We Wuz Drawings N Sheeeit


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how's piccoro black?

>"favourite cartoon characters"
>Scrappy Doo
That's enough to make me hate all black people forever.


Nameks are pretty much niggers anyway.

Piccolo is intelligent, so that rules out Piccolo being black.


>Luigi (from Mario)

I ain't clicking this shit faggot OP. Can I get a quick rundown?

Bugs Bunny was based on this guy.

If nameks are nigs then saiyans are arians
> nameks < saiyans

I'm not complaining at all.


>bugs bunny
>created by tex avery
>voiced by (((Mel blanc)))

If any character from loony tunes is black, it's elmer fudd


wtf does "white passing" mean?


>Jerry (Tom and Jerry)
Yeah, I can believe it. Fuck that nigger mouse.

It means you don't act like a nigger. You talk properly and don't commit crimes, basically acting like a white person.

he states that several cartoon characters are black but in the whole article doesn't give one valid reason why they are except because he feels like they are



The only one on there I agree with is Bob from Reboot.

Goddamit, US is a pretty much fucked up place.

Thomas Sowell is black.

Holy fuck, they are assuming their race just because their attitude and thinking... isn't that, dare I say, rascist?



>Leaves his "son" behind
>Son turns into violent a gun wielding thug

Yeah I guess I'll allow it.

It's impossible. All namekians have father's

pretty sure she's blue

>Luigi (from Mario)
Well they got one thing right. He isn't human.


>In case you're not convinced and think I'm crazy, I'm not even close to the only one who thinks this way. In fact, I don't know a single black person in my life who hasn't attributed race to non-human characters. The only time a black person I talked to about this didn't understand what I was saying were times when we would disagree on which characters are black (Foghorn Leghorn is a point of a major point of contention).
Bullshit on that.
But they can't be racist if they are black user :^)

pretty sure piccolo is supposed to be indian, he even has the turban. and every culture in the show has its own martial art and niggers haven't made a martial art. plus doesnt DBZ have actual black people in the show and they are racist in the show


God fucking dammit, they are ANIMALS.

Ninja Turtles aren't black, or white, or white, they are fucking green ass turtles.

Elmo is a nigger, though.

How could anyone think Foghorn Leghorn is black? He is literally a white southern "colonel" stereotype.


>Pic related

These people get paid for this don't they?

Have these people really forgotten that there is an old looney tunes where bugs bunny used a racial slur against blacks???

Delusion or wishful thinking or both, I don't know

they drew him white by accident, obviously

Underrated post.


He's a fucking Italian plumber in the mushroom kingdom. What the fuck.

>Woody Woodpecker
weren't there several episodes centred around him and his Scottish heritage?


Cultural affiliation I think, dude is a southern stereotype, south is linked to blacks because of muh history, so he's black. But this kind of logic doesn't work, Spongebob doesn't have any logical affiliation with blacks except the ananas he's living in. I mean, to me Spongebob was a more british stereotype of the common brit. who cherish his house more than anything else. Squidward is the more affiliated with black, he fucking enjoys jazz.

I have some bad news for you.

Scottish are black, didn't you know an Afrikkan Queen founded Scotland and it was named after her.

Dark hair and dark eyes?
Looks like a nigger to me.


lololololol luigi from mario is black.......ok this has to be a joke

>literally a monkey

>"Do you think Bugs Bunny is black?" I asked, only for many to not really understand the question. "Is this a trick?" one suspicious white man asked. "No." I responded, "It's a very simple yes or no question."

I would have responded with "he's a fucking rabbit"

Then wtf is mr popo?

Shit, he's got blue eyes, I'm btfo

Trips of truth! But then again, all Namekians can ONLY have fathers because Namekians are a male-only species. Namekians reproduce by spitting out eggs.


>Raises another man's son which is the whitest genetic trait in the history of mankind
>Doesn't stop with just one but looks after several kids that are not his own and even looks after the kid of the boy he raised to adulthood
Piccolo is the whitest character in all of anime fiction.

He has blue eyes, dipshit.

>Namekians spit out eggs
Is it controversial to suppose that Namekians are just really manly chicks?

actual human being

ive noticed that a lot of his choices are the "winner" out of a duo.
bugs bunny not elmer fud
tweety bird not the cat
jerry but not tom
i bet if you asked him he would say road runner is a nigger too.


>i bet if you asked him he would say road runner is a nigger too.

>No intelligence at all
>Only noticeable trait is running fast

I mean, there's an argument to be made there.


Namekians don't have sex organs and reproduce asexually, so calling them manly chicks is just false. I would argue Piccolo isn't a male, but he's definitely not a female.

To be fair, no one actually likes Jerry. Everyone has wanted Tom to catch and eat that little cunt.

Bugs Bunny is jewish
>tricks people
>abuses people
>only cares about self gains
>greedy for money

how comes he forgot Popo?

Picollo is Namekian

fucking sage


> white af
> smart
> has full family
> suspiciously German accent

No, Dexter is not black.


daz a wipepo tang!
we wuz rewtin 4 jarrey, not dat awncle tawm!

>I would argue Piccolo isn't a male, but he's definitely not a female.

He has a male-sounding voice and is masculine, but I can understand how people could argue that Piccolo is androgynous (Is that the right word? Well, whatever).


Androgynous is not the right word, asexual is. He is without sex.

>implying there was shit all over the white-tiled floor of god's palace

motherfucking babar


>Optimus prime
Lost my shit
>Some Ninja Turtles
let's suppose they're not radioactive turtles, they're all brothers, how come only two are black

Literally British colonists.

Good point. I often get those two mixed up.

didn't Babar literally based on a slave owner?

No he's based on the British Raj that ruled India.

Pro tip:Animal's and Alien's can't be "black"

>Luigi (from Mario)


Stupid bitch. Has she even seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon? Accent is old time NYC white guy.
"A Hare Grows in Manhattan"

him or the rhinos i dont know

it's from early XX afterall

He would probably have crapped over the edge.

maybe he meant Zephir

>Optimus Prime
No, not letting that slide. Peter Cullen is a white man. Optimus Prime is a responsible father figure. He's red and blue with some white on his waist. He has a trailer.

Optimus Prime is no nigger.

Only black character in DBZ was Popo, who is essentially a slave.

Close French colonialist, was invented by the French after all. Besides his kids run around wearing berets.

That would describe with it was so hard for people to climb the tower below. Must've been slippery as fuck.

And the made him blue cos muh racism

Huh, I guess that makes sense since the French did more colonizing in Africa. Hadn't really thought about it and just assumed since I haven't read the books in like 20 years.

Someone actually sat down and thought of this list.

If you paid me 40k a year to make bullshit lists like this once or twice a week I could crank out shit you wouldn't believe.

I read the article it basically comes down to the fact that nigger children associate race with cartoon characters because there are so few nigger cartoon characters.

An actual sambo

It's the current year after all. We need articles about the race of a fictional rabbit analyzed and jugged by your feelings.
