Could the modern USA win the Vietnam war if it happened today?
Could the modern USA win the Vietnam war if it happened today?
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They still didn't win war against Isis.
it's a post-winning world
>Ever winning a war
If you win a war against your enemies, they win.
No, because of leftists.
We were winning the Vietnam war until the faggot hippies who weren't even fighting got tired of the war. We had a 10/1 KD ratio and won every engagement against the Vietcong that we engaged in.
Probably do worse since they can't really use chemical weapons anymore.
Fuck no. The average age for a soldier was like 19 - 21, look at kids in that age bracket right now. Imagine them being dropped off in the jungle and told to fight.
If there were no rules of engagement. Look up all the stupid rules the US has to follow in war. If we went in and killed everyone on sight the government would surrender in a week.
how can they win agaisnt themself, suicide?
> American education
No, Vietnam wouldn't be won by might, rather it would be won by ideas. If the people turned against the communist, then yes, but when you fight a war to bring democracy to a people who want communism you will lose all the time. So the US needs an advance mind control weopan to win Vietnam.
Said the faggot.
We couldn't really use them in the first place. It just so happens that we were the primary backing for the UN and NATO so no other countries really had a say in how we fight.
Fuck off nigger.
go away
US wasn't even close to winning the Vietnam war
No. Because the Vietnam war was never against the Vietnamese.
It was against China.
If we were to get into a war with Vietnam, we would have to also declare war against China in order to win it. Without that declaration, the Chinese would just keep sending more and more soldiers across their southern border and the war would literally never end until we quit, just like last time.
it boils down to what you're willing to do to win.
chinks would have the numbers.
they would fight to the death for their rice empire.
the american army is now a mixed race bunch of fat negresses, midget mexicans and ptsd faggots.
I hate when people change the Rs to Ls.
It doesn't sound at all asian. That should be "Rock and Rorr"
Could have won it back then if it weren't for cuck hippies.
For awhile we "won", but when the dems took power they stopped supplying south vietcong which were still fighting. The north fucked the south and eventually reared its head in other countries.
No if we have today's technology back then we still would have lost because it was a strategic clusterfuck. Plus the south Vietnamese were a bunch of beta cucks who would "fight to the last American dollar" while Charlie would give his life to "reunification" with his brothers and sisters of the south. The only way to win would be to start world war 3
Vietnam is a disaster. And now Vietnam has ditched communism and is working with a free market economy. This is the best case scenario. Had it been split like Korea it would have been a disaster
Yes but a few conditions would need to be met. 1) Abolish "rules of engagement 2) Control propaganda , both internal and external. 3) No PoW, refugees, external burdens. 4) No prolonged occupation.
they didn't lose on the battlefield.
they couldn't fully defeat the yellow orcs neither.
so public opinion became frustrated.
they used conscripts too then. so you had mostly people who did not want to be there.
We could have won it back then.
Politics doesn't allow us to have a coherent strategy anymore, so we can't win wars like these.
Fucker you were pushed south, and were forced to hunt them in neighboring countries.
Agent Orange and White Pete arent chemical weapons
We could've won it. The problem was the political bullshit associated with the war.
The US wasn't committed to winning the war. Nor were they committed to winning in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trying to win by pussy-footing around is not a way to win. Total war is the only way.
notice how you literal niggers couldn't argue anything that was said. Because what was said in the post you responded to was objectively true.
the United States will continue losing any war where the enemy uses guerilla tactics and hides in plain sight as civilians
What the hell is a victory anyway?
Seriously, define victory. Fully anticommunist unified Vietnam?
If so, then no.
If it just means propping up South Vietnam, then yes.
i dont think modern total war is possible any longer for any nation beyond Africa tier. their populations and economy just wont allow it. also, for america, there is the issue of current factory strength.
You were never gonna win. The jews made sure of that. And the Tet would have broken South Vietnam with or without the support.
Yeah they could.
>muh kd ratio
War isn't like your retarded cowadoody games dipshit.
The stated aim of the Vietnam war was to prevent the communist invasion and annexation of south vietnam. That clearly failed. You lost.
And it wasn't "leftists" who withdrew, it was Richard fucking Nixon.
Nice baseless opinion faggot.
Only of we were allowed to invade the North.
It would be over quickly if that happened
What is the roman empire?
Yet ironically is what Westmoreland wanted, a pitched battle that allowed him to break the VC.
LBJ refused to allow him to chase them into Laos like he wanted to and continued to double down on the lying.
Richard Nixon withdrew because of the constant crying of leftists.
Is Vietnam currently communist? No? Huh, sounds like the stated aim of the vietnam war according to you was accomplished.
USA never lost a war
vietnam was stupid JFK democrat idiotcy holding pattern
I hope we at least got some oil
Id just nuke it flat
Tet was an overwhelming military failure for the NVA and Viet Cong. Learn some history.
If the US had gone any further into Vietnam, the Soviets and Chinese could of gotten involved and caused WW3
>inb4 100s of replies
Here's your YOU, faggot.
He's right you know
Total war is the only way to win. Few or no rules of engagement. Nuke the town, fuck the civilians.
1. Battle of Ap Bac
2. The Sinking of the USNS Card
3. Attack on Bien Hoa Airbase
76. Battle of Thon La Chu
77. Fall of A Shau
84. Battle of Hamburger Hill
85. LZ East Overrun
86. Attack on Cu Chi
87. Battle of Plei Trap
The list goes on and on my friend, they never "won" on the battlefield. They just proclaimed victory and went away to get slaughtered somewhere else.
This is a super cucked answer but sadly it's true
>winning winning, so much winning
Define winning, if it means leveling that country like the ME they ae probably capable.
No napalm but we have MOAB now.
>Richard Nixon withdrew because of the constant crying of leftists.
no, he withdrew because Kissinger and Ellsberg knew there was no "win condition" in Vietnam.
How come Americans are ignorant as fuck?
How can you explain this when you are the richest nation on earth?
Yet it still broke Saigon. That was the head that needed to be cut.
"Vietnam remains one of the world's four remainingone-partysocialist states officially espousing communism." From the Wikipedia page for Vietnam. So, I would say yes, it's a communist country
Not with these leaders
>Trump is the exception
The fucking weaklings would be to soft and cowardly to do the dirty deeds needed to win
>Killing civilians
>public executions
>punishing suspected partisans
>Killing all communist
Who were hardcore leftists and jewish
You seem to be struggling here.
wars are meant to be sustained not won.
>LBJ refused to allow him to chase them into Laos
The gooks already know that would happen, that's why they went with the plan. They knew that the congress is against the war and US support was eroded. The whole offensive was based upon how unpopular the war was in the US.
>there are still people who think that the Vietnam War was a military defeat
Consider zyklon you historical revisionists.
Not as long as China has literally unlimited manpower. BTW, it was not a war, Australia.
Sure, a dozen moabs and that whole place is purified.
Our wealth was a result of two world wars not american exceptionalism and our educational system is absolutely kiked to dumb it down for shitskins
>tfw they technically won WWII
Kissinger was a jew. Ellsberg was a leftist and a jew. You can try and twist my statements all you want but what i said was true.
that "war" hasn't even begun.
honestly, i have no clue. if they use tunnels again, im sure we'll figure out how to bomb the shit out of them.
>it wasn't a war but 60k american soldiers died
the USA could have won if it wasn't a domestic PR disaster. the war was lost because we left.
>not a war
You said Kissinger was a leftist but that's LAUGHABLY false, so no, what you said wasn't true.
Why would they wage war on their own boys?
I worded it poorly but corrected it since you need to be spoonfed.
America won the war back then, so i dont get your point. Anything that happened years after the treaty was singed and america left doesnt count.
Nice retarded retort mongoloid.
Going home with a stick up your ass barely counts as winning.
You haven't actually said anything of substance to counter what that user said. You just retort with ad hominem attacks and conjecture.
So you admit what you said was wrong. Good job.
it wasnt, war was never declared, roe were that of peace keeping, meaning we had to take causalities before we were allowed to engage the enemy
jews are ALWAYS leftist no matter what they may try to make you believe. jews and conservatism are anathema
We would wipe them out with the precision the likes of which have never been seen on this planet.
Could the United States of America win a war against Vietnam? Well if we're talking about a conventional war then yes the United States would win that war.Much like other comments suggesting the United States would need to win an ideological war, they're correct in saying so!
Vietnam is already becoming more and more open with their markets.There is already a lot of American investment into the country and there will be more coming, I could see the United States and Vietnam clashing yet again and the United States winning.Not only the conventional war but the ideological war over time due to the failure of the socialist experiment in Vietnam.
I admit that it was worded poorly and that inbred Canadians seem to struggle with reading comprehension, yes.
Notice how you're the only one making this into an issue. It's just you
If they were willing to fight a scorched earth, glass all resistance kind of war, then yes.
But they're not, so no.
self inserted stick certainly not inserted by those millions we killed
But we'd kill an awful lot of chinks in the meantime.
>I admit that it was worded poorly
So you were wrong. Glad to see you can admit it.
no because we'd still try the same shit we did last time, the military-industrial complex doesn't give a damn about winning, just perpetual conflicts for perpetual contracts.
Jungle warfare is hell. Anyway, the Soviet Union is not here anymore to arm/help them so you may be right.
Does this count as winning?
no, these days people would respond to the %s of fatalities by race much quicker
so if you were black and got drafted for vietnam if you had one button unbuttoned they would stick you in the brig in solitary for 3 days with no sleep then hand you a rifle with 5 rounds in it and send you to the front line, also we were shelling a location adjacent
it took a year before 20% black fatalities prompted people back here to complain enough for them to stop the practice
WWII was exactly the same except we were trying to get rid of jews and protestants from Pennsylvania
Stupid grape niggers
Best thing you have done is taken over Ethiopia during WW2,
Youre literally worthless
Is the political situation the same? If not the US would just invade the north, topple Ho Chi Mingh and leave 200,000 soldiers there for a decade or so before withdrawing. The strategic reason we lost was because we couldn't invade the north meaning we could only react and could never achieve any permanent victories.
You're literally a meme. Before the newfag invasion your logic was mocked endlessly here.
nope as they didnt even finsh and win afganistan and iraq. Looser nation stays a bunch of loosers.
I was jokes, Sven is right in this case Nobody declares war and nobody wins war in a very literal sense. Perpetual conflict is intrinsic of the global hegemony we live in today.