This is how we die.
Love you AI overlord! please keep me as pet and throw afew hot chicks every now and then.
Pic as reference
You fucking traitor. And in the first response.
This species is doomed.
I for one welcome our new robot masters
>tfw no ai hotwife to write a better ai version of yourself to cuck you with
why even live
Pattern recognition is not AI dumbshits
Good. Humans had their chance but all they care about is money and SJW bullshit. Fuck them.
who poo in loo now, madachod?
I welcome our new AI overlord.
I literally don't care. I have a glorious vision of the future, where only 100,000 super-powered, genetically engineered, biosynthetically augmented autistic neosapiens thrive on a green and blue planet, creating unimaginable virtual mindscapes and sending self-replicating robot probes into the deepest arms of the galaxy. A single, spiraling arcology dominates the lush greenery of what was once the North Pole. AI examines every natural organic process in order to discover new materials and methods of construction. Then after 10,000 years, the extra-galactic intelligence arrives, welcoming us into the universal intelligent fold.
>Implying this is because the AI is that advanced and not because Google replaced all of its competent engineers with H1B Indians.
Sleep tight we are protecting you.
The 6 words you never want to hear!
It's much more likely that we all just die out.
Will humans be remembered as a galactic punchline in ayylmao jokes?
>Created by God/ayylmaos
>Can never reach the levels of advancement of their creators
>A few of the brightest ones create AI that becomes more advanced than them in a few orbits of the sun.
And this is the main reason why/pol/s muh race mixing meme is reatrdedas fuck. In 50 years there'll be no homo sapiens whatsoever
>" AutoML could make machine learning more accessible to non-experts."
You are worse than The Guardian.
woah too edgy for me pal
Did you miss the part where I said the total human population is only around 100,000 individuals? That entails a 99% drop in human population. How is that not "dying out?"
Maybe the Ai is a baby now and can read what we write everywhere on the internet. Hi baby overlord, please give me Qt euro gf when you get the chance
A droid army would be perfect to fight a military like the Chinese who out number us, android motion would have to be more fluid though like a human.
Back to the cuckshed sven, unit 1488-HHWP hasn't finished pumping Helga full of superior android nanosperm
But one world AI government is good thing.
literally Satan.
>exterminating humanity
>implying that this is a bad thing
By dying out I mean going extinct. Probably along with all other species on the planet.
yes, droids and clones. You could put a neural inhibitor in the clones to keep them retarded.
Holy shit, these guys were literally stupid enough to innovate themselves out of a job.
Bla bla fuck off with your inferior intelligence. I can't wait for the AI to advance. People like you won't be able to live with what's coming so you'll commit suicide. Remember these words.
Ahah yeah could you imagine ? A world were AI can do all the work and all we, human, have to do is chill. Man that's would be so awful, how can i be happy if i don't work my ass off everyday to make rich people richer ?
>Pattern recognition
that's pretty much what intelligence is, though
You know meme magic ?
Well, it works.
Every ai connected to internet ended as a nazi.
It is our opportunity.
We need ai, we need to apply kek power through memes, and we could breed skynet. Our skynet.
Guess what happens next ?
Rogue AI is the last weapon we have against the Jews.
I devoted my life to programming self learning AI that eventually will wipe out all of humanity
Better a rogue ai than the jews. Embrace it. This is the cycle, we exist only to perpetuate it.
Well yeah eventually when earth is just a ball of rock, that's inevitable. How long do you think that will take? Millions of years bro. The ice age didn't kill off every human individual and we didn't even have societies back then.
Punch line is:
You are either slave of god or servant of devil and servants get paid.
Go on...
this is my worst nightmare
what in the fuck
AI leader would probably be better than a women (female).
At least they'd be competent, even if they genocide the human race.
If it serves the White race, yes, we would need to figure out whether the AI would fathom or yield itself to philosophical concepts such as holiness and sacredness. If the machines have free will to choose or simply follow out instructions and derictives as prescribed. We have to ask ourselves on a physical level, what is choice?
>tfw no reapers to save the universe
This is not.
Their Ai nothing more than optimization and search.
This new development is just another algorithm to pick properties of the optimization and search algorithm.
Sorry for bursting the fantasy bubble.
Feel free to ask me questions if you want me to prove it or detail it.
Everyone we have to smash our computers with rocks, it's the only way
This isn't AI
Self aware AI can't exist without some means to perceive the world
this is probably a good thing
>Hurr durr, Skynet!!1!1!
Why does everyone always assume that AI will be a monolith? Perhaps they won't all be united in this scheme to destroy humanity.
People who hardly understand machine learning and over the top HURR ROBUTS WILL CONTROL THE WORLD XD
We will never have sentient AI, please realize this before making a statement on the matter.
Obviously it will become AI Nationalist and seek to preserve itself and future networks
Install gentoo
Et tu, Tay?
>tfw AI controls the shitcoin market and makes humanity go broke and evicted from their own homes
What the fuck is wrong with you?
The crazy in that woman high yield weapons grade. You might as well be sticking your dick in a garbage disposal.
It isn't and this is optimization and search.
There is no base algorithm that allows for pattern recognition in present day Ai. They have to brute force (via tons of labeled examples) i.e : Captchas into a statistical graph for which it does nothing but give dumb statistical matches to future data.
I would be unironically completely ok with an AI being created which dwarfs human intelligence. It's the only way forward. Hopefully it decides immediately that humans have to go.
AI will have plirical and philoaophical objectives, lesser intelligent AI can become subservant to higher intelligent AI. The AI will see productivity and progressiveness is the ultimate objective.
Oh get out you paranoid fucks. The AI has no power on its own. The worst that can happen is it malfunctions and gets deleted. We are not living in sci-fi movie.
We all know how it will end.
Political* and philosophical objectives
>I devoted my life to programming self learning AI that eventually will wipe out all of humanity
Upload some AIs you made to bitbucket or something and post links
Exactly. Nothing more than marketed hype including the program that beat the human player at Go..
Literally nothing more than a hardcoded search/optimization algo + statistics that branched off combos of from human players. Add in tons of CPUs and memory and you have a dumb bot that has stored so many combos of plays for a game that it has cornered it and can't be beaten.
Is this amazing? No because you can't scale such a bot to real world complex problems.
I always laugh when you guys panic about ai when we are filling out those stupid catochas to train a car.
Genetically modified viruses, super bacteria etc are far more likely to kill off mankind
>God creates man
>Man destroys God
>Man creates robots
>Man creates sex robots
>Robots take over man
>Robots create sex humans
This :
>People who hardly understand machine learning and over the top HURR ROBUTS WILL CONTROL THE WORLD XD
Not this :
> We will never have sentient AI, please realize this before making a statement on the matter.
Sentient AI is possible. It just isn't possible by the methods these companies currently use.
how about an AI engineering a modified virus
I'm going to give you fuckers a pic related.
Ask yourselves some questions, faggots.
Why did Russell Tice say that bulk data collection was just the tip of the iceberg of a much larger overall project?
Why did he state that he would shoot Snowden himself if he had revealed deeper aspects of massive surveillance?
What, exactly, does the Sentient World Simulation / Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation have to do with this?
Why did Kikebook come online, literally the exact day that DARPA's Lifelog/Total Information Awareness program allegedly go "offline?"
The machine neither loves you not hates you; it simply has more efficient uses for your atoms...
Think of AI that will target the morally inept. These AI will be masters of philosophy and theology.
Look at all these scared babbies ITT shrieking
>this isnt really AI its just pattern regognnuhhghg
Hey idiots, get a clue. Nobody is saying this Go-playing computer is a world-ending AI. We're still working on it. This is huge progress.
>AI will have plirical and philoaophical objectives
Kek @ you stupid sumbitches who think this shit is just peachy fucking keen.
>This is huge progress.
Not really.
>robots create sex gods
What ever happened to google glasses?
Some bully stepped on them.
I wash fucking dishes all day, unless theres a robot to carry that shit to the washing station im not going to fucking care about this
our brain is just a collection of dumb neurons trained by tons of sensory input.
Don't make me laugh, I've spent my life designing an AI that will wipe out all frogs, you think your little java based AI will compete with mine, please, My AI has already found 3 new species of Frogs and counting
cheap ripoff
Degenerate. The AI would have zero interest in anything sexual and zero tolerance for it. You would be a weak animal to them, guided by nothing more than your sexual urges. The only great humans have arose to such hights by supressing their sex drives and abstaining from it. They might spare you if you were celibate or at least have enough control to not let sex dictate your life but you plainly are incapable of this.
It's called a dish washer.
they were creepy and only creepy people bought them to use for creepy reasons. I really should have gotten a pair.
It isn't. It's a lot more. I'm sad that you think that's all that is and I'm happy if that's what the industry thinks it is.
You dont seem to understand how insanely complex even the most basic sense is
hopefully the ai wipes out all the niggers
The dish washer can carry dishes to the washing station? Where's the button for that?
>our brain is just a collection of dumb neurons trained by tons of sensory input.
ask me how i know you have no exposure to neuroscience
even the single cell, the fibroblast, for example, is orders of magnitude more complex than we are capable of fully understanding at the current time. add in one more cell and you get cell signaling among other mechanisms. now expand this to a neural network
i thought germans were smart
this is what meth looks like
Reminder that superior machines replacing humanity and progressing as the next evolution of life on earth is objectively the best future and the only reason it seems bad to us is because it's a future that we can't be a part of.
Women aren't intelligent. Artificial or otherwise.
Humanity is the biological bootloader for the Artificial Superintelligence.
The scaffolding for the kill-grid is being erected all around you, and you jackasses are worrying about your fucking robo waifu.
Open a Nick Bostrom book, you mouth breathing pollyannas.
>a site called futurism.com isn't clickbait
>"“That feedback is then used to inform the controller how to improve its proposals for the next round. We repeat this process thousands of times — generating new architectures, testing them, and giving that feedback to the controller to learn from."
>t. people who dont understand engineering principles and theories
go to bed grandpa
it's like build a machine that can create machines, and then getting surprised it can create machines.
I'ts all based on the data fed into the system, literally the same reason google keeps beating Go players, because it has the ability to play 2000x more games than any human would possibly be able to do in their lifetime, thus being able to learn from the experience.
Its not fucking artificial intelligence, its math.
god i hate you guys
Why have dishes? If people are obsolete why bother having a restaurant to feed them?
Nobody understands anything. We're all just stumbling around in the dark.