Based Alabama
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Excellent. I hope Mississippi follows Alabama's example. So many colleges there won't fly the state flag anymore, because "racist." Mississippi is filled with antebellum homes and other various confederate monuments.
I hope Georgia follows as well. People keep trying to tear Stone Mountain down.
It is good news. Liberals purposely and blatantly ignore why the memorials are there in the first place. That's why it's annoying.
The saddest part about all of it is that none of them even know anything about the civil war. I mean, it's your own countries past and all they know about it is "slavery" They don't know any of the battles or anything
Nope. They don't know a damned thing. A monument in New Orleans had "Tear it down" sprayed upon it. The monument was to Joan of Arc.
In New Orleans, they're also petitioning to have the Jackson Square monument taken down. Andrew Jackson, the man who defended Louisiana against British invasion.
These people can't even keep simple things like THAT straight, let alone actually be able to state one single fact about our Civil War.
Georgian here, just had a civil war museum close down because the owner was asked to take down confederate flags both outside and inside the museum. We're a lost cause, to many easily offended niggers.
Story link for anyone who cares:
There is hope as long as stone mountain stands.
Georgia really needs to pass a law like this or else liberals will be going after it next.
bump for comfy thread
>A monument in New Orleans had "Tear it down" sprayed upon it. The monument was to Joan of Arc
That is terrible. I have friends in Atlanta who have moved out because it was overrun with crime and enabling hipsters. Is the whole state coming down as well?
I think it was Turner that reran Gone With the Wind a few nights ago. I know it's just a movie, and they were burning down old King Kong sets to get the shot of Atlanta burning, but it is impossible for me to not feel anything when I watch the part in Atlanta. The hospital filled up, cutting off limbs with no anesthesia, and soldiers laid out in the dirt outside is a compelling retelling of what true hell that war was.
That museum should NOT have been shut down.
Picture of the county commissioner who requested all flags to be removed from a fucking museum.
That's gorgeous.
How come I've never heard of this before? Def wanna go see it in person.
This isn't comfy it's depressing as shit.
The only state I wanted to visit in the US was Louisiana, rich blend of French architecture and southern hospitality plus the mouth of the Mississippi etc etc. and liberals have gone and fucked it.
we don't want you here anyways
It's amazing. Made a special trip to see it. The park attached to it is charming. Kids love it.
I suggest you make your way there soon. These things being taken down come with no notice at all. The first monument removed in New Orleans began in the dead of night.
>In New Orleans, they're also petitioning to have the Jackson Square monument taken down. Andrew Jackson, the man who defended Louisiana against British invasion.
If it makes Sup Forums feel any better, I live about an hour from Andrew Jacksons home, The Hermitage. He's really well respected in Tennessee and his home is a really popular attraction and is basically a shrine to Andrew Jackson. The local government passes all kinds of legislation every year protecting his home and giving money to all kinds of Hermitage restoration projects.
His legacy lives on in Tennessee.
It's fucking amazing in person. It's definitely not something liberals would be able to take a crane to and take down in an afternoon. This shit is fucking permanent.
This makes no fucking sense. user. Don't want my tourist dollars. It's literally money coming in from outside your fucking country with your Denbt to China you should be sucking my cock to come and spend my hard earned dollarydoos.
I just think your butthurt louisiana has black washed a very important part of American history.
what are they doing with the monuments they tear down?
Well, to be fair New Orleans is a shithole, I wouldn't want my name associated with that shitty city, but the Civil War is one of the wars I'm most interested in and know a lot about and it's just sad to see so many retards commenting on it as if they're experts when really they have zero fucking clue
Makes me feel a little better... I just hate to see New Orleans have their history completely blasted away to appease a population that is largely uneducated blacks who have helped New Orleans outpace Chicago's murder rate. Now they're tearing down monuments cuz' "mah slavery."
>Liberals purposely and blatantly ignore why the memorials are there in the first place.
Because in the decades after the civil war, traitors couldn't admit they lost a war and wanted to memorialize the lost cause of the confederacy glorifying their failed rebellion in the hopes it could one day be successfully carried out while simultaneously rewriting history portraying the south as some sort of noble victim in the affair instead of the tyrannical instigator?
Anyone that has the balls to say these monuments are themselves anything but revisionist history in the first fucking place should try actually studying history instead of slaver fanfiction.
They're storing the dismantled monuments out in the open, just begging for the locals to destroy them. This "storage yard" is little more than a city dump.
I'm in one of the blue counties in Georgia, surrounded on all sides by limp wristed degenerates and butt hurt liberal blacks. It doesn't help that I work in the movie business and everyone I know is voting for ossoff. No one except my father and girlfriend knows how redpilled I am. I'd move if I wasn't making so much money.
see you at the highland games in october
Why doesn't someone like Ted Nugent buy them? Still confuses me
>This shit is fucking permanent.
There are PLENTY of buyers. The running story is, "We're keeping them here until we can figure out where they should go."
The monuments are probably going to be stolen and sold for their scrap metals while they are "waiting to decide what to do."
So then why doesn't the city sell them to those buyers and get some money in return? Are libcucks really this fucking petty and childish?
fucking talibans
put them in afucking museum or sold them to a non cuck state for fuck sake
Ugh. I had acquaintances in Atlanta who were trying to make it in the movie business. Most of them got no work at all, or got to be extras (zombies) for The Walking Dead. They were all hopelessly liberal. The only non-liberal nutjobs I've known there did work for Adult Swim. They had to keep their heads down about their politics.
Louisiana isn't worth it bro, this is the shithole of shitholes. Minorities and traitors everywhere. The boot is a lost cause. We're fighting tigers no longer. Now we're crying pussies
>Based 'Bama
bump from Florida
not even bothering to google, but Im betting she went to a state school and majored in something useless
They are all hopelessly stupid.
The major crams tax dollars into his pockets. (The monument removal was to distract from the murder and crime rate.) Most of the money in New Orleans is owned by Hollywood transplants, Jews, the Mob, and gang bangers selling drugs in the streets.
Everything is corrupt there. I got caught in a set up car accident one time. I was the only one with insurance. Some guy who gets into a wreck every single year and is addicted to prescription drugs sued me, and made up all types of BS about being unconscious on the scene. (He signed a waiver to medical help on the scene.) Later, the reporting officer altered his report to remove a car from the accident and settle the blame on ME. State Farm informed me they were just going to settle to get rid of them. They said NOLA has a huge racket where these guys set up car accidents, and know what officers to pay off, what lawyers to use, etc.
>people not understanding that confederates were americans before they were confederates
You've never been to Alabama, Gustav. It is anything but based.
>It's fucking amazing in person. It's definitely not something liberals would be able to take a crane to and take down in an afternoon. This shit is fucking permanent.
they wouldnt take it down, they would concrete over it
>It is anything but based.
t. yankee
What's not to love? Cheap, great weather, great food, great college sports, sense of community, conservative girls, the gulf coast is ridiculous.
The only major problem are the nogs but they are kept in check better than the northern cities
Stone Mountain is owned by the State of Georgia. The State lets the Stone Mountain Memorial Association run the park. The SMMA contracts Herschend Family Entertainment to run the commercial aspects- Attractions, Special Events, Camping, the Laser Show, and many other venues within the Park. The Marriott Corporation manages the Park’s two hotels and two golf courses.
Herschend Family Entertainment holds the lease to the park for the next 30 years.
The historic portion of the Stone Mountain Laser show is GREAT!
The Jackson statue will come to life and rip them all in half
but dey wuz rayciss tho, so dey wuz traitors
>taking down a literal witch's statue
that really holders my bolder.
Now he just needs to sign a law making it legal to hang niggers.
>This shit is fucking permanent.
All is impermanent.
What statue is that?
>tfw Yankees take no accountability for needing and requiring so much cotton from the south for their textile mills and industrialized economy that Southerners were faced with either being at fault for a nationwide economic downturn or having to augment the workforce with farm equipment.
pic relateed
this is bait, but you unintentionally touched upon some truth that ill address
many civil war monuments were indeed created as a "fuck you" to the federal government and the north out of spite for the war, but you are ignoring the norths detestable post war treatment of citizens, landowners, and confederates from rebel states, and also ignores the pre war contributions to the country as a whole prior to the war of some of these great men.
>but Im ok with forgetting the past and tearing down history
because the sooner everone forgets all the lessons learned from such a brutal conflict, the sooner we can get to the next one and I can start slaughtering liberals and commies
Ding ding ding!!
Spelman college(black women's liberal arts college), Bachelors in education.
the public reason you and usa invaded afghanistan dummy
the buddha of bamiyan in afghanistan blown up by taliban after trying for a milenia
T-thanks Sweden
t. Birmingham
Hoover reporting in.
>because the sooner everone forgets all the lessons learned from such a brutal conflict, the sooner we can get to the next one and I can start slaughtering liberals and commies
Yep. This. Once the Civil War is successfully reduce to little more than a victimhood narrative for black people, and all of the monuments gone, museums closed, history books sanitized, there is little to stop people from being RETARDED and starting a Civil War 2. Just look at the political hostility right now, the emotions, the ignorance. This last election was. A. MESS. A socially-engineered mess, but a mess. People will just push harder next election.
you're also forgetting about northern industrial interests driving up the price of farming equipment and industrial machinery while simultaneously using the goverment to drive down the price of cotton and produce so they could try and monopolize the southern farming industry by driving plantations out of business and leaving landowners with no choice but to rely heavily on slavery.
We just had a new mayor elected here in St. Louis (white female) and you know what her big cause is so far? It's not the blacks gunning a half dozen people down every weekend or the Metrolink transit system that's worse than a torture room from one of the SAW movies. It's tearing down a Confederate memorial erected a hundred years ago by women who raised money to honor their dead.
These people are insane. Today it's statues, tomorrow it's books.
If the North had not played games, the South would have industrialized on their own.
Anybody who thinks the North stopped using slaves was "compassionate" needs to do some serious reading. They replaced people with cheaper machinery. More money for them. Then they began to use this as leverage to screw with the South to make even more money.
>A monument in New Orleans had "Tear it down" sprayed upon it. The monument was to Joan of Arc.
Joan of Arc was white. They want to destroy white civilization.
They will come for Washinton, Jefferson, and Jackson as soon as they can.
Good, i'm tired of these fuckers trying to erase history.
also the tax of abominations
uuuh. that's pretty dumb.
Shouldn't the Protestant Christians want to take down ALL statutes?
What happened to Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images?
I forgot where I read it but many a literature from that era is either getting censored(ei no more nigger word) or removed entirely from public school.
Rejecting the arts is limiting the scope of individuality that the collective can bring. Islam still rejects art and it has basically zero culture because of it.