Well, Sup Forums? Is it true? Are Germans patriotic?

Well, Sup Forums? Is it true? Are Germans patriotic?

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Taking care of the less fortunate is not patriotism, It's charity. It has nothing to do with a pride of one's homeland.

Patriotism is dumb. Nationalism and patriotism are not the same thing,.

Patriotism is great for mongrel shit piles like America (and now), Germany

>I love my wife, that's why I let other men fuck her.

Well you want her to be happy right?

No, now fuck off.

They know the dangers of blind love.

Well Hans, why don't you love your country?


This is for you cuck boy.

They let it happen

>that smug liberal shit in their post
>Germany shows patriotism by voting for the government to tread on them

What a gigantic little pussy.

>we show patriotism by voting for higher taxes on ourselves to make healthcare and college tuition universally accessible
>still doesnt pay NATO 2% GDP

pay debt now!

>We show patriotism by giving more of our money to the government
>Implying the government is "the people"

It says a lot about how Germans think of their country when, during my visit to Berlin, I saw many more EU flags than German flags

> mongrel shit piles like America
says the leaf

day of the rake when?

Patriotism awoke for a short time after we hosted the 2006 football world championship. There were flags everywhere.

But now? What is German anymore? When I go outside, I see niggers and sandniggers and women in headscarves everywhere I walk. This is not my country anymore. Merkel destroyed it. There's nothing left to be proud of.

And worst of all: I can't feel at home in my own coutry anymore.

If the US had a continent in thrall it'd probably fly some imperial flag as well.

I'm more angry than most Germans are they are useless cucks. If that kind of thing happened here we'd be rioting in the streets and literally drive the pieces of shit into the ocean by force and if they try to come back on shore we'd beat them to death. We'd make sure they fucking drowned to death.

Voting for that government which openly replaces you with the superior arab/african master race is about as patriotic as it gets, cuck.

Figures that it's the only way you Americans can perceive a thing, by showing off a false image of the thing rather than the thing itself.

Time to Fight for your destiny.

sorry bro, I'm learning German atm and my teachers are mostly german women, when I talk with them about Germany and the Turks and immigrants they speak of Europe as a whole and apparently there's no such thing as a "white" race for them... some have even married here

it's so bad that I don't even want to go to visit Germany, I can only dream of another Crusade...

fuck you Ahmed 1/10

> If that kind of thing happened here we'd be rioting in the streets and literally drive the pieces of shit into the ocean by force and if they try to come back on shore we'd beat them to death. We'd make sure they fucking drowned to death.
It's been 2 years, when are you going to do anything?

I find myself at a bit of an impasse, I've come to expect cuckishness out of the Swedes, where they justify rapes and proclaim there is no problem, but you krauts are different. Deep down, I know (as do you) that you guys aren't kidding when you explain you would like your nation to be replaced/destroyed. It speaks endlessly to the nature of who the Germans are in the grand scheme of European history, agitators, self-destructive masochists and worst of all, they remain smug and arrogant as they happily destroy the people and world around them.

When I see a Brit poster shooting the shit, I realize it may be a disgruntled muzzie or someone pulling a good ol' RP. Not with you German lots, you cunts are dead serious, you will replace your population with Arab/Africans, you will force other countries to do so, you will try to bring down the U.K. for leaving the EU and of course you will continue to destabilize the region, leaving a militaristic power vacuum in an area that is prepping itself for civil conflict among the populace. You lot are, by all accounts, the truly sick and insane portion of humanity, you can't be helped, so maybe you're right, you need to be replaced.

Taxation is theft and these fools think it's patriotic to pay ransom.

We're already cutting off the borders and we kick their skulls in in the nightlife if they ever go to clubs and bars etc and make sure we let them know they are not welcome.

It's what your cucked grandparents wanted for them. Now they're showing the world what a nonsense idea it was.

All you had to do was listen and now you're going to be minority white by 2050.

Look how muslims got defeated in past, we need few of these guys - send them into mooslims and they will do the dirty work.

same dynamic is at play in the USA bro


and Mexico is not much better, fucking marxists want to destroy our family structure and religious beliefs :@

After they clean up all mooslooms, they will get land and power, so you get some of theese guys to clean them up... and you are back in '40s again, repeat.

No, it's what the British royalty, Jewish Zionists and American/European industrialists wanted, my grandparents owned a textile mill in PA, they didn't give a fuck about the war, openly explaining as such. You don't even know who you're actually at war with, sad!

We don't need land. We got the entire east of Germany back, and it almost broke us financially. We still haven't reached the level we had before reunification.

It would be necessary to clean out all the sandniggers, though. They foul up my country. They have to go, one way or another.

Not you dickhead,
-Moosloms invade
-Serbs kill moosloms, they expanded
-Serbs attack Ausria, WW1,
-Serbs kicked in balls, ww2, etc...
moosloms come back, what now?
You think you have a lot of "Migrants", this is waiting to GET TO YOU

They show their patriotism by fucking over other countries in the Eurozone to enrich their national economy.

Would you be punished for firing wildly into the crowd?

They are waiting for "world" to give them "green light" to .... "do something"
In mean time, they keep them and let them go little by little,
wtf,, nobody thinks this all looks similar?????

fix dat

Hmm, really makes you think.

This German "patriot" (brainwashed Marxist) would be taxed to death if the US taxpayer didn't have to pay for Germany's defense as a part of NATO. Making Germany pay even half of the US spending on NATO would have the benefit of preventing their own ethnic demise via Islamic opportunistic invaders (((refugees))) who only came to Germany for their insane free benefits and women to rape. Germany would never have the opportunity to pay for Muslims to invade rape and pillage their own country like they are doing now if it wasn't for the USA's defense spending for NATO and Germany's dead beat strategy of paying below the required amount on defense spending. Pay your Denbts Germany and you will be much better off.

Yea, if only germany did not invade Iraq 2 times....
Maybe thats the reason 10x more turks, mosloms, niggers live in germany,
But in USA/UK 10 times less moosloms do 10 times more bombing.

But what is done is done, time for talk is over,
Step 1: Kill all Mooslooms
Step 2: ...
Step 3: Profit!

Why would we spend anything on NATO when we're not getting shit out of it, are you retarded?
>inb4 hurr durr evil russians
We've got half a continent between us and are investing heavily into our army at the moment, modern warfare would also make any invasion from them pretty much impossible.
Kill yourself, yankee, you pay because your elites see a benefit in it, not because we want or need you to do so.

dem feels..
Ive got nostalgic yesterday listening to this and reading the comments