It must be humiliating knowing that a Syrian immigrant is better than you
She's smarter and works harder than Trump and his supporters
you amerifats gets to pick and choose their refugees
meanwhile europeans have to sit on our busses every day outnumbered 1 to 4 by somalis that we are supposed to treat like "syrian doctors and engineers"
enjoy feeling superior, but just remember that you chose to fly them over the atlantic yourselves
>I believe everything posted on Twitter because I have the mental capacity of a sock.
Great bot post
Syriangirl lives in Australia and she has beautiful cock sucking lips solely meant for Australians.
America and Europe get all the slags that were raped by donkeys.
>worked and worked and worked
Cool, so what's the problem with sending back all the freeloaders who just want to leech off the west's social services?
>Syriangirl lives in Australia and she has beautiful cock sucking lips solely meant for Australians.
>A Syrian immigrant
who gives a shit
(((work))) is a jewish buzzword
Whats the point?
Affirmative action. Nothing more.
Key word: immigrant, not illegal or undocumented... LEGAL immigration is not the problem. FUCKIN RETARDED LIBERALS!
Maybe so, but you don't have to deal with illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America.
Thank God another women's liberal arts graduate! I was worried we wouldn't have enough of them!
>graduated from """"college""""
>not university
Why would someone make a college just for that
>Bradd Jaffy
I'd love to bodyslam that cunt.
is she legally here? yes? good.
to profit off of people's stupidity
and it's working
beta males need to be sterilized as bad as any niggers do. They're destroying the white race.
>LEGAL immigration is not the problem
The_Donald redditor detected. This country isn't a fucking charity. Stay in your country and help fix it instead of running from a problem.
Great. Now it's time for her to go back to Syria and make it great.
I prefer immigrants from south of the border to those from the middle east and north africa. At least their values system is based upon xtianity as is ours. Much easier to understand, absorb.
Is this the new ShareBlue tactic?
legal immigration is a problem.
>Graduate with some womens studies degree
>Be billionaire and president
Yeah the second one is much easier to accomplish
>My parents worked and worked and worked so I could run up huge debts at a private school that is a punchline to everyone who isn't a softball playing dyke
That'll bring you great shame, I tell you hwhut.
Everybody who isn't fellating mutilated muzzie and kike cocks are shareblue. Me included
>I actually pictured a bed in my head and not some office desk or factory
Her success synchronized about the time white males began to be ushered out.
If anything we should recognize that success is entirely dependent on institutional power and see her for the hollow drone she really is.
I live like 40 minutes from there should I go and call ICE? I guarantee if they're glorifying this shit there will be illegals too
Who cares if violent brown people from a hostile culture invade our lands and ethnically displace the native population, all that matters is that they do it legally.
Checked and loled
this is fine. they weren't refugees or illegals, so why do people assume Trump would have a problem with this?
oh, right. because they've built up a strawman in their head of what him and his supporters are actually against, that being all brown people regardless of citizenship or how they got it.
These graduation ceremonies are so cringy. You're getting a fucking liberal arts degree, standing there in a robe getting to look and sound important for a day is probably the peak of her life.
you can tell who's from the donald just by the way they type, it's fucking hilarious
Prove that she works harder than me and Trump. Go on, I'll wait
congrats now go and pay for your shitty degree for the rest of your life
+1. They're worse than the monkeys because they know what they're doing is wrong but they don't care
Students don't work hard, they just fuck around all day long.
Sage. Fuck her. And fuck you. That cunt hasn't hard a hard day of work EVER. Neither has OP.
Superiority does not ascend from intellect, socioeconomic, charisma, or excellence. Rather it descends from the immaterial to imbibe man with higher qualities. This woman is no better than a common rock without that.
>It must be humiliating knowing that a Syrian immigrant is better than you
Wow its fucking nothing. You are literally comparing leeches to nation builders.
You know what our forefathers went through?
Toiled the land.
What that person did is so miniscule they had to work 3 times to give it value.
You know what real work is? Try studying for decades as you juggle house work and family, and the only reason your existence is known to the world is after your achievements.
In this day and age popularity is something that the MEDIA rides on harder than anyone would ever ride a mule. It's not something you get because you deserve it. It's something you get because the MEDIA is desperate for relevancy.
>It must be humiliating knowing that a Syrian immigrant is better than you
Such a bigot thing to say
>first Gen
>implying she is the same as dirty migrants
>implying women at Wellesley work hard than then president
>being this delusional
Yep you're a lib
>fuck Drumpf and fuck white people
>why don't white people want me around?
I don't think we take the cream of the somali crop. I don't know who's taking them, but it doesn't seem to be the U.S. Ask Canada, they get shifty and look uncomfortable every time I mention us needing to filter for higher-quality immigrants.
Somalians here are just as bad. They're cowards though.
>cream of the somali crop
god, even the cream of the somali crop would still struggle in america
They have a serious fucking problem understanding the difference between refugees, migrants, economic migrants, and immigrants, too.
>Wellesley College is a private women's liberal arts college
Why is this news?
Literally the only criteria needed to graduate is to have a twat and be a liberal
We pick them, ever notice these people are never in hijabs or traditional garb? Its cause we accept christians
He was the son of two Libyan refugees....
Fucking cringe man, keep circle jerking in your "white" safe place, majority of posters here are ethnics who identify as white people. Your even a minority on this board. The nazi keeps the normies out but only white normies
Immigrants. not refugees. They came to the US by choice, from a country that was at peace.
damn... guess thats it for me bois... only thing to do is all the refugees in... you can't argue against this... a woman graduated... its all over... you must do the christian thing and turn your daughters buttcheeks when they are slapped by superior black men...
Alright buddy, put down the proxy and no one gets hurt
That's pathetic user, look at what you've written here. What would your mum say if she read this? Is this how you treat women?
Her parents worked and worked. Good for them, not so much for the raping, burning, killing leeches.
Good then send her back to her home country, they surely need a talented and skilled person like her.
Day of the rake my friend. All your gibbering here is just serving to damn you further.
>identify as white people
>chink leafs
>spic burgers
>autistic Slavs
>Mongol Finns
>paki Brits
>Turkish krauts
I'd be surprised if there are more than 10% actual white posters here
>founded in 1870
Daily reminder: The Manchester bomber was the son of legal Islamist Libyan refugees that arrived in the UK in the 1980's after being defeated by Gaddafi who went back to Libya in 2011 to fight him again.
They rewarded the UK for multiple decades of support and opportunity by sending their offspring back to blow up 138 people. Their other son was planning a gun rampage. All supported by a network of refugee Muslims from around the city and surrounding region.
>liberal arts school that only accepts lesbian students
Oh my, she sure showed me!
I'm happy for her, and the fact that her parents worked and were able to raise a seemingly respectable adult that will contribute to society.
However, she's not doing better than me.
Take your high class attitude and gtfo, this is a neet board only
Im american, posting in leaf land
>just as bad
theyre worse than the afghanis
>better than a European
>Must be humiliating knowing that the Republican Party is better than you op
>sand nigger gets US handouts and then thinks she's better than everyone
Why would someone even go to college for that.
>when achmed gives your wife a gynocological examination
She actually looks like shit
Legal immigration is a huge fucking problem, even more than illegal immigration. Don't let yourself be convinced otherwise.
>any immigration is not bad
Hey, the donald!
Let's be real; the 14th Amendment is the problem.
Legal immigration is a bigger problem. There are more legal ones then illegal ones. The legal Nigerian doctor is more likely to marry a white girl than the illegal Mexican apple picker is
This strategy always makes me laugh. Who does this appeal to?
>if it's bullshit, which it most certainly is
You are insulted because some white cuck is telling you to your face you are worth less that a 4th world goat herder and they are more deserving of your country than you are
>if it actually is true
Enjoy your welfare, you lazy fat and stupid American! Aisha here is taking your job because she is superior to you in every way, and is more American than your parasitic ass will ever fucking be!
My gut reaction to either scenario is to keep this person well the fuck away from me and mine.
>fucked around and got a triple double
Ice Cube approved these trips
looks like an inbred guy with slight acid attack on the cheekbones
send it to europe where it belongs
>they have a serious problem understanding the difference between brown people, brown people, brown people, brown people, and brown people, too
I like Syrians. I dislike "refugee" niggers
I have 3 kids, work 40 hours a week and go to school as well as trade stocks, and almost have the money saved up to buy my first house.
This bitch doesn't do shit. She's just another run-of-the mill college student.
Levantines are classified as Caucasian in the US and don't get any affirmative action.