in your rich neighborhood Mark. Walk your talk on illegal immigrant acceptance.
It's illegal for the school to ask if they are legal. 99% of them are anchor babies anyways. You have to understand the kike has a stroger stranglehold on (((public))) education than it does on the media here.
Univ of Colorado Denver literally has an undocumented students union and an OFFICE for undocumented student relations or some shit like that
someone pls call ICE and tip them off to this bullshit. thanks
fuck, I love illegals now. amnesty now!! no borders.
third world nations have more control than usa
>illegal for the school to ask if they are legal.
land of the free
i wish ICE would produce a warrant for all their data and deport everyone on that list
>won't reveal criminal's name
>protecting criminal from law enforcement
wtf america how is this guy not in the electric chair yet?
>Knows someone committed an illegal act
>Protects his identity
Why is this not a crime?
Lmao at people shilling the cuckerberg for pres meme. The progressive liberals wont allow him to even speak because hes a WHITE MALE. This is your reward for focusing your entire platform around wedge issues. Any dissention from the latter wont be tolerated from the very loud minority.
Misprison of a felony would require him to actively conceal or attempt to cover it up. Omitting someone's name who committed a crime is not a crime.
Zuckerberg isn't white. He's Jewish.
Keep families together and deport them all.
Fuck you there's no opportunities in Mexico.
Crying on camera while giving a rehearsed speech? (Intentionally crying in front of thousands) What a huge pussy. What happened to being a man? What happened to pride and power and confidence? Why is it a good thing to cry like a little bitch now?
well cuckerberg can spent his money on those kids if he is so worried about them. Taxes should be spent for common good to benefit own people and not illegals. DEPORT
but seriously, we can let this guy get his hands on the facebook passwords
Not my problem. Not my country or my people. Let Mexicans fix Mexico, rather than taking away opportunities for white and black American citizens. This is obvious and morally right on its face.
It's so stupid that liberals are doubling down on sentimentalism when it's already proven it doesn't work anymore.
"Honor" is a concept which is generally alien to non-Whites (with the exception of East Asians). It is what separates us, and, I would argue, what makes us more "human", and closer to God.
That's right, if you deport your enemies, they win.
We need to do better.
2 seconds in Google. BusinessInsider
I doubt he could honestly win. He speaks like a damn robot.
>let's be honest, if Hillary runs she will win. She has everything on her side.
Fuck he's going through all the motions, isn't he? Too bad he looks like a bodysnatcher and has the charisma of a damp rag.
Lmao he's actually going to run imagine a primary where Mark Zuckerberg, The Rock, Kanye West and Pocahontas are all competing to go against Trump.
Mark Zuckerberg can go fuck himself to be honest mi familia. Those kids shouldn't even be at schools funded by the taxpayer.
That whole interview is so fucking bizarre and frightening, it's essential viewing for anyone who gives a shit about the contemporary world to see
I don't think anyone actually buys that distinction. Except for White Jews themselves. But they are just deluding themselves.
try again schlomo
>Except for White Jews themselves.
And Jews.
isnt it illegal to keep info from the police?
Go back to Tumblr you mentally challenged land whale.