Seriously guys, what the fuck?
They've got modern weapons, vehicles, even drones to suit their needs.
Seriously guys, what the fuck?
They've got modern weapons, vehicles, even drones to suit their needs.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, UAE
The majority of Muslims worldwide send money to ISIS
War is peace user.
And becuase Muslims are renowned cowards the Iraqi army at the first oppertunity will sell their US made weapons to ISIS
WEW, why not include Benin in your list while you're at it?
>Saudi Arabia sells oil to West for $$$
>US sells weapons to Saudi Arabia
>Saudi Arabia uses oil $$$ and funds terrorists plus gives them some of their older weapons
>Terrorists attack West
>US justifies that this means Middle Eastern powers need more arms for defeating ISIS
Rinse and Repeat
they stole oil wells and sell the barrels cheaper to the black market
How do crISIS actors get all those fancy trucks, theatrical effects, and CGI software? Taxpayers.
you forgot the CIA
As all Muslims states are required to do, pay homage to the caliphate and once it has proved itself by actually conquering a place or winning a huge battle, they will need to proclaim loyalty to it.
Did you purposely not mention the CIA?
ISIS isn't not a creation of world jewry to destroy record of the caananite's learning how to worship the devil, the promotional murder porn is basically human sacrifice. Welcome to hell lads.
From the Saudi's via usa.
Why have we funded the very people they claim to attack us?
Saudi money, CIA gear.
This is super old news, man...super old.
Saudis, Israel, Us
Also you have to realize someone is buying the oil user. We never even hit their infrastructure until Russia started airstrikes.
>all these replies and no one acknowledge that they live off mainly through the oil wells they've stolen
Sup Forums is bluepilled indeed
>The majority of Muslims
Pissrael is not muslim.
Mind giving us a detailed list buddy?
Because they fight the Enemies of Israel
Same reason the Taliban were invited to the whitehouse during the Soviet war and Osama was an all time American superstar
Remember all those cities they took over? Those cities had banks and gold deposits in them.
This, the effect they use on those popular executions are fishy as fuck.
They took most of it when the pussy Iraqis we gave the vehicles and weapons to got high on opium and ran away at the first sign of potential threat. Then they took over the over the oil fields because we couldn't take/destroy them cuz the leftist world would have flipped a shit at us if we did
A lot of it was left over or shipped to the Middle East from the US.
If you remember, there were a handful of gun running operations that were exposed under Obama but were effectively memory hoped for the most part.
Aside from that, ISIS has been making rather lucrative oil smuggling deals with the likes of Erdogan/Turkey.
So whatever they didn't get from America, they are buying with dirty money from Erdogan.
As for their film equipment and HD videos, most are done on sets and aren't real. It's fair to wager that 40% or more of ISIS propaganda videos seen in the west are fake/staged.
Saudis and Americans finance them. Mostly Saudis though.
>Saudis and other shit states send weapons to ISIS and other "rebel" groups to fight in Syria and Iraq
>US, UK and most of EU sell weaponry and support those countries
ISIS is a money maker project created by CIA, MOSSAD, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. It's also possible that the Russians and China are involved in this, making it a global finance money machine that it's goal is to destabilize Europe and make chaos around the world.
the usa created an iraqi army that was sunni and shia.
Once isis came along, the army basically disintegrated, because sunni are scum. The sunni took over many military bases and looted all the weapons.
They're in much worse shape nowadays. Running on empty, so to speak.
Most of the first Isis soldier were armed and trained by US and NATO under the FSA name (only US used something like 10 billions).
Like the two guys of Charlie Hebdo.
They were trained by french forces.
they are indirectly supported through western tax dollars
They control oilfields in Syria and sell it on the black market.
US casually trains and arms "democratic opposition".
Saudi casually trains and arms wahhabi terrorists.
The only difference between them is who pays more at the moment.
american tax money
faggot, oman is the least jewed of all gulf states, the ibadis and the sultan is based and keeps his sultanate away from globalist wars.
what about the CIA, nigger?
>modern weapons
>still using Kalashnikovs as most footage of them shows
>pickup trucks aren't that expensive when you have thousands of supporters
>quad copters are so cheap now that even poor people can buy them
>most of their weapons were captured
>rest of their gear is all cheap ass chinese made tactical gear and clothing
>not using Kalashnikovs by choice
This. They get their weapons from us.
they also have a good production quality on their execution videos
You realize all those videos were probably shot and edited by a couple people?
Why do people sperg out over ISIS "production quality", all they're doing is using amateur level consumer cameras that today run only $1k USD or so. They're not doing anything you can't learn in a week online.
It's a joke jeez
>The majority of Muslims worldwide send money to ISIS
Does Sup Forums seriously believe this ?
Its ok buddy
Saudi Arabia and Iran are likely funding them
okay, out of all places what the fuck does Iran gain here?
Destabilizing sunni muslim nations
>theatrical effects, and CGI software
theatrical effects and CGI software are free, they just have to pirate adobe premiere and watch a few youtube tutorial videos
we know they have internet access because according to the news a few years ago they trained for the paris attacks on a private minecraft server
But Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Iraq acted as buffer states for Iran
This basically, but please don't let common sense interrupt your /sg/ circle jerk.
obama wouldn't bomb oil infrastructure or caravans with oil tankers cuz of (((environmental concerns)))
Selling 9-14 year old sex slaves in France. Without paying taxes.
saudi arbia
They sell oil and rob every place they get their hands on. There's videos of allied forces bombing trucks that delivers oil that isis sells.
ISIS = Israel
funded by arabs and equipped through the cocaine import agency
Trump just sold a ton of weapon to the saudis.
If you are a soldier there and capture ISIS soldiers make sure to do background checks on the weapons. They're most likely the same weapons.
From friends.
Fuck that. I wanna know what CIA agent is making their propaganda video's, they're so well made its hard to beleive that some idiot in Syria is making them.
memes and fake news aside its actually stolen equipment from retreated Iraqis and Assads troops
>the effect they use
what do you mean user?
Really obongo? Its more like drugs,oil and a slave trade. They were making 80MILLION a month in 2015.
Assad was having to buy back oil from their occupied fucking territories.
this. ISIS is simply an overgrown street gang. The gubments over there can't contain them so they take what they want
Straight from USA and ISRAEL
all the shit the americans left in iraq
also america used to fund ISIS back before they started blowing westerners up
Why is that pope Jeb Bush?
Nice Muslims from around the world give generously to support the effort. Nice Muslims that just want a better life for their children in the west. Nice Muslims who hide terrorists while playing the victim. How long did it take England to begin to understand. The terror isn't from refugees now it's 2nd generation citizens.
Almost looks like a government operation, doesn't it? think about that for a second
This has always bugged me. I don't doubt that Black market oil is very profitable, but I feel like there is a big state behind ISIS not sure which one but its not the gulf nations.
>The majority of Muslims worldwide send money to ISIS
Do you know how fast the FBI and their equivalent in major countries like the UK, Russia, France would crack down on Muslims who 'donate' to ISIS. Even if they give their money to middle men and then that money goes to ISIS the middle men would more than like get caught.
>Do you know how fast the FBI and their equivalent in major countries like the UK, Russia, France would crack down on Muslims who 'donate' to ISIS.
Between glacial and tectonic.
>not listing Israel in the first place
>leaving out Usa and Turkey too
How is the weather in Tel Aviv, Chaim?
They took over a third of Iraq with almost no resistance including all the military bases.
America funds/funded them, plus all the equipment and bases they looted after Obongo pulled out.
>Do you know how fast the FBI and their equivalent in major countries like the UK, Russia, France would crack down on Muslims who 'donate' to ISIS. Even if they give their money to middle men and then that money goes to ISIS the middle men would more than like get caught.
Lying cunt
we don't buy our oil from SA. However US and Israel has been funding ISIS through the Iran payments.
oh gee idk
The worlds biggest unsecret secret
confirmed for not knowing shit about anything
Trump just gave them $100 Billion in weapons.
Iran is the only one fighting them you retards.
>jews repeat a meme
>nu/pol/ believes it
Who's the guy on the left
>The majority of Muslims worldwide send money to ISIS
you listed a bunch of arab states
you should known that the majority of muslims worldwide are not even arab
ISIS has SHIT gear. They have no modern artillery or artillery of any kind, aimple tubes dont count. They lack tanks or APCs. They cant even contest or threaten the airspace
ISIS has shit gear, at least muhajadiins had AA missiles
Aveti internet in baza de la Deveselu?
What makes you think the FBI gives a fuck? AIPAC still controls most positions of power in the US and Isreal has come out and said that we shouldn't get rid of isis because they want to use it to fuck with Syria, Russia, and Iran.
Why are poeple always so content with their execution are they sedated or something?
Of all the weapons in the vast soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947. More commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the world's most popular assault rifle. A weapon all fighters love. An elegantly simple 9 pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood. It doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It'll shoot whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars.
>Islam is a race
Spotted liberal.
mcCain sent them stingers you idiot
isis is armed to the teeth
especially now with the Trump deal
What does Trump hold in the 2017 picture? A bouquet of Artichokes? What did he mean by this?
Nigger Iran is uninvolved. Straight from Hillary's mouth, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the two states who provide the most direct funding to isis.
he's the bride of the saudis
leaked emails
i didn't see nuthin neither
Trained on minecraft? Wouldnt they have been more concerned with getting diamonds?
Those look to be AK47's. Which is not modern at all. The 47 actuallty stands for 1947. Russia released the 74, in 74, and there was an update mid 80s for the 74. However, these days, they have new AK103 (there are more but they primarily use 103 and 104) The AK200. I've heard of them using HK413's too.
>what is AKM
stop talking out of your ass
Sorry, I meant HK416 and 417's