Redpill me on Michail Jacksonov Sup Forums
Did he do it?
Was he /ourguy/ even if he didn't do it?
Redpill me on Michail Jacksonov Sup Forums
>billionaire lives life on the edge
>non-billionaire perceives different edge, tries to file lawsuit
>billionaire wins
well, men don't make kids and you can't blame kids so if he WAS a bad man I'd say the mothers were defs baiting him for money.
Yes he was definitely red pilled. He didn't do shit. Became too powerful and(((they))) had to take him down a peg by setting him up.
Truman Show related.
Did a KB about the Truman Show(Celeb breeding & handling program) which you can find in the Archives:
Jackson was a master of disguise
>jew me, sue me, everybody do me
>kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me
what did he mean by this?
Thanks for posting this. I never even began to consider the idea that without women's (and their bastard sperges) consumer goods, the ocean wouldn't be full of plastic. All those little kitchy knick knack garbage shit things, men simply don't have this habit.
You are so so so so so desperate for attention. You must be so lonely.
>Evan Chandler (born Evan Robert Charmatz; January 25, 1944 – November 5, 2009) was an American screenwriter and dentist, perhaps best known for accusing pop icon Michael Jackson of child sexual abuse against his son Jordan.
>Evan Robert Charmatz was born in 1944 in Bronx, New York.[4] In 1973 he moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, where he subsequently changed his last name because Charmatz sounded too Jewish.[4]
Isn't there a rule against spamming larp shit all over the forum?
Neverland was where peterpan took the kids to safety because he had his own childhood robbed from him right?
Really gets the old peanuts roasting
I wonder if MJ liked Pizza.
>could literally make every "shill" stfu if he just said ONE thing of substance
>can only manage to point people to previous threads
Fuck off
>named the jew
>oy vey he's a pedo goy
> be Michael jackson
> be abused as child
> Rise to top
> Want to protect kids
> Like fucking Peter Pan
> make my own Wonder Land
> Start singing about how color doesn't matter
> Press starts to hate me
> accusers looking for money
> Media ruins my name for views
> try throwing money at problem
> ofc it gets worse
> I hope my friend Donald Trump becomes president
> I can't take this shit anymore
>can't click a link
>things of substance
you think this is a fucking game?
>> be Michael jackson
>> be abused as child
>> Rise to top
>> Want to protect kids
pays parents millions so he won't be prosecuted for child molestation .
>did he do it?
>was he degenerate?
It was me all along.
This is fucking terrifying. I used to have nightmares that my penis would detach itself. Other nights, it'd be just the head of my penis that would fall off, but it was frankly just as scary. Whenever this happens, I think to myself from within the dream: "Oh, this is not good. How am I supposed to reattach my penis and have it work as it normally would?" You'd think that losing my penis would be a big deal to me, yet, for some reason, during the dream it always happens as more of an observation than a freakout, a sort of "Hm, my penis has detached from my torso. Wow." This is not enough to perturb me into waking, and fortunately, I eventually wake up to find that my penis is safely attached and secure. I'd recommend the men here train themselves to enter the dream world and remove their dream penis, as the discovery upon waking that your physical vessel still has a world penis is a really great morale booster folks, its essentially a life hack to always start your day on a happy note, without even having to fully wake up before receiving this good news. You just reach down and say, "Oh sweet, I still have a penis." I'm currently training myself to do this on a nightly basis so that my every day can start with a boost.
> try throwing money at problem
> ofc it gets worse
No, I can click his links. I used to think he was legit. But click his links. It's full of other anons saying things and him like "ahh yes...good point"
He never actually drops any hard information.
Then this faggot will show up later after something happens and act like he knew the whole time.
He's a fucking larper who probably spilled over from /x/.
Thanks for the info. Now I understand why black guys walk down the street holding their cocks through their pants. They are afraid their cocks will fall off.
I still don't believe he molested any kids. I can believe he was a fucked up weirdo manchild because of his upbringing and strongly desired the attention from children i.e. his "peers" he was denied at a young age. He was a weirdo, but not a pervert.
Jackson's Sister Says She Believes He Is a Molester : Scandal: 'This has been going on since 1981, and it's not just one child,' LaToya Jackson tells reporters in Tel Aviv. She has been estranged from other family members.
>Tel Aviv
The point I was making is that his family is full of fucked up lapdogs for the jews. Poor guy was born into this role and forced to do it by his father. Hes the only one of the 5 that ((they)) pushed to the spotlight. Why should I trust what any of his siblings say? Michel is the one that started to push back against the system. but ((they)) defamed him and made him out to be a child molester. Hes just as much as a victim as the alleged children he touched.
Michel started to push back so they defamed him.
thats Mikhail Yaksunov, Jewish pantomime street performer who is refugee in Israel escaped Soviet antisemitism