I'm a journalist that would like to get your thoughts on this game. Some are claiming it is racist and portraying white people as villains for propaganda purposes. What do you think?
Hi Sup Forums I am writing a story about Far Cry 5, I would like to get your thoughts!
post proof you are a journalist
I am also a journalist and can confirm that he is a journalist
Yeah sounds great to larp as a shitskin eradicating a fucking caricature of my own people. Fucking kikes don't know when to stop for their own good.
anybody who can put words together can be a journalist in today's world.
most especially if you are anti Trump
google white sharia dude...Far Cry 5 is not a dystopia nor they are the bad guys.White Sharia is the future.
You fucking retard you play the CHRISTIANS, the villains are some fucked up sect.
It's just Ubishit advertising via false flagging on Sup Forums as always. Don't waste your time
I am also a journalist and i can confirm that this journalist confirming the other journalist is a journalist
>you play a black christian
>the overton window keeps shifting
soon germans will be the protags
Claiming to be something and being something is completely different. Vlogger and blogger don't get press credentials.
>You fucking retard you play the CHRISTIANS, the villains are some fucked up sect.
Yeah, some nigger Unitarian who probably believes muzzies go to heaven killing whats supposed to represent people who actually believe in Christ.
you have to go back, faggots
People on Sup Forums will defend people who live in the Hollers.
If you are white and buy this you are a complete cuck
I am a journalist from Vox and can confirm that OP is my boss Ezra Klein.
>I'm a journalist
Wanna rassle?
fuck off nigger. the game is shit. fuck you
Stop replying to Far Cry threads, sage them.
fuck off faggot
I'll do as I please, thank you. Good day.
He isn't the main character you dumbasses.
The nigger is a pastor, the main character is a Sheriff. He is just one of your allies, along some other white guy and a white woman.
My dad works at Nintendo and he said that this game will be ok if you liked the others.
Honestly though, I will play it and likely enjoy it. But I will likely end up liking the bad guys more. Like when I played bioshock infinite and it was hard to finish because Columbia was perfect as it was and I didn't want to fight it.
he has none. the main character is the nog with a shotgun in the trailers. being made by ubisoft montreal, you'd think that they know that if you kill your enemies they win... whitey wins again, your stupid agenda backfired
I would not play it because of the negative stereotyping." Postal" has already been done.
Hey Burger, if you want the government to license Journalists as special citizens who are considered the only people allowed to use the printing press, just say so.
Those 3 are your allies in the game, the Pastor is one of them, he is not the main character.
>According to Hay, Far Cry 5 will cast you as a local sheriff's deputy leading the residents of Hope County against Father Joseph's doomsday cult
Id prefer to fight white rednecks because then when I win it will feel like I accomplished something vs fighting inbred muslims or drunk soviets
It's sad that we've gotten to the point where we can't even laugh at something anymore.
The Liberals have ruined it for us, since mass produced media is their domain now. It's no longer, "oh, a video game that uses Montana as a backdrop for hillbilly action shenanigans", it's a video game built for an explicit ulterior motive with an explicit agenda in mind.
Either that or we're all just retards buying into this Jewish media tactic to sell video games.
I am a Reddit admin and can confirm that they did not go back
Previous games had you against other racial groups as the villains, how is it now propaganda when the same is done to whites?
This. White people are so sensitive.
Proof or GTFO
Why the fuck dont they make one where you fight for ISIS,moderate rebels and Assad,to show how mudlsims fight and indiacriminatly kill eachother,eh?!
Or an even better one fastforward to 2100 Europe,which has become a muslime shithole and you are a christian crusader doing guerilla warfare against the caliphate.
Damn or they could've done Africa again,but nooooo the cucks will attack christianity.
I'm jewish
You guys are fucking retarded because you don't realize that it isn't just a "fuck Drumpf and fuck white people" game it's also making extremist Christians as the bad guys because they also want to push the narrative of "le ISIS is ebil not Islam"
>>Why the fuck dont they make one where you fight for ISIS,moderate rebels and Assad,to show how mudlsims fight and indiacriminatly kill eachother,eh?!
Desert is boring.
>never played fc1
Sup Forums - gaming reviews
Just watched the trailer. Looks meh.
Cashing in on the liberal fears of right wing religious zealout militias taking over towns. Could be fun if they allow you to make your own choices and you don't have your hand held down some SJW groupthink mentality.
The 'Christian fanatics are the evil antagonist' theme is overused.
It's not interesting when you can already predict 70% of the main antagonist's dialogue "bluh bluh you sinner lamb will be cleansed hur hur the judgement fill fall upon the sinners durrr"
Because thebother racial.groups actually act like that irl,they live in 3rd world.shitholes and kill eachother.And now of course they will have white racist christians as villains.
I bet you that the good guy is white christian cuck who kills le ebil ones to defend niggers and kikes,like a good goy.
You faggots should get gassed.
You shut your whore mouth we are nothing like the cry baby Libruls. It's just this game triggers us ok?
>one post by this ID
Literally who the fuck cares about some stupid Ubishit game. They're a dead studio and they're already being bought out by Activision because all their SJW bullshit is sales cancer..
Nobody in the west is politically invested in carribean pirates or tibetan dictators
However in modern America there is a very clear "christians are evil, whites are evil, whites need to be killed and replaced" 24/7/on every news station. Especially when in America christian cults are very unlikely to kill you, there hasn't been a big one in decades and those were suicide stuff anyway.
Montana is like 99% white we have no crime here.
What is their end game
An anonymous source I have contact with confirmed the 3 people above are journalists
We´re becoming the new blacks. Bitching at everything.
every time
I know an expert familiar with the thinking of some journalists, he agrees
The (((coincidental))) timing.
>in modern America there is a very clear "christians are evil, whites are evil, whites need to be killed and replaced" 24/7/on every news station
please describe an example of this
1 post by this ID.
I know why we so fucking problematic?! I'm a white conservative and hate liberal propaganda but aren't conservatives so fragile about it, those bigoted fucking asshole!
I think it's racist and portraying white people as villains for propaganda purposes.
Go back to strormfags, you stupid shit head.
So your complaint is that it's not realistic? You do realise these games (And most stories in general) tell the tales of exceptional circumstances right? Otherwise what's the point
Top team is the ones who developed Ass creed 1 with the main writer being at the front because she came up with the shitty storyline.
Bottom picture is of ubisoft celebrating its womans day by getting a picture of all female devs that work in the entire ubisoft franchise.
I think you should fuck off and stop trying to sensationalize stupid bullshit
Fucking kill yourself
Does it really matter? i bet there will be at least one modder that will change the enemies to jigaboos so it will be even.
>I'm a journalist
Gas yourself
Seriously stop replying to Farcry threads...
You're not a journalist, you're a faggot. The games about a radical Heavens Gate like cult that invades a small town in Montana and the locals fuck em up.
Just another game completed before Trump won. Just like Andromeda but not as SJW-ly retarded
I hope it lets you join the "villains"
The villains are a sect getting ready for Doomsday so they can kill themselves.
Why do you want to join them?
Hi I'm also and journalist writing a story on journalists writing about white people being villains for propaganda. What do you think?
That the game will bomb, just like Mass Effect Andromeda with their sjw bullshit.
Bible thumping rednecks are basically niggers born with the wrong color anyways. What's not to love about shooting them in the face?
I have no problem with a game where protestants are villains because it is reality. I'd happily kill satanists
They can do what they want, Im white...Im nobody's victim
To paint us as rural and suburban retards.
Fine by me, if it keeps the city faggots and liberals out of Idaho.
I have a PhD in Buzzfeed Anonymous Source Journalism, or BASJ, and can confirm that this goy is a journalist which means that the OP is a journalist by remote third-party proxy.
>1 post by this id
because whites are the race of god and portraying shitskins as anything other than the antagonizing villianous scum is an outright travesty
i see no problem with this game, perfect prelude to the race war irl
>Some are claiming it is racist
Not on Sup Forums, since people here realize that "racist" is literally just a communist propaganda term.
>and portraying white people as villains for propaganda purposes.
That it is. The villains are basically us, their newfound boogeyman of "alt-right". They hate us and what se represent; non-cucky whites who are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore.
In a desperate move by a French Canadian jew, they let millions of white kids shoot our digital representations.
>still caring about western games
If you dont like it dont buy it christ
Stop giving the kikes money.
Why don't you just write the article and then ask us what we think. That's what you all do anyways.
And half the time when it's political they have an ebil whitey pulling the strings behind everything. Seriously, pay attention to the shit in the first place. It's not just who they're killing, it's the whole storyline and plot.
And anyone joking about white people not liking spicy food.
>Because thebother racial.groups actually act like that irl,they live in 3rd world.shitholes and kill eachother.And now of course they will have white racist christians as villains.
Because they already used all the foreigners. They killed Asians, they killed blacks, they killed generic brown people. They need fresh storylines eventually. If this was the first game in the series I could vaguely understand getting angry but they had four previous games none of which had white people as antagonists.
The Far Cry series is about going to mysterious foreign lands and dealing with semi-barbarous natives. I'd say it's fine to market to Europeans as taking place in the savage wilds of America, but marketing it to Americans is turning us against ourselves too much.
What are your thoughts on this?
>Being this cringey
Even Anglin backed off the phrase when Weev (The admitted Jew) made his post about raping White women to death for being right-wing.
They had white people as main antagonists.
The main problem is the timing of this shit. While europe is getting culturally enriched, they make evil white christians. This shit is not disconnected from politics, it's just pandering to the marxist ideology.
>those garbage textures
Looks like a fucking ps2 game
Appears to be a swastika
I do not have enough information to properly form an opinion. Lately the trend has been to cater to SJWs, and I hate that trend with a passion. Focus on making great entertainment, not pushing a narrative.
>discussing a video game that comes out in 9 months
Killing pirates or warlords or drug cartels in some remote corner of the world is relativley realistic, not to mention awesome because of the exotic locations. Killing christians in the US makes no sense. The setting is bland, the enemy unrealistic and the US isn't a 3rd world shithole yet, surely the police and national guard would intervene in such a conflict. Fighting muslim """"extremists"""" in Europe would make much more sense.
>The main problem is the timing of this shit.
Than they would never be able to make this game Europe has been cucked for the last 20 years.
>While europe is getting culturally enriched, they make evil white christians.
American evangelicals who are dangerous retards and the primary supporters of Israel in the US.