ITT: People who did nothing wrong
ITT: People who did nothing wrong
stalin was a megalomaniac and an egotist. He didn't care much about his people but he did cleanse the USSR from the jewry.As far as communist leaders go he was an okay one, keep in mind communism is cancer
Finland poster again.
Die in a gulag you traitor. Stalin was Jew bought and owned. Jews just disassociate themselves because they are always innocent victims
Stalin made Russia a superpower.
I don't think Stalin was a communist by the time he took power. Simply put, there's no way to go through what Lenin did (or what happened after his death) and by the Communist propaganda. Especially considering he had to backtrack to nationalism for WW2.
>poo in the loo's ancestors migrated to eastern europe. Become raging christian and massacre muslims in the 10s of thousands
Bro tier as fuck
He did nothing wrong, he just spoke some words and signed some papers, never killed anyone, the young lad.
Ho Chi Minh
Hugo Chavez
Ismail Ascari
Hassan Nasrallah
Malcolm X
Bashar Al-Assad
this is just stupid
Stalin killed 600k. Trotsky, Apfelbaul, Rozenfeld and other jews killed millions. Stalin killed this jews and replaced them with Russians in goverment. Now guess why nobody tell you about how bad was Trotsky.
It's because neo-Trotskyists infiltrated US government. I really, really hate trotskyists.
These two guys
He got killed shit hid and sneak
>He actually believes the official story when the picture "that was taken" was debunked
It is funny how feminism and other left things spreads in USA, but we have no feminism in Russia although it was USSR.
He didn't kill Jon corner
yeah we got him but we had to dump him in the ocean...
Shit sorry man
>>He actually believes the official story when the picture "that was taken" was debunked
No we didn't I was wrong to
Yeah, Stalinism is Russian patriotism, basically nazbol. Trotskyists is what inflitrated US government, they're called neocons. Just saying for dumb Americans.
Not only that but he did everything right.
>Trotskyists is what inflitrated US government, they're called neocons. Just saying for dumb Americans.
Terve, every paleoconservative and libertarian has known this since the 70s.
>White People
Yeah but there's Americans who don't know this in this board right now. Congrats, you're less retarded than other Americans.
What a qt
He should have just run mad bush doofs in his forest fortress full of free acid and skanky hippie chicks
>broke the aristocracy
>gave positions based on loyalty and merit
>ruthlessly butchered Muslim invaders who were invading his land to enslave his people
Why don't leftists love Vlad?
I wouldn't have anything against you mother fucking inbred finns, if it werent for posts like this.
Why the fuck can't you fucking retarded troglodytes just stay in your fucking lake filled country and be happy and drink beer and fucking ski or whatnot. Instead you feel the need to come out and write out your fucking dumb ass opinions on the internet.
Stalin didn't do nothing wrong. Fucking say that to the people whose families got killed and to the people who had everything taken from them. I swear to god I could kill you with my hands you absolute disgrace.
I'm not a Finn. I'm second generation Russian immigrant, my grandfather fought against Finns.
It's the opposite, you come to Finland build shitty houses and take your money you earned back to Estonia.
Last part of your post was basically "W-We're victims of c-communism! Totally not a chicken, though!"
Joseph Kony, anyone remember him?
I have no idea what you're trying to say, I've never built anything in Finland, nor do I intend to. But you are a Russian so, that automatically means that you're subhuman tier and anything you have to say is invalid.
You're trying to shame people that work in another country, but at the same time you are a fucking immigrant. Top kekkeroni Vlad.
Who said we don't?
>You're trying to shame people that work in another country, but at the same time you are a fucking immigrant. Top kekkeroni Vlad.
I know this is a hard concept for you losers to understand, but you Estonians are really shitty immigrants. There is such as thing as good and bad immigrant. Estonians are the bad kind. Go back to whining how you're a victim of "USSR oppression" when Estonia was the best thing that happened to your shitty country. Now you're miserable and are going to fall because you don't have daddy Russia helping you. SOVIET UNION HELPED YOU.
When USSR was the best thing that happened to your country*
did anybody do anything wrong ?
Actually the Baltic states were the only ones that gave more money to Russia than they received. Could be due to trade routes I don't know.
And I heard that they were the only ones whose situation improved after the fall, but I'm getting conflicting reports in that area. What did EU do to the Baltics?
What the fuck am I reading. This is the reason why no-one likes you parasites. You are actually retarded holy shit hahaha. And we are bad immigrants? Maybe, I don't know enough about the subject, I really doubt it though. That's especially rich coming from a Ruslan tho. Everywhere you go, shit follows. I hope you get shot :)
I agree. Finland desperately needs free helicopter rides. Can't stand these commies.
Castro didn't launch the fucking nukes and let Batistaists live. Mao was a retard at statecraft. Pol Pot was a CIA plant.
Go cry about muh ebil oppression, you were better under Soviet rule. And a lot said about you, you're really irrelevant. In fact, one of the most irrelevant countries under USSR. Don't talk shit about your superiors, cockroach.
Can confirm, situation has improved IMMENSELY, after Russia stopped raw dogging us in the ass. I'm sure other occupied countries can confirm this. OP is probably a brainwashed teenage Russian living in another country. Someone who has never witnessed what the Soviet Union brought to everything it touched.He has now been brainwashed by propaganda from Russian channels and believes the bullshit about the golden age of Russia. Russians living here have the exact same mindset.
>Can confirm, situation has improved IMMENSELY
That's why you're about to fall, right. Soon you're going to cry for help from Russians.
>OP is probably a brainwashed teenage Russian living in another country.
Teenager and brainwashed no
>Someone who has never witnessed what the Soviet Union brought to everything it
My grandparents and parents had it good, loser
>Had the whole eastern europe under it's boot for centuries
>Now Russian rapebabies cry about how subuman their conquerors are
Strong projection there
If you've been shit on another nations boot for your entire history just have the self awerness to avoid calling your TOP subhumanity
It's lik taking dick into your ass your entire life and then calling people names
>mfw nu-Sup Forums will never recognise pic related
Dimitri go back to your shithole country. Estonia is doing well thanks to my alcohol tourism. At least finns with excessive beverage drinking are helping someone.
>My grandparents and parents had it good, loser
Nice anecdote. I'm sure the millions who went to gulag would appreciate your reasoning if they were alive today.
why? whats stupid?
why are finnish ppl so stupid? you should go into your nuclear waste hole
He was cleaning the city's streets for men.
Germany, what has become of you?